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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖

Book online «The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Ross Mac Duncan

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Ivan Yevot is tied
into the Marstern Campaign as Director Of Media. Ivan Yevot has a sneaky way of doing in
people. He despises people who know what they are doing.” Ashley then burst into tears.
Southie looked at his watch. He saw that it was 3PM and then called Monsignor Farrecchio
at the rectory. Farrecchio told Southie about the witness. Southie mentioned of the tearful
hug he received during the Sign Of Peace. He found the hug to be both comforting and unusual.
Solu was usually indifferent towards OʼBrien. Then, Southie headed toward the Cathedral
Rectory. Monsignor Fitzpatrick filled Southie in on the details.
Southie was ushered into the main living room. Both Priests were inside with him. Sitting
there, looking exhausted and tearful, was Ashley Solu. She began to tell of her series of
dreams to OʼBrien,
“Peace Be With You, Paul”, exclaimed Solu. “Pax Vobis, Ashley” was Southieʼs Greeting. She
went on to tell of the nightmares,
“I was at Nickerson Field, by B U, for a Dropkick Murphys Concert. I heard their stirring rendition
of ʻAmazing Graceʼ, followed by ʻShipping Up To Bostonʼ. Ronnie was with me. She gave
me a warm embrace, told me that she had to go, and uttered ʻTalk to him, talk to him,
Southie, “In my dream, Ronnie pleaded with me to ʻFind him, pleaseʼ. It, too was at Nickerson
Field. Over the past few weeks, ʻAmazing Graceʼ and ʻGoing Homeʼ have been played by
pipers at Official Funerals I was present for, though neither rendition was as joyful as at Nickerson
Solu, “In another dream, a bit of emptiness came over me as Ronnie and I were at Fenway
Park. We were seated in Grandstand 3, when the Sox played the Texas Rangers. Wakey
gave up 2 homers that landed by The Cask. Then there was a comeback, with the Sox winning
it 5-4 in a comeback. Manny was being Manny when he argued a 3rd Strike call and
was ejected. I was sitting next to some guy from Queens, NY, who shouted ʻManny, I came
all the way in from Queens for this.ʼ And then, Ronnie told me and the guy from Queens that
she would return in awhile”,
Southie, “I was at that game, too. Papi Ortiz scratched out an Infield Single, driving in runs.
For me, it was no dream. Manny was being not Manny, but a jerk. Had it not been a victory,
Manny wouldʼve ruined the day”,
Solu, “I was at Park Street, again, trying to get Ronnie to take the Green Line to come to my
home. She told me that she was on Special Assignment. Then, I saw the fatal shove and
woke up crying. I couldnʼt sleep after that dream”,
Southie, “I was at Park Street Station Entrance. I used to work in Homicide. Now, I work in
Vice. That face of a Lifeless Ronnie, put me in both of my worlds. It reminded me of all those
grueling hours investigating the murders of anonymous victims. Now it was personal”.
Solu wept bitterly for 5 minutes. Southie took her by the hand, teary-eyed himself. Both have
lived with this the past two months. Both people have taken this very hard, for Veronica was
a most-dear friend.
Solu, “Iʼm one who has travelled widely. I was in Italy. I learned that the word ʻCaroniʼ means
ʻDearestʼ, and ʻMaʼ means ʻMyʼ,
Southie, “Next time I order a pasta dish, Iʼll think of Ronnie as My Dearest, as Ma Caroni”,
Solu, “Ronnie tutored me in French and Italian. I majored in Asian Studies and Music at Boston
University, and learned Japanese and Latin at Boston Latin. Yet at times, I played like an
elitist and played along with all those silly political games in Beacon Hill and at Government
Center. And now it bothers me. These are things they never taught us in Catholic Grade
School. Even there, I was an Elitist, as smartest child in the class.”
Southie, “In short, youʼre a prodigy. Whatʼs bothering you is conscience. Conscience is Godʼs
Way of giving you a kick in the Arse to right yourself. He has given us a few kicks over the
Solu, “Over these past two months, I feel as if The Lord has given me drop kicks. Iʼve lived in
fear of reprisals if I talked about this, as they donʼt want to hear anything negative around
City Hall & Beacon Hill. It has been eating me up inside”,
Southie, “From what I understand, Ashley, itʼs as if these insiders want to take away your
humanity. Itʼs like they want a soul-less robot, who blindly follows commands, without regard
to other people”,
Solu, “Paul? Arenʼt you the onetime Lead Mariner of Queen Of Mercies CMOC Ship?”
Southie, “Yeah, Iʼm a Past Lead Mariner or P L M of that Ship. How did you know that?”
Solu, “I was sent over there to sing the Memorial Mass some years ago. I was scared to
death. You comforted me before my engagement. I wasnʼt that good. Your people gave me a
thunderous standing ovation, which I didnʼt deserve.”
Southie, “You were as if a Voice Of An Angel had arrived from the Highest Heaven, which is
WHY the 11 1/2 Minute Standing Ovation was given, punctuated with chants of ʻBravoʼ and
ʻBravissimoʼ. You were as good, if not better than that famous from Wales, who sang for
Pope John Paul II. It was that well-done.”
Solu, “Then you had a nasty problem in a report from a Catholic Charities Social Worker,
named Dina Groton. Suddenly, you were seen as someone who took advantage of children.
