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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖

Book online «The BEANO Murders by Ross Mac Duncan (short novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Ross Mac Duncan

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an oversized hat and yarmulke, so he could stalk Detective Mc Cue. His plan
was to confuse the Police by making it look like the Jews conspired to kill Mc Cue. He tried
on everything and all of the getup fit nicely. Only one problem was that he didnʼt know any
Yiddish, in the event that another Hasidic Jew ever stopped him on the street for directions.
Yevot went home to get his unlicensed Projectile Gun as his weapon, so as to kill Mc Cue
with, so as not to attract attention with gunfire.
After another day of briefings by Mc Auliffe and Mc Cue, Mc Cue stated that he was going
back to NYC by Amtrak out of Back Bay Station in the early evening. He and Southie headed
to the nearest Starbucks for a couple of Lattes and to talk. In another corner, Yevot overheard
the conversation as to where Mc Cue was going to be. Yevot headed back to the office.
Later,Yevot, dressed like a Hasidic Jew, walked around Boylston Street. He was hungry, so
he stopped in a burger joint and ordered a bacon cheeseburger. Unlike a real Hasidic Jew,
Yevot forgot to take off the crucifix he was wearing, he being such a jerk.
He went to Copley Square, sitting on a Park Bench, waiting for his prey. At 2000 Hours, Brian
Mc Cue started to come along. He pulled out his Boston Tour Book and approached Yevot to
ask him for directions. It was fatal, as Yevot shot Mc Cue with the Projectile Gun, with the
knife-like projectile hitting Mc Cue in both the throat and neck, killing him instantly, leaving Mc
Cue behind with blood gushing out of him. Some blood landed on Yevotʼs costume.
Ashley Solu was out for an evening stroll. She was knocked over by the Fleeing Yevot, who
stripped off his long coat and fake beard, while running away. She saw the lifeless body of
Mc Cue, screamed and dialed 911. She saw a bloodied body in Copley Square and gave details
to the 911 Operator. Within 5 Minutes, Cops were crawling all over Copley Square Park.
Mc Auliffe and Southie arrived first. Patrol Cars showed up en masse. Southie cried “A
Member of New Yorkʼs Finest, who was assisting this investigation, was murdered in cold
blood by some cretin. Itʼs going to be a long night.”
Lafferty and Captain Larkin arrived at the scene. Lafferty found a receipt in the pocket of the
long coat, with the name of the store in Beacon Hill, with Yevotʼs Signature on it. Larkin found
the projectile gun, with another projectile. Southie interviewed Ashley, calming her down. She
revealed that she saw Yevotʼs face when the fake beard was thrown off, as she was knocked
over. She was shaking and crying. She also told Southie that she overheard US Attorney Galaranga
in a pub mentioning that Detective Sergeant Terrazzo was “Going to be indicted for
Federal Civil Rights Charges, for Terrazzoʼs Systemic Harassment of Dominican Businesses
and the Targeting of Dominicans.” Southie let Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty know what Ashley
told him about Galarangaʼs Plans.
“The Corrupt Royalty is running this town. Itʼs lawless, I tell You, Lawless”, exclaimed Larkin.
OʼBrien, “I just want to find a pub to crawl into & have a few pints. This is getting to be too
Lafferty, “Ditto!”
The Next Day, US Attorney Galaranga announced that Sergeant Maura Terrazzo has been
indicted on 12 Counts of Federal Civil Rights Charges, stemming from the activities of the
arrests of various members of the “Dominicans For Justice” Organization. Appearing at the
press conference are Maria Delgado, Mario Estrada, Ivan Yevot, Grenfell Marstern and
Benny Marstern. Itʼs a “Whoʼs Who” of assorted miscreants. Galaranga, to prove her worth
as to how tough she thinks she is, had Terrazzo arraigned after Terrazzo returned from Surgery
& cuffed to her bed by US Marshals, to prevent the escape of the prisoner. Galaranga
never tried a drug case in Massachusetts, probably because the dealers would rat her out
along with her colleagues for being at all those drug parties in Jamaica Plain and Back Bay.
Southie had a copy of a tabloid, showing the bedside arraignment of Terrazzo cuffed to her
bed. He and Jim Larkin went to hospital to visit Terrazzo. Both were roughed up by a US
Marshal, who tried to strip two of Bostonʼs Finest of their weapons. Southie went off in the
assholeʼs face. The Marshal told him to butt out. Southie pushed the newspaper in the guyʼs
face.“I donʼt think you want any bad publicity”, OʼBrien said, “So, unlock her.” The Marshal
complied. Just then, Galaranga arrived, looking stoned, and screaming “I want the Country to
KNOW how we donʼt fool around when it comes to scum like Maura Terrazzo.” She reached
into her pocketbook and a few vials of crack fell out along with a crack pipe. Southie and
Larkin cuffed Galaranga, gave her a Miranda Warning & led her to a waiting Police Cruiser
for a ride to the station house. Galaranga was permitted one phone call. It was to the PC.
Southie and Larkin were ordered to let her go. Maria Delgado picked up Galaranga. Delgado
warned Larkin and OʼBrien that things could come to blows if this happens again. Lafferty
made this snide remark, “Iʼll keep my zipper open if it comes to that.” Lafferty, Larkin and
OʼBrien all laughed aloud over that crack.
Federal Judge Morena Zerega, a Cousin of Galaranga, set bail at $250,000 & ordered the
defendant released.
Maura was to go home to recuperate. She made it to the T, but never made it home because
she was followed. Somebody disguised as a conductor on the Orange Line, grabbed her arm
and she was dragged by the train into a brick wall. She suffered a fractured skull and was
found dead on the platform at Ruggles Station. MBTA Police found her body a few hours
later. The Death Toll has reached 4 people.
