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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖

Book online «The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Ross Mac Duncan

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Ronnie to convert, to spare her from
all this harassment, which this Broad is known for dishing out”,
muttered Southie.
Further into Ronnie's reports, O'Brien read details of Ivan
Yevot's plans of changing hearing dates and sending Ronnie to
some assignment so Yevot could have the violations dismissed. As
it turned out, the “Organizations” games were chaired by
Marstern's Cousin Benny.
“Gee, I wonder how many games Yevot sees from the EMC Club at
Fenway”, muttered a disgusted Southie.
Prior to Ronnie's Funeral Mass, Southie met with Monsignor Francis
Fitzgerald, a gruff man with a heart of gold. At times the
Monsignor sounds like a longshoreman, with the use of some
earthy lingua franca. The Mass of The Resurrection is being held
at Holy Cross Cathedral in Brighton. Ronnie was a simple, devout
Catholic Woman with whom Southie went to Mass with, followed by
breakfast together. She & Southie often travelled to Newton
Highlands for the Traditional Latin Mass once a month.
Monsignor Fitzgerald directed Southie to speak to the Cathedral's
Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor Angelo Farrecchio, a
North End Native. There were a few words of caution given by
Monsignor Fitzgerald, like “Angelo Farrecchio is a drama queen.
He was honored in Jamaica Plain with a main drag named for him.”
Southie asked what the name of the street is called, and the
Monsignor replied “Oh, Queens Boulevard! His favorite patriotic
hymn is ‘My Country Tis of Thee’ only because it sounds like
‘God Save The Queen’”.
Monsignor Fitzgerald accompanied Southie to see Monsignor Farrecchio.
Southie discussed the fact that since City Officials
were going to be at the Mass, that no contemporary Mass hymns be
played, and that some Gregorian Chant be sung.
Monsignor Farrecchio was surprised about this request and asked
why Gregorian Chant at such a Mass. Southie informed the Monsignor
that both decorum and the fact that Veronica came back to
the Church through the use of Latin in the Liturgy, is why this
special request is being made.
Monsignor Farrecchio asked “Where am I going to find a Priest
who knows these rubrics. OK, there is a Priest, a known visitor
who celebrates the Salisbury Mass in West Roxbury, named Fr
Francis Mc Bride NYC.”
O'Brien said,”Go with him. I've been to a couple of his Masses.”
Monsignor Farrecchio mentioned about certain politicians being
there like Grenfell Marstern, to which Monsignor Fitzgerald
cracked “Marstern is a jackass, who I'm putting on notice that
if he so much as stands on the Cathedral's steps to hold a press
conference, I'll run his ass back to Back Bay faster than the
Sox running that sore-armed slab of Canadian Bacon back to Quebec.”
Southie went home. He viewed the latest Marstern For Mayor
blurb. Southie shook his head when Marstern was seen raiding the
ticket office of some Independent Professional League Baseball
team, charging them with deceiving the public, claiming to be a
professional team. Southie yelled at his TV screen, saying “I'd
love to see him going after the NY Mets for deceiving fans into
thinking the team is in Major League Baseball.” Southie shut off
his TV set and went out for a couple of ales.
At Holy Cross Cathedral in Brighton the next morning, Boston PD
was setting up barriers on the street, as a huge crowd was expected
to pack the Cathedral. The Mass was to have Agency Chiefs
from all over Government Center, as well as much of Ronnie’s
Dorchester neighborhood at the Cathedral, with Ronnie's friends,
neighbors and teachers. All of her teachers were from Mother Seton
Academy, run by the Sisters of Charity-Halifax, who're based
in Wellesley Hills, as well as her old Grammar School. Ronnie
was a Graduate of Boston University's School of Governmental Administration.
Faculty were also present.
The “Kyrie” was sung in Greek. The “Credo”,“Hosanna”, &“Agnus
Dei”, were sung in Latin by the Mayor's Director of Communications,
Ashley Solu, singing as if her voice was that of an Angel
in Heaven. Ashley is a rather-private person, not always noted
for warmth, who also sings a Patriotic Solo on July 4th with The
Pops on the Esplanade. She's a Graduate of The Boston Latin
School,the Most Prestigious Public School in Boston, as well as
University Of Massachusetts-Boston.
Southie delivered the Eulogy, describing Veronica as “A Simple
Woman of Faith whose dedication to duty knew no bounds. She was
a colleague, my dearest Amica, & I shall miss her all of my
days. Veronica, until we meet again in Paradise. Love, In
Christ, Paul,” as tears were streaming from Southie's blue eyes.
Conspicuous by his absence was Ivan Yevot. But, present was
Eastern Massachusetts Gaming Association Executive Director,
Maria Delgado. She was joined by the Association's General Counsel,
Jim Scallopino, now a Lawyer with an extermination business
on the side, with exterminator contracts for the Boston Public
School System. Scallopino took an unusual path to law school after
retirement, going to Jesuit Run Fordham University in The
Bronx. He is a NY Yankees Fan. To help pay for his student
loans, he became a licensed exterminator, with active summers.
Now he's busy with the Association as a client. He can be seen
entertaining clients in his seats in the State Street Pavilion
at Fenway Park, especially during a Yankees Series.
Delgado was crying. She was heard uttering “If only she had been
saved as I've been, none of this would've happened”, to which
Southie replied with “Salvation only comes at the end, you
fraud. You are a treachery practitioner. I don't want to hear
your sobbing nor see your crocodile tears. Now get the fuck
outta here. You spent your time tormenting Ronnie.”
Scallopino spoke with Southie. Southie accepted Jimmy's condolences
and moved on.
