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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Somvanshiya, thank you love for voting on my story. Means a load to me. Keep loving and supporting. Guys, check out her stories, they're great🤗❤️





Ava's POV:


I hummed and nuzzled more into the warmth of my pillow. I tightly hugged the pillow in my arms, but scrunched my forehead in confusion, when I felt its hardness. I sleepily roamed my hands on the hard pillow but stopped when I heard a hoarse groan. Opening my eyes, I yelped back a little in shock and surprise, as I was caged. I quickly looked down and my eyes went wide. I gulped and looked up. I was sleeping on Alpha Xavier's chest with my arms tightly wrapped around his torso while my legs were tangled between his. I tried moving back but he only groans and tightly held me in his arms. I tried again but he only tightened his hold on me. My heart was thumping wildly and cold sweat was glistening on my body. The more I tried to move away, the more he tightens his hold.



I slowly put my head back on his naked well-toned chest and listened to his rhythmic heartbeats. A shiver runs down my spine at the skin contact. A lone tear escaped my eye, as I lay there in his arms. This is what I always yearned for, little love from him. One glance of love from him. A night in his arms, where he held me tightly like he's afraid to let me go, a night where I naked my heart in Infront of him, but now when I'm in his arms I don't know what to feel. Should I be happy? I look at Alpha Xavier's sleeping face and slowly traced my fingers on his face. The only one I've loved with my whole being and yet he shattered me to pieces. My heart was jackhammering and my whole body was on fire. I closed my eyes and cuddled more into him. I felt like the pieces of my shattered heart that has been struggling to be fit and finally falling into their right places. How ironical? Sometimes we find peace in the arms of our biggest tormenter.



The next time, I opened my eyes, I was alone in bed. I placed my hand over the place on the bed where Alpha Xavier was sleeping a few hours ago. The sheets were still a little warm, which means he left just now. A blush crept on my cheeks, as I remember our positions from the morning. I was in my thoughts, when I loud know came from the door. The door opened and Lily came inside smiling coyly.



"Good morning," she smiled sitting on the bed beside me.


"Morning," I smiled back at her.


"The breakfast will be in five minutes," Lily smiled but I can detect another reason behind that smile. Shrugging it off, I went to the washroom to get ready for the day. I quickly did my morning routine and headed to our closet. Yesterday late at night, Alpha Xavier bought some dresses for me. I choose a Violet ruffle short dress and did minimal makeup. Together, we went downstairs. Entering the dining area, I saw no one was there only me and Lily.



"Where is everyone,"? I asked Lily.



"Our mates are in Kevin's home office. They have been working on finding the person who is behind all this," Lily said and I nodded my head. We sat down and started our breakfast.


"So, what's the plan for today," Lily asked but I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes.


"Nothing, you have anything on mind," I asked and she nodded with a smirk. I raised my brows at her.



"Let's prank our mates," She squealed excitedly. I looked at her surprised.



"Lily...," I started but she cut me off.



"Please Ava. Come on,".



"It will be fun," she smirked and I nodded. After having our breakfast we came to her and Alpha Kevin's room.



"So, what's the plan," I asked her as she closed the door.






I snickered but hushed as Lily glared at me. Lily took out the fuse making the pack house dark. We both quickly hide behind a pillar, waiting for Alpha Xavier and Alpha Kevin to come out of the office. Lily winked as we heard footsteps coming behind us. I look at the black mask in my hand and smirked.



"What the fuck happened to the lights," Alpha Kevin growled. Lily snickered and I glared at her. They were going to check the main switch.



"Alpha," a voice called and I and Lily stilled.



"What happened to the lights," Alpha Kevin asked the person.


"We don't know Alpha. I will go and check it," the person said and went in the direction of the main switch. I peeked behind the pillar and saw Alpha Xavier and Alpha Kevin go to the living room. We both slowly went towards them and sat on each side of them. After one minute, the lights came and Alpha Xavier and Alpha Kevin relaxed on the sofas.



"I think they deliberately aren't answering us," Alpha Xavier said.



"You think they're also involved in all this,"? Alpha Kevin asked.



"I think...," Alpha Xavier started and unconsciously looked in my direction, and Alpha Kevin in Lily's direction. Alpha Xavier yelled and jumped on the sofa hitting his head with the nearby vase. Alpha Kevin stood abruptly only to fall at first pace as his feet tangled in the carpet. I and Lily burst out laughing. I clutched my stomach as it pained from laughing so hard. Lily has tears streaming her eyes. Both of them stood there dumbfounded. After recovering from their shock. Alpha Kevin narrowed his eyes.



"You," he yelled and we yelped before sprinting in the direction of the store room. As we know they will first check our rooms. Lily closed the door, and we burst out laughing again.

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