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Book online «TITANIC SCRIPT (Part 1) by Luke Kubiak (books to get back into reading .TXT) 📖». Author Luke Kubiak

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already wealthy—
Not wealthy enough sir. Now, just finish what you have already started.
-Trevor leans back and begins to write on the paper.
Farewell then Mr. Francis.
38 EXT. John and Gerald – Titanic – Morning
John and Gerald are standing outside of the first class entry which leads to the Grand Staircase.
-John looks at the entry.
Well, wish me luck going in there.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
Just because there is some random stranger kicking you out, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any privileges to first class.
-John tosses the coin up then catches it and looks at Gerald.
Yes, but it’s not too easy for me. Yes, honestly, I do have the clothes of a poor man, but I don’t know why wealthy people aren’t very understanding, other than you Mr. Clarence.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
John, I said before, call me Gerald. It’s quite alright.
-John looks down and smiles.
I’ve seen things in there Gerald, things that I have never seen before.
-Gerald chuckles and leans against the wall and looks at John.
They’re not special John. How did you get your tickets?
-John takes a deep breath and looks at Gerald.
Well, I bought them. I bought with money my father has collected. I have an extra ticket back in my cabin. I doubt that it will have any value after this voyage.

-Gerald looks at the ticket in John’s hand carefully then looks at John.
You should really save that. Maybe if you have a few tricks up your sleeve, you could change the date on this ticket.
-John looks down at the ticket and then looks at Gerald.
Yes. If only I had a few tricks up my sleeve Gerald.
-John chuckles.
-Gerald smiles at John.
Come on, we’ll walk around in there.
-John looks at the first class entry door.
I can’t. My ticket’s not valid in there. I’ve been warned by an officer I think.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
Officers don’t mind. They stay outside or in their headquarters. Come on John.
-Gerald looks at the door.
-John chuckles and looks at the door, speechless.
Well, alright, count me in.
39 INT. John and Gerald – Titanic – Noon
John and Gerald are walking around in first class. Gerald is showing John around and how everything works around. There are other first class passengers walking around and looking at John, knowing he doesn’t belong there. Gerald then walks John to the elevators.
-Gerald looks at the elevators and then smiles at John.
We have elevators.

-John looks at the elevators and looks at Gerald.
I’ve heard second class has elevators. Things look familiar around here.
-John looks around then sees Daniel Warner talking to someone in the distance.
Oh shit…
-Gerald looks at John.
What? What is it?
-John still stares at Daniel.
It’s this guy, with the gun. He hates me…
-Gerald looks around John’s direction then sees Daniel.
Oh, Mr. Warner, the man with the gray suit?
-Gerald looks at John.
You’re talking about him, right?
-John looks at Daniel without any emotion.
Yes. Yes, I’m talking about him.
-Gerald looks at John.
I think it would be preferable if you stayed out of his way. He’s tough, tough, tough. They say he’ll kill any man who opposes him.
-John looks at Gerald.
He hates me, and I think he’s going to try to kill me if he sees me here again.
-Gerald looks at John awkwardly then looks at Daniel.
-Daniel laughs and sips from his glass.
If there’s one main thing about him, it’s that he’s not a very nice guy to people he dislikes.
-John looks at Gerald.
Well thanks Gerald.
-John looks at Daniel.
Do you think he’ll kick me out if he sees me around here?
-Gerald chuckles and looks at Daniel.
Yes, well that’s just him. You know, some people aren’t very friendly these days.
-Daniel chuckles and looks around. Daniel then sees John and Gerald staring at him, and then stops smiling right away.
-John looks at Daniel with suspense.
I think I’ll be on my way now.
-John starts to back away slowly.
-Daniel looks at John with a suspicious face and starts walking towards him.
-Gerald looks at Daniel but whispers to John.
John, follow me. I think he hates me as well. Just follow me.
-Gerald turns around and walks away with John.
-Daniel starts to walk faster to follow them.
-Gerald turns around whilst walking away.
He’s not buying it.
-Gerald starts speed walking away. John follows and does the same.
-Daniel starts to jog after them with a suspicious look.
-Gerald starts to run away from Daniel.
Come on John! Follow me!
-John follows Gerald.
-Daniel starts running after John and Gerald.
You! Stop! Stop now!
-Gerald and John continue to run from Daniel.
-Gerald then makes a quick turn on a corner with John.
-Daniel stops all of the sudden and runs down the corridor.
-Gerald reaches the corner and stops.
Alright, alright, I think we lost him.
-Gerald looks at John and breathes heavily.
-John chuckles and smiles at Gerald.
That was quite an adventure. Anyway, you sure know your way around here.
-Gerald smiles at John.
Thank you.
-John walks to the other wall and leans against it.
That guy’s not going to give up so easily now, is he?
-John looks to his right and sees Daniel reach the wall on the far right side.
-Daniel looks at John.
-John runs forward with Gerald following him.
-Daniel runs the other way.
-John quickly runs for the door with Gerald.
-John opened the door and ran out with Gerald. Then both of them stop at the railing and breathe heavily.
-Gerald smiles at John and breathes heavily.
This is the last thing a man like me would do.
-John looks down and breathes heavily.
Well, he’s probably angry about the fact that we think this is a game.
-John chuckles and smiles at Gerald.
Did you see the look on his face? He wasn’t very happy.