She wrote that her daughter was stalked at a Girl Scout Meeting and had terrible nightmares.”
Southie, “Even though Innocent of this, you have no idea just how isolated I felt. Itʼs because
Jimmy Scallopino, that power hungry little shit, wants to own everything thatʼs not tied down
in this town. Dina Groton is his so-called wife. Groton is the penultimate ʻSoccer Mom From
Hell.ʼ I worked with these people. I loved them dearly. Their daughter Alisa had also sung a
couple of CMOC Liturgies. I knew alley cats in Logan Airport who couldʼve done a better job
of singing.”
Solu, “Thatʼs really bad singing. They sound like a Parish Power Couple. Jimmy is Counsel to
every phony BEANO Game in Eastern Massachusetts, running an extermination business on
the side.”
Southie, “Dina Groton and Scallopino arenʼt even married. They practice Concubinage, which
is banned by The Church. In short, they are public sinners who are shacking up. He left his
1st Wife & children for dead in Haverhill. He knocked up Maura Terrazzo, so to shut her up
and avoid a Department-Wide Sex Scandal, he made a deal with Department Brass to give
her a promotion to Detective Sergeant.”
Solu, “Iʼve seen Scallopino at City Hall. He likes to brag about all of his sexual conquests.
Whenever Terrazzoʼs name comes up, he always likes to say ʻI dunno what youʼre talking
aboutʼ. By the way, I saw Maura Terrazzo in Church here.”
Southie, “Thatʼs unusual for Terrazzo. Something must be bothering her.”
Monsignor Fitzgerald told Southie and Solu that “Because of The Nature of your Assignments
and because you face imminent danger during the Murder Investigation, I will be administering
the Sacrament Of The Anointing Of The Sick to both of you.”
The Priest anointed both of them with Chrism. The Priest Prayed over both of them and gave
them his Blessing, with both making the Sign of The Cross.
Southie then laid out $20 for two “G F Y is G F Y” Tee Shirts. He & Ashley both donned them.
Both went into the Cathedral for a short prayer.
Monsignor Farrecchio stopped to tell Ashley and Paul about a woman in the Church, crying
about the lack of respect she suffers from in her job and the stress itʼs causing her through
the years. “Give her comfort and pray for her in her time of fear.”
Southie, “Itʼll be Done, Monsignor. Thanks for the heads up.”
Paul and Ashley went into a pew near the front of the Cathedral. Both began to pray The
Peace Prayer of St Francis of Assisi. The Prayer was introduced into this country by the
Archbishop of New York, His Eminence, Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, a native of the
Boston Archdiocese, in 1936. it is a very simple and beautiful prayer, attributed to St Francis
of Assisi. Often, Paulʼs Favorite Confessors are Franciscan Priests. His cousin was a 3rd Order
Franciscan, who once studied for the Franciscan Priesthood.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
One Priest used to give this Penance to Paul OʼBrien, whenever he went to Confession when
he was in his late teens. Hence, the prayer became a favorite of his. He and Ashley were reciting
it, quietly. Ashley then noticed a woman, who was crying. She and Paul went over to
her, to give her comfort.
She is Maura Terrazzo. She started telling her story. She told Paul and Ashley that she is being
harassed by connected people, for investigating the operations of Mario Estradaʼs Taxi
Fleet. Audits show that Mario is losing money by the boatload yet he can afford season tickets
to the Patriots and Red Sox. She is investigating ties that Estrada has with Benny
Marstern, Yevot, The Bernstein Brothers, Grenfell Marstern and a Cocaine Cartel in the Dominican
Republic town of San Francisco De Marcoris, a town where Bodega Owners from
Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan, are known to retire to. He also has ties to Maria
Delgado, one of Bostonʼs All Time Great Fixers.
“Itʼs being a Pariah for all of my past actions. Iʼm convinced that someone wants me dead or
to go away. I have a teenaged daughter who needs me. I also have a grandchild from my
older daughter. She wasnʼt sired by Jimmy, That Creep who left me for dead, “ as told by Terrazzo.
Ashley, “Maura, you need comfort.” Ashley embraced her, as did Paul. The 3 prayed the St
Francis Peace Prayer. Paul called on Monsignor Farrecchio to hear her confession and give
her the Sacrament of the Anointing of The Sick, in reference to the fact that Terrazzo is in
grave danger in her investigation.
Terrazzo thanked Solu and OʼBrien for their kindness and comfort. “Where thereʼs sadness in
her life, may she experience true joy”, OʼBrien said. “St Francis & The Christ would want it
that way.”
Paul and Ashley went to a late brunch of Eggs Benedict & a Pint of Ale at Game On Cafeʼ,
where they talked for a few hours. It came time to say good night. OʼBrien said, “See you at
Mass, then a brunch.” Ashley kissed Paul and agreed to that. Both left on the T. The sound of
ambulances could be heard in the background as well as patrol cars, with sirens wailing.
Little did Ashley and Paul realize what was transpiring, was a night of sorrow and chaos, as
they went off into the night, as a foul deed was being done.
Southie got a call from Captain Jim Larkin. Larkin told him “All hell has broken loose at the
Atlantic Avenue Entrance to South Station. An Officer is down. Her face is so badly cut up,
that her face looks like a T Subway-Rail Map. Sheʼs being rushed
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