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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖

Book online «The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Ross Mac Duncan

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how the
Pharmaceutical Companies can contribute to the mental health of the people.
Grenfell, in tuxedo, was on his Palm Pre, during the call. He broke into a cold sweat and told
Benny to have Yevot handle this, as Yevot is noted for his expertise in getting troublemakers
out of the way.
“Yes, Chief”,
“Saturday Night at Fenway, Mets vs Red Sox at 7:10PM. Tickets in The Coca Cola Corner.
Beckett is starting vs Pelfrey. Hereʼs your ticket. See you then”.
For realizing how hard it is to get Red Sox Tickets, Jess took Yevot up on the Ticket. It would
also be Careyʼs 1st Game in Fenway in 5 Years.
Yevot was seen writing in his dossier that “Carey, that Hebe will not only see his 1st Game in
5 Years, itʼll also be his last game. Unless they benefit me, I think that Hitler didnʼt go far
enough with the Jews.”
Back at 778 Eastern Parkway, a huge crowd of Lubavitcher Jews were battling NYPD and
the FBI. There were about 1000 People throwing things from rocks to food. Precincts from
around Brooklyn, Queens and Lower Manhattan were called in to quell the riot. A station
house was stormed in Borough Park by a group of Lubavitchers. Nothing was found at 778
Eastern Parkway. Mc Cue referred to these people as “A bunch of Inbreds, with more
schemes than certain Limited Partners of some team in The Bronx.” Mc Auliffe called them
the only people in the world to wear fur coats in Mid August & theyʼre awfully strange.
Carey passed on more information to Southie and crew. He even told Southie that heʼll be up
in the Coca Cola Corner with Yevot and a guest. The Guest would be Yevotʼs crony, Mario
Estrada, who is also an ally of Maria Delgado. Estrada is not only a Dominican Activist and
street fair promoter, but owner of a fleet of cabs in Boston.
Estrada was moaning and groaning about Detective Sergeant Maura Terrazzo, that “Yankees
Lover who Blows Sailors for Nickels and gives change.” Estrada was whining about how 5
cabs in his fleet being impounded for smudges on the left side mirrors. Yevot cracked that he
wouldnʼt bang her with someone elseʼs wang, sheʼs so ugly. Jimmy Scallopino, her one time
paramour, called her “Stark, Raving Mad” and “Fuckinʼ Nuts”, according to Estrada, who also
revealed that the blood test confirmed Mauraʼs child was sired by Scallopino.
Southie and Lafferty are in the Lower Bleachers. They are surrounded by Mets Fans from
Connecticut, who are annoying, just like Yankees Fans from ANYWHERE. Some are hollering
“Buckner” in his ears. His retort? “Your ownerʼs son is a retard and an asshole.” That
stopped the “Buckner” Chants. The Mets Fans agreed with Southie, so all was cool.
In the 2nd Inning, it was sundown in Boston, so Carey arrived up in the Coca Cola Corner.
He was seated between Yevot and Estrada. Yevot was dressed in 1986 Mets Regalia. Beckett
is on the mound for the Sox, striking out Mets left and right, except for Sheffield, who
homered up by the Fisk Pole the night before. Yevot was calling Beckett all washed up and
cheered for Pelfrey. Yevot calling Beckett all washed up, attracted the wrath of Red Sox
Fans. One of them threw a Pepsi on his #17-Hernandez Jersey, and a chant of “Cokehead”,
a reference to the very-wild, Cocaine Snorting Antics of The ʼ86 Mets. Carey got sent for
beers. He returned and Yevot and Estrada were consuming Guinness Stouts on tap. The
Stout was going through Carey the way coffee goes through most people, like a diuretic.
“I gotta take a leak”, exclaimed Carey, but Yevot held him down in his seat.
Captain Jim Larkin was two sections away from Southie and Lafferty, being interviewed on
NY Sports Network, the Mets TV Outlet by some oversized dude, with no hair, about the
1986 World Series. Jim told the NY Area audience, that since 1986 the Sox won 2 World Series,
in ʼ04 and ʼ07 and that heʼd love to see another World Series between these two clubs
and it wouldnʼt have the stench of that fraud, “Roggggahhhh”, that guy from Ohio and Texas.
It is the top of the 9th with two outs and a runner on 1st. Some 3rd String Catcher came up.
Southie shouted “Whoʼs the 4th String Scrub the Mets are sending up? He could hit the side
of a barn, but it wouldnʼt be the one he was aiming at”. Papelbon, the sure-fire closer threw a
fastball down Brookline Avenue. The 3rd String Catcher lifted one onto the Green Monster.
There was a stoppage in play and Carey just had to go to the bathroom, as his bladder could
hold no more Guinness. Yevot was in glee at this turn of events. The Umpires went to the replay
bunker to view the two television feeds recording the ball over the Monster. The Home
Plate Umpire, a Country Music Star, gave the Home Run wave of the hand, with Lafferty
cracking “Paps? This is what the METS Bullpen is famous for. What the fuck is wrong with
you, man?”
At the Top of The Coca Cola Corner, Yevot muttered something into Careyʼs right ear. He
lifted Carey by the legs and sent him flying over the back of the corner. Carey landed on
Brookline Avenue, head 1st. A Boston Police Officer called for an ambulance. The ambulance
was there in 3 Minutes. An EMT started 1st Aid, but discovered that Carey had no pulse.
Carey was pronounced Dead at 2253 Hours. People gathered around. In the Coca Cola Corner,
Estrada asked where Carey had gone. “I guess he went home”, shrugged Yevot.