“Blessed Are They Who Hunger & Thirst For Justice For They Shall Have Their Fill.”(From
The Beatitudes)
Chapter 6
Southie and Miss Solu are on Amtrak out of Boston-South Station.
They are on the way to New York City for the Funeral of Detective
Brian Mc Cue. Captain Larkin left instructions from the PC, on whom
Southie will meet at Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan. A Command
Order from NYPD Chief Of Detectives directed that Detective O'Brien
and Ashley Solu are to meet with the Chief Of Detectives in order to
debrief various NYPD Bureau Chiefs. Both Ashley and Paul had tea on
the train to stay awake for this important meeting before Mc Cue's
Funeral Mass.
Back at Division in Kenmore, Lafferty had questioned an alleged suspect,
the conductor on the Orange Line, named Pierre Jean-Baptiste.
Jean-Baptiste informed Sean Lafferty that a male white in his 50s
claimed to be an MBTA Supervisor, and relieved him for about 10 minutes
over a uniform issue. He had his hand out of the window of the
conductor's seat, grabbing someone by the arm, as the train accelerated
and a woman hit the wall at the end of the station. The “Supervisor”
then told him that it was okay to take over he train again.
“Sounds like the 'Caped Chameleon', Yevot, has struck again”, Lafferty
told Larkin. Larkin called the timekeeper at the Bureau of Licenses.
Larkin asked for a record of time taken off by Ivan Yevot.
It was faxed over to Division in Kenmore. The chart of time off
showed that the only day he took off was during the afternoon, a
couple of days ago, when Maura Terrazzo was killed at Ruggles Station.
All of the other killings took place when Yevot wasn't scheduled
to work. The timekeeper revealed that Yevot took today off so
he could attend a funeral, somewhere in New York.
Detective O’Brien received a call on his Blackberry, informing him
that Yevot may be in New York City for a funeral. Yevot didn’t specify
what funeral he was going to, but O’Brien was told to look out
for Yevot as Yevot is a Major Suspect in all 4 killings. O’Brien
asked Captain Larkin to e-mail the pertinent information to him, including
any sketches and other information, which would be shared
with NYPD.
A witness came forward with a video, as the woman was on the Ruggles
Platform on the day of the murder. She had a phone video of the
events leading to Terrazzo’s Death, including a shot of Yevot’s
face, though slightly obscured by a trainman’s cap. She is Nicole Mc
Anally. Larkin got a copy of the video. Larkin exclaimed “BEANO”!
Lafferty hit Southie by Text Message that another witness with a
video phone, showed Yevot murdering Terrazzo at Ruggles Station.
“Send me the video so NYPD knows what we’re up to. This is now a
Manhunt in the 5 Boroughs. All NYPD Commands have to know this mutt
is on the loose. We don’t need any more stiffs”, Southie said.
Further at Division, the Costume Salesman from Beacon Hill came forward.
He has a signed receipt and American Express Card Receipt,
showing that Yevot also purchased a “T” Uniform and Smokey The Bear
Hat, as well as a trainman’s cap. Southie was sent an e-mail revealing
what Yevot had purchased.
The Meeting arranged by the NYPD Chief of Detectives, Robert B. De
Kalb, was a short session where all pertinent information on Ivan
Yevot, was exchanged. The Housing Bureau Chief, for instance, revealed
that 7 Asian Women were stalked by Yevot at the Pomonok
Houses in Flushing, in the confines of the 107 Precinct, near Queens
College. His favorite chant to them was “Sucky-Fucky, GI.” His Massachusetts
Plates were traced by Boston PD. Yevot was seen masturbating
in the car, according to the women. Southie knew about the
Rego Park woman and told De Kalb about it. A total of 8 stalkings,
involving Yevot, took place in Queens.
Ashley and Southie were rushed to the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help in Brooklyn. Southie was asked by NYPD to give a brief
Eulogy, representing Boston Police. Ashley Solu was to be the Soloist
for the High Mass, on recommendation of Monsignor’s Farrecchio
and Fitzgerald to the RC Diocese of Brooklyn. Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn
was closed off between 57th Street and 62nd Street, as a sea of
NYPD Cops & other Law Enforcement Agencies, were to throng these
streets. Southie was no stranger to NYPD Funerals, as he had been at
one, in the 2nd Grade in 1964, as a classmate of his suffered the
loss of her father, a 1st Grade Detective, in a shoot out.
At a YMCA in Park Slope, Yevot checked into a small suite. He had
his costume bag. He thought to himself about claiming to be an Iowa
State Trooper. So he donned his uniform with smokey hat. The trouble
is that a “T”(as in MBTA), is on the right sleeve. He came up with
an idea-he’ll explain it away that he’s at the “T” Barracks in Sioux
City, IA.
Robert De Kalb, the NYPD Chief of Detectives, had a list of all Police
Departments and Sheriffs Offices, who were coming to the Funeral.
Iowa was not on the list of Departments sending Officers to
the Funeral Mass, which by the way was open to the public. The Basilica
is large enough to hold a few thousand and is the Church
where the RC Diocese of Brooklyn holds many of its’ public celebrations.
Back in Park Slope, Yevot asked for directions to the Basilica. The
clerk at the “Y” didn’t understand this “Trooper” from the "Midwest"
because of his thick Boston Accent. It took a few minutes to get directions
from the man at the desk. Yevot then went to the MTA 4th
Avenue R Line, to take the train to 59th Street-4th Avenue. He
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