Fr Mc Bride, the main Mass Celebrant, rushed over to Southie and
spoke words of comfort to him. He then gave Southie some information
about a stalking victim in the Rego Park Section of the
Borough of Queens. Father gave Southie a number from a Massachusetts
License Plate.
“The woman was a recent immigrant from Poland. She was frightened
out of her wits. She has blonde hair and noticed that her
stalker was sitting in his car & masturbating, while eyeing her
and laughing, yelling 'Sit on my face & I'll guess your weight'.
The 112th Precinct was called, but the guy took off before anything
could be done.” Southie told Father that he'll be in contact
with NYPD & him, when further developments come up.
“Padre, join me for some tea or coffee”, asked Southie.
Father Mc Bride asked Southie to take him to Bleacher Bar at
Fenway Park, where both were imbibing a few pints of Smutty Nose
Ale. Neither gent felt any pain, but for Southie, it was only
temporary relief from the pain of the day.
“In Nomini Patris, et Filli, et Spiritu Sancti, Amen”, was
Southie's Prayer.
Oremus(Let Us Pray).
Chapter 2
It was 0700 hours. In that time slot, Channel 4 was running a Marstern Campaign Commercial,
this time with Grenfell calling for more mental health treatments.
In the commercial, so-called ''ordinary citizens'' appeared in the commercial series, commenting
on the unfortunate events which occurred at the Park Street ''T'' Station. This was all
arranged by Ivan Yevot, who also appears in an ad. Two Hasidic Jewish Men appeared with
no names given. One of them only gave his 1st name of David, remarked that ''The poor
working girl Ronnie, should've seen a Psychiatrist, where the Doctor could have counseled
her & given her the appropriate medications for her mood. Grenfell Marstern will help those
who really need the help.'' This was followed by Marstern, on Camera, telling Bostonians ''I'm
Grenfell Marstern and I Approve of This Message''.
At 0730 on Channel 4, another Marstern ad on Mental Health Treatment was on the air, this
time with Yevot as an ''Ordinary Citizen'', chiming in on Ronnie's so-called mental illness issues.
''Poor Veronica Mc Dermott refused my offer to get treatment. She walked around in a fog.
She often talked about Suicide. Grenfell Marstern will help those citizens with the care they
deserve''. This time, Grenfell was seen talking to reporters with Holy Cross Cathedral in the
background in a still shot.
At 0800 on Channel 4, another Marstern blurb, in his mental health series, focused on Ronnie
with another ''Citizen'', a Hasidic Jew named Baruch. ''It's too bad that the poor shiksa,
Veronica, couldn't afford Mental Healthcare. Grenfell Marstern will see to it that citizens of
this city will get the kind of care they need.''
At 0830, the 4th Marstern ad aired, this time with another ''Jane Q Public'', named Maria, with
her observations on the Mc Dermott death. ''I felt such compassion for her, wanting her to get
treatment for her mental problems. Grenfell Marstern will see to it that people will get the
mental health treatment they need.''
Sean Lafferty had been watching ''The Morning Show'' on Channel 4, which he was recording
on DVD. He saw the ads. He decided to take the DVD Disc to work, to show Southie the
campaign ads. Sean realized that it might upset Southie, but since these ''John & Jane Q
Publics'' commented on Ronnie's mental health ''Issues'', the DVD should be seen by him.
At the Bureau of Licenses, a new investigator named Jess Carey was being trained in
BEANO Inspection/Investigation techniques by Yevot. Yevot warned Carey not to cooperate
too closely with Boston Vice, ''ESPECIALLY with that vindictive, drunken asshole, Paul
O'Brien. He caused Ronnie Mc Dermott to lose her mind, so she jumped in front of the Ashmont
Bound Red Line Train at Park Street. He's so vile that he chews on his cigars, while
smoking them.''
Carey reported to Boston Vice to meet with the leading Detective on the Vice Detail, O'Brien
and his partner, Lafferty & Captain Jim Larkin, the Commanding Officer of the unit. They
viewed Lafferty's DVD, with the Marstern adverts.
The one where David was speaking, was viewed and Jess Carey blurted out ''I know him. I
was supposed to go to his Rabbinical School'',
''Where'', O'Brien asked,
''In Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I registered online at The address
was 146 North 6th Street.''
O'Brien has a certain knowledge of the Borough where he was born. He told Carey that the
old Franciscan Academy used to be there. It was not in the Hasidic Jewish Quarter, which is
south of Broadway by the Williamsburg Bridge.
The team went to the school website. The site read ''Domain For Sale.'' Carey told the unit
that he sent $3G to the school over their Pay Pal account.
O'Brien's advice to Carey was ''If a school's website ends in dot com, it's either a diploma
mill, or a money-laundering scheme. Schools, especially reputable colleges, have a site ending
either in .edu or .org.''
Carey also identified Baruch as the 2nd Rabbi, in connection with the ''school''.
Carey inquired about the tuition money. He received an e-mail, with an account number, informing
him that the money is invested with Marstein Investment Trust LP, in Fort Salonga,
Carey revealed that the last name of David and Baruch is Bernstein. Their investment managing
partner is Bernie Marstern, hence Marstein Investment Trust LP.
''BEANO'', Lafferty exclaimed, ''It looks like a Ponzi scheme to me.''
Larkin looked at a rather tired looking Southie. He asked O'Brien if he was disgusted by the
morning Marstern TV Spots. Southie replied ''Seeing these 4, trashing the memory of an
honest colleague, as two of them hounded her without any mercy, causes tremendous stress
as well as doubt that there's any justice in this world, especially with this plan for more mental
health care. One wonders if Marstern's group of lackeys, are going to go after anyone who
disagrees with Marstern's Agenda, through this ''Treatment Plan.'' Larkin replied with ''It
sounds a bit like what the old Soviet Union did with their dissidents, by sending them to Psychiatric
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