-Gerald leans his head back and takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
Now I’ll have to wait before going back to my cabin.
-John looks at Gerald.
Let me tell you something Gerald, you made this trip more interesting.
-Gerald looks at John.
Thanks John. I never knew lower class people are interesting. I would’ve never ran from that jerk alone John.
Yeah but I just have a bad feeling about him.
-John turns around and looks at the horizon.
I bet I’ll never see him again.
-Trevor and Hazel walk past John and Gerald.
-John looks at Trevor and Hazel walking away.
And without an absolute—
Mr. Long.
-Trevor stops and slowly turns around to John.
-Trevor looks at John and chuckles.
John, I almost didn’t recognize you!
-Gerald smiles at John.
-John looks at Trevor.
Yeah, anyway, have you ever seen a man around first class just walking around, probably trying to find trouble?

-Trevor takes a quick glimpse at Hazel then looks at John.
A man in first class?
-Trevor chuckles and then puts his index finger on his bottom lip.
Um, I’ve seen many men there, just walking around.
-John looks away then looks at Trevor.
Allow me to rephrase the question a bit sir. Have you seen a man, with a gray suit on, just walking around in style, looking for trouble?
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence, do you know what he means because I really don’t.
-Gerald looks at John and then looks at Trevor.
Yes, we were chased by that guy.
-John looks at Trevor.
He showed me his gun in his holster, under his jacket.
-Trevor looks at John awkwardly.
I don’t know what you’re talking about John.
-Trevor looks at Hazel.
Do you?
-Hazel looks at Trevor and nods in disagreement.
-Hazel looks at John.
Why did he chase you?
-John looks at Hazel confused.
That’s the problem, we don’t know.
-Trevor smiles at John and Gerald.
Well, one man can’t ruin this voyage for you! Let’s grab a drink gentlemen.
40 EXT. Stern – Titanic – Noon
Charlie and Ben are looking overboard whilst leaning against the railing on the stern of the ship.
-Charlie spits down then quickly looks at Ben.
You want to find John?
-Ben looks at Charlie.
John? Why all the sudden?
-Charlie sighs and looks at the horizon.
Because I was supposed to stay with him on this trip since he’s my older brother.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
He got the tickets for us, but I just don’t know where he always goes.
-Ben chuckles then looks down at the water.
He’s probably on an adventure to find that magical part of the ship again.
-Ben looks at Charlie.
-Charlie looks at the horizon.
That’s what I think as well. Come on, let’s go find him.
41 INT. First Class Smoking Room – Titanic – Noon
The musical band is playing; everyone there looks like they’re having a good time. The camera goes over to Trevor and the others at a table.
-Trevor lays down a card and grabs another one from the separate deck. He then looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence, now you. Which do you call?

-Gerald looks at the cards in his hands then looks at Hazel.
Ms. Flynn, perhaps you’d like to go? I’ll skip my turn.
-Gerald leans back and looks at Hazel.
-Hazel looks at her cards then looks at everyone at the table. Everyone at the table are laughing silently at her.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor and the others.
What, you don’t think a woman like me can play cards?
-Hazel puts down all the cards from her hand. All the cards appear to be aces.
-He smiles at the cards.
The young lady has won!
-Trevor looks down at the cards.
Well that’s absurd. I am supposed to win!
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
Well now I know you’ll remember this Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at Hazel.
Good job dear, yes I’ll remember it.
-Trevor chuckles.
42 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Noon
Trevor and the others are walking out of the smoking room.
-Gerald smiles at Trevor.
Great game today Mr. Long.
-Gerald and Trevor shake hands.
-Trevor smiles at Gerald generously and walks away.

-John walks up to Hazel and taps her left shoulder for her attention.
Ms. Flynn?
-Hazel turns around and smiles at John.
Well hello Mr. uh…
-Hazel has a hard time remembering John’s name.
-John smiles at Hazel.
John. Please call me John. It’s just a name, no need to have a hard time about it.
-Hazel looks away.
Well thank you.
-Hazel smiles at John.
-John smiles at Hazel confused.
I feel we should talk more, but since I’m from the lower class, we should just set up an arrangement to meet somewhere, sometime…
-Hazel turns around then looks at John.
Sure, sounds great. You’re right; maybe we should just know each other since you’re a friend of my fiancé.
-John nods in agreement and smiles at Hazel.
Right, right.
-Hazel smiles at John.
It was nice talking to you Mr. John, John. I’m sorry. Bye Gerald, John.
-Hazel walks away.

43 INT. Hazel’s cabin – Titanic – Afternoon
Hazel is in her cabin, looking down at her jewelry.
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