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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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"Mate is safe," he whispered and Ava looked at him. He was serious. All the playfulness was gone from his eyes. Ava cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss on his forehead.


"I'm Okay," she reassured him. She can see he was still skeptical about everything. She took his hands and placed them on her cheek. All the while, he was gazing at her with an unknown emotion.


She laid on the bed and he placed his head in her neck and tangled his legs with her. He took deep breaths of her intoxicating scent. He needs assurance that she's safe and with him. They stayed like that for a while, he hugging him tightly while she ran her fingers through his hair.


After a while, she looked down to see that he was fast asleep. She looked at the clock on the wall. She has 15 minutes to meet Jessica. Slowly sliding from under him. She quickly changed and took her phone. She slowly went out and closed the door behind her.


She went to the living room when she saw the same maid in there. Hearing footsteps, the maid looked up to see Ava. She rushed towards him and kneeled before her. Ava's eyes turned wide seeing all this.


"Th- thank you so much, Luna," the girl cried.


"I can't im-imagine what would have happened if you haven't come at on right time," she said still kneeling. Ava held her arms and helped her in standing.


"Don't kneel before me. Are you okay now,"? Ava asked and the girl nodded.


" Okay, tell me has it happened before,"? Ava asked.


"Yes, Luna. Not all worries are like this, just some...," the girl trailed off.


"Why you haven't told anyone,"? Ava asked.


"No one listened to us Omegas. Not everyone is bad but many people don't like us," she said making Ava shocked. How can people stoop this low? She wondered. She made a mental note to tell this to Alpha Xavier. She can't let the girls be humiliated like this. Ava nodded and left from there.


The bell over the door jingled indicating someone's arrival. Jessica looked up to saw that Ava was coming her way. She felt a rage bubbling inside her but calmed herself. Ava slid into the seat next to her. Both the girls were silent for a few minutes when Ava decided to break the ice.


"How are you, Jessica,"? She asked politely.


"Cut the crap, Ava," Jessica snapped making Ava shocked.


"Excuse me," Ava whispered.


"How did you do it? Noah and Xavier both,"? Jessica asked while narrowing her eyes. To say Ava is shocked would be an underestimation. She has always seen Jessica as kind and polite but today, the Jessica before her is someone else.


"They have always loved me but now they don't even look at me. You know how Xavier and I were together all the time but now he barely comes to meet me...," Jessica yelled at her. People in the restaurant started looking in their direction. Ava felt as if they were giving her dirty looks. Ava couldn't believe her ears. She felt rage burning inside her. She took her mate and now she's accusing her of everything. Ava was tired of being a good girl and always thinking about others' happiness.


"ENOUGH," Ava yelled standing up.


"You took my mate, you were with him in front of my eyes. Do you know how much that hurts? My heart shattered every time I would look at you too together. Every night I cried in pain when you both were together and you're blaming me," Ava yelled. Tears streaming from her eyes.


"Every time something broke inside me when he would look at you like you're his whole world. Forget about me, what about your mate," Ava asked.


"You know how much he has suffered because of your selfishness,"? Ava asked.


"Don't you dare say anything to me because the only selfish person I see is you," Ava said.


"He loves me," Jessica smirked at her.


"Oh yeah," Ava asked, and Flipp her hair revealing her mark. Jessica glared at her mark. Ava smiled and left from there.


On the way to the packhouse, she stopped Infront of a club. She was looking at the club, as people were rushing inside. With everything in her mind, she decided to get drunk.




A loud phone buzzing broke Xavier's sleep. He groaned and took his phone.


"What," he almost barked on the phone.


"Woah chill man. What got your panties in a twist," Daniel laughed from the other end.


"What you want," Alpha Xavier growled.


"Boys night, Be on time," Beta Daniel said in one breath and cut the call, knowing he was about to deny. Alpha Xavier groaned but still got out of the bed. He looked around his room. How did he end up here? He wondered then everything crashed on him. He quickly went outside and went towards her room. He knocked but no one answered. The same maid was passing by when Xavier stopped her and asked about Ava.



"Alpha, she went outside," the girl said and Xavier dismissed her. Where can she be? He thought. He quickly got ready and left for the club.


"Hey man," Daniel greeted Alpha Xavier as he entered the club. He was still angry with him. Xavier noticed that none of his other friends were there.


" Where's everyone,"? He asked. And Daniel remained silent.


"You," Alpha Xavier said while glaring at him.


Oh, come on. You're always busy. Let's enjoy tonight," Daniel said taking out a small bottle. As werewolves don't get drunk like humans, he brings this small bottle of knurd, it helps werewolves to get drunk like humans. He took two glasses of wine and glanced at Xavier, who was busy on his phone. Smiling evilly he mixed knurd in their drinks. After ten drinks, they both were wasted.

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