Mets Fans were celebrating the Homer, mockingly singing “Sweet Caroline, Red Sox Never
Sucked So Much, So Much, So Much, So Much. I ʻve been inclined to believe they always
would, oh no no”. Southie cracked that “Sweet Caroline was sung at that oversized sky
dump, Shea Stadium in the ʻ80s. We need the energy of The Dropkick Murphysʼ, not some
song from a Yankees Fan from Brooklyn. These Mets Fans donʼt even know their own history,
for crying out loud.”
The crowd poured out onto Lansdowne Street, Yawkey Way, Van Ness Street and Brookline
Avenue. The corner of Lansdowne and Brookline was cordoned off by Police. Larkin, OʼBrien
and Lafferty arrived at that corner and asked what happened. The Trio was informed that
someone fell from the Coca Cola Corner, head first. Itʼs unknown whether or not it was an
accident or suicide.
Yevot and Estrada were passing the scene. Yevot muttered something to himself and kept on
moving. OʼBrien asked the Officer on the Scene who the man was who died. He was told that
“It was some Male Caucasian, 26 Years Old by the name of Jess Carey, though he carried
other papers reading Joshua Kornheimer.”
Southie huddled with Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty. Southie mentioned that Jess Carey is an
Orthodox Jew, that Jewish Law required that he be buried before Sundown the next day. “Itʼll
be another Official Funeral and Eulogy. Gawd, Iʼm getting to feel like this is going to be a ritual”
& took off for home. Larkin and Lafferty also took off and told Southie they would give
him a call in the morning, after Mass in regards to the funeral arrangements for Jess Carey.
ʻSed Libera Nos A Malo!”(But Deliver Us From Evil!)
Chapter 4
Southie was at his pad, soundly asleep. He was in the middle of a dream, which was a warmfeeling
dream. In this dream, his beloved Veronica was with him at Mass, then at breakfast,
then the two of them were at a Dropkick Murphys concert at Nickerson Field on the Boston
University Campus. They played the most-rousing rendition of ''Amazing Grace'', ever heard
anywhere. Then their signature song, ''Shipping Up To Boston'' was played. Ronnie turned to
Southie, kissing him tenderly on the left cheek and told him ''I have to go, Paul. Find him, find
him, find him please.''
Southie awakened and wondered what the dream meant. He thought about it, then deduced
that Ronnie was talking about her killer. Southie got cleaned up in a warm shower, then got
dressed to go to Mass.
Southie was at Holy Cross Cathedral. Monsignor Angelo Farrecchio offered the Mass in
memory of Veronica Mc Dermott. At the Sign Of Peace, Southie was given a handshake from
someone not really noted for friendliness, namely Ashley Solu. In fact, she hugged Southie
and was a bit tearful. Both received Holy Communion.
Monsignor Fitzgerald approached Southie after Mass, on the steps of the Cathedral. Fitzgerald
informed Southie that he and Monsignor Farrecchio are having a 4PM Meeting, in regards
to a witness who saw Ronnieʼs murder at Park Street. The witness fears all kinds of
reprisals. “I guess that The Church is mediator of this as well as for sheltering the witness. Iʼll
see you around 4PM”, OʼBrien said. Monsignor Fitzgerald asked Southie if he would like to
make a donation of $10 for the Archdiocesan Youth Fund. OʼBrien gave the 10 Bucks and
received a tee shirt with the Initials “G F Y is G F Y.”
“What does this G F Y mean”, asked OʼBrien
“God For You Is Good For You”, Fitzgerald proclaimed
“Iʼll wear the shirt, proudly, Monsignor.”
Larkin called Southie and offered to pick him up for the 1PM Funeral of Jess Carey. They
drove to the Cemetery. They arrived as the body was at graveside. Southie was asked to say
a few words.
“ It was as if Joshua was a star in the galaxy, shining brightly and speeding away. He was
engaged in a mission to the People Of Boston acting to protect all that is good. And then, he
was taken from us last evening. Joshua, until we meet again, may The Lord hold you in the
Palm of His Hand. Shalom!”
As is the custom at Jewish Funerals, each person was directed to throw dirt on the coffin.
There was much weeping as the dirt flew on to the coffin. Even Southie cried a bit. To himself,
he prayed the “Hail Mary” for the repose of the Souls of his mum and da, Ronnie and
Ashley Solu entered the Bishopʼs Residence to see Monsignors Fitzgerald and Farrecchio. At
first she was nervous from all the coffee she is known to chug down. Fitzgerald then gave her
a tall cup of Chamomile Tea. She began to become far less tense. She began to talk to the
two Priests.
Solu, “There is an awful lot of pressure at City Hall to conform. I have to present the Mayor in
a positive light on a daily basis. He has wholeheartedly endorsed Grenfell Marstern for
Mayor. Yet, Iʼm uneasy about Marstern. He tends to glorifying himself, whenever he picks on
some poor little shopkeeper. He thinks heʼs a big time movie star, but he has nothing to say.
The Mayor didnʼt want me to talk to the cops about the BEANO situation, fearing that it would
be politically embarrassing to the administration, so like a good soldier who follows orders
without question, I did whatever they told me at City Hall. But, my conscience is bothering
me. I had a dream last evening. I was on Park Street, seeing Ronnie pushed on the tracks,
repeatedly. I woke up screaming. I tried sleeping but couldnʼt do it without the dream. I fear
reprisals by going to the cops as a witness but the nightmares changed all of that. This morning
at Mass, I saw Paul OʼBrien. At The Sign Of Peace, I hugged him. Ronnie was also my
dear friend. I saw the culprit. He is creepy. He is also the Chief Investigator of the Bureau Of
Licenses. I shot the murder on my cell phone. I have proof of this murder.
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