Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) 📖

- Author: Faith Gunter
Book online «Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) 📖». Author Faith Gunter
"Umm excuse me . Are you okay." I said in a very angelic tone.
" No, my car just broke down now I have no way to get to class." She said sobbing.
"Even though I'm new I would love to give you a ride. I'm Allyssa but you cn call me Ally." I said with my hand out.
" Really, thank you so much." she said standing up.
"My name is Malinda."she grabbed my hand and shook it.
She stood up grabbing her bag off of the ground, and dusting it off before following me. I led the way to my car and then unlocked it. I had the satisfactory of seeing her mouth the word wow out the corner of my eye. We climbed into my car and shut our doors at the same time. I reached into the back seat and grabbed my notebooks and pencils a stuffed them into my bag. Its a good thing I left my gymbag in the car yesturday. I had P.E. today. Malinda and I talked the whole entire drive to the cafeteria. She offered to let me sit with her during lunch. I calmly excepted the offer. When we were outside of the cafeteria Malinda asked if her make-up was okay.
"Yes, you look perfect." I said rolling my eyes. She grabbed both of the handles to the cafeteria's door and said,
" Welcome to St. Edwards.", then she pulled both of the doors open and we walked in. The loud lunchroom became very quiet with everyone's eyes on me. I looked around at all of the awe strucken faces before following Malinda to the food line.
"What's everyone staring at?" I whispered to Malinda.
"I think it's you." she whispered back.
"I mean I know that but why?" I asked getting worried.
"Well you are the new girl. You just walked in with one of the most popular girls in school, and you are kinda pretty." she said looking me up and down.
Chapter 6Chapter 6
At the end of breakfast I had a meeting to go to with the principle. My parents arranged a test for me to take to see what element I posses. I walked into the main office, which was freezing cold, and walked right up to the front desk.
"Excuse me." I said quietly."I'm here to take a test to see which element I posses."
"Ahh, yes, miss Bay" she pushed a buzzer that was on her desk.
After that you could hear a faint ring."The principle is ready to see you now."
I walked into the principles office. On his desk was a little sign that said principle Skinner. I sat down in the seat that was placed infront of his desk.
"Hello miss Bay. How is your stay so far?" He asked with an emotionless expression on his face.
"It is fine." I said with the same emotionless look on my face.
"Okay. You are here to take a very important test. I will ask you some questions. You will answer them then explain your answer breifly. Are you ready?"
"Yes I am."
"Good then lets begin. Question number one. What does it feel like to you when you go swimming?"
"Thats easy. It feels like a sensation. The water against my skin feel like satin on a summer day."
"Question number two. When it is windy out side what do you like to do?"
"Sit out side and feel the wind blowing through my hair."
"Question number three. If I were to throw soil on you right now what would you do?"
" I would take it and throw it back on you. I like puting my feet on the ground as much as the next person, but I just washed this oufit." He looked at me astonished.
"Question number four. Have you ever stuck your hand in a fire? If so what did it feel like?"
"Yes, I have. It felt like a rush of fire overcoming my body.It was freakin awesome."
"Question five. Do you believe in the spiritual relm?"
"Yes, have you ever felt like some one was always watching you but when you look around you don't see any one. I have it's not fun." And the rest of the test contiued like that.
Finally after the fifty-fith question we were done. Then principle Skinnner got up and left his office.
Chapter 7Chapter 7
Mr. Skinner came back, but he brought along the secretary. I should really learn that womans name. They didn't sit down like I expected them to. Mr.Skinner closed the shades on the windows and the secretary locked the doors and closed the vents.
"Allyssa,"principle Skinner started
"It has come to our attention that you have a very powerful and important element. It's called the allement. Very few elementals in the world have this element. In this element you posses all of the elements and the very rare spiritual element. We are going to have to change around your schedule.You cannot tell any one about this. There are many more magical creatures out there who are evil. They will try to use you for this pourpose. You must not tell a soul not even your parents. I will be the only one to know. Later I will erase Ms. Bluemonts memory of this conversation."
"Wow, that's alot to take in. What new classes am I going to have to take?"
"You will have to take first period earth elemental, second period fire elemental, third period air elemental, fourth period water elemental, and you will have a private lesson with me for the spirit elemantal. The rest of your scheduele, after lunch, will remain the same. You may go. Miss Bluemont here will print out your new schedule."
Oh, so that's her name I'm going to have to keep that on file. I stood up looked at both of them and said.
"Okay". Ms. Bluemont lead the way out of the door and up to her desk. She handed me my shedule a stared at me with a smile.
"Here's your schedule miss Bay."
"Thankyou." I said walking out of the room.
First period hasnt started yet. I still have five of the ten minutes between each class. Thankfully ms. Bluemont put a compete map that showed me ho to get to all my classes from the main hallway. I walked quickly to my first period earth elemental class. I was not late ,but class had started. I gave the teacher my slip and took the first seat I saw which happened to be in the middle of the classroom.
Wow if this is what they call the center of attention, then I wonder what their v.i.p. area is like. LOL if my bestie was here she would so laugh at that joke. I started off paying attention to what the teacher was saying then I kinda drifted off. I spotted a rock in the corner of the window seal.
I decided to try out my newly found power. I became very concentrated. Within one minute I had the rock floating over to me and morphing from its orginal form. In the end I ended up with an apple. I don't even know how I did it. All I knew was that it looks soo cool. I looked up at the teacher who was looking at my apple then at my face. He Picked up a piece of paper and began writing something down.
I looked around the class room. No one noticed how he stopped teaching. Wow, this class is very unattentive. They did not even notice that a teacher first of all was staring at me not only that he was writing something down to. I mean come on, the man stopped for five mintutes straight and I'm the only one reacting.
Chapter 8Chapter 8
Finally the bell rang. I stood up out of my seat and stared at my schedule. I have fire Elemental class next. I walked down the hall to the fire elemental. I was happy that they didn't put me in a beginners class. They said with my temper that I'll do fine. Of course when I walked in who did I see. None other than my new fiance Damien. He was surrounded by a group of friends which I guess were the popular crowd. Again the seat in the very center of the class was empty. What's with this center seat being empty thing? Its starting to get weird. So just like the class before I went to the center of the room and took a seat . Everyone gasped and was staring at me. What I do I looked down every thing seemed to be in order. Then as if on cue a girl who had modified her uniform to add a ton of pink to it walked up to my desk.
"Umm, what do you think your doing?" She asked sounding adjetated.
"I'm sitting down in my seat getting ready for class." I didn't really understnd what the question was.
"No. I mean why are you sitting in my seat?" She said talking to me as if I was dumb.
I looked at the back of the seat. I stood up looking at the seat of the chair then I sat back down looking at the desk part.
"I don't see your name anywhere on this desk."
"I know but everyone knows that the middle seat in every class is my seat. Even If I'm not in that class It's still my seat." She was getting angry.
"Oh okay well how about for today you sit somewhere else." I said waving her good bye.
"Look newby thats my seat. Either you get up now with no hassele or I'll make
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