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world will celebrate on your death day.”

“Answer my question first!” Strangely calm and composed the voice was.

Navan remained silent.

“God is someone who exists in your belief. An immortal, invincible and indestructible entity who people thinks ,stands for right and against wrong. Theologically a God should not act upon the morale of what is right or what brings disaster. But have you seen god with your own eyes, Mr. Navan? Still you visit temples, mosques and churches as you believe gods existence in there. Now if tomorrow an individual appears to be of four hands or eight hands, will the society accept him as a creator of heaven and earth? Or a mutated human with a beast’s head, or someone who’s skin color is different? What proof does you have that whatever you worship are not the benefactor but some extra-terrestrial beings? So Mr, Navan are you an atheist or a bigot?”

Navan was rushing towards hotel to seek some evidence about the call. Sam might put a frequency for decryption from his cell and Sidius and Armun also need to listen.

“Not a chance, Mr Navan, neither you cannot record my voice nor can find me. And how will you? Im ubiquitous. Im everywhere. Im the master of my fate,Im the captain of my soul. Fate of my death is not in the hands of earthlings.”

“SO YOU CALL YOURSELF A GOD? Gods don’t perform such ghastly cataclysms. And you only said he stand against all wrong. What are you a Hypocrite?”

“AHAHAHAHA…Im just a human like you and Ive seen god with my own eyes, not in your churches and temples, he was amidst us. When god created man he gave him free will. There was one compliance, not to eat the apple of wisdom, but you unruly wretches suffered from inferiority complex and could not resist yourself! If men have not sinned death would not have entered in earth and you will be no less than an angel! You could’ve pranced in heavens abode, but…but sins seemed to be more fruitful for you. How disappointing this society is you understand? You blame society for the rampant atrocities, mob lynching, terrorism, political propaganda, social unrests but you people are a compendium of society!!!”

“Your philosophical words won’t soften me. Someone someday will kill you if its not me.”

“Seek and you shall find. Bye for now Mr.Navan.”

6 years back…

No one stays good in this world. No one. People are perfidious, even sometimes, the close ones. He wept all night. His eyes were swollen after being exposed to the truth. Is this what god have written as an anecdote of his life? A black spot on white? A drop of lemon in milk? An catastrophe in contentment? Is he the black cat of this family? A detestful truth have to be laden by him for the rest of the life? Failure is such Pompous?

He realised that no one is there to for abatement. No one is there to pat his back saying, “get up on your feet young man! we have miles to run! We believe you can do it!”

Wish he could fly back in time to rectify the past, prevent him from choosing this path. The enouement is irrelevant now. He moved on after that incident, but it took time. Budging with that burden pays no price, he finally understood that. But this was totally unanticipated in his wildest dreams. Just because some contentions with a company made him took this decision? All he wanted to have a rapturous life, an unconditional bonding. Fate besmirched, disparaged, defamed his desire. He had some trepidations, after receiving no messages, no phone calls, no facetimes from him. The year 2020 was seriously mournful. He lost his mother, all of a sudden leaving his brother, he left giving excuses of his research. His brother too left for higher studies as per his statement on phone, before he left. Amidst missions he could not met his brother and he too, disrupted all contacts with him. Clocks hands tick-tocked and contacts from both of them faded away like camphor. He kept himself rejuvenated by saying they might be busy in their work. All these years it was him? Acting as an outlaw? Or really an outlaw?

Then the Zombie Apocalypse took place. He tried to contact between his missions but got no response from then other side. Are they alive? Are they taking ample protections? Are they secured? Where are they now?

The world in front of his eyes glitched and he blacked out; after receiving the intel. “This is just a dream; this is not happening!” He squealed in despair. This Visage is not his cup of tea no, no, a protector should not execute, specially who inspires to live. He wriggled and wiggled in despondency, the mundane and blissful moments of life appearing in front of his eyes, the school life, the hostel life, Sundays long drive, trip to hometown, the bereavement of losing her bemoaned him.

Who is he in this vast galaxy? No one. No one will care about him anymore, everyone will be least bothered about his presence,no one will be concerned for his hues at night. He’s so alone now,his frequent visit to his birthplace is redundant.

“Har kar jeetne wale ko Baazigar kehte hai” this dialogue of a famous Bollywood film is instigating him continuously to proceed. But who achieved triumph ultimately? His intentions? Or their objectives? Or its better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven was what he wanted? Are they envious? Doing it out of greed? Or a rabid wrath to spew the morale?

Dereliction of duty is something he despises, so he made up his mind for one last confrontation. One moment could change everything, that all these years failed to.

A new hope?

Location: Unknown

Time: 8:13am

“Navan, wake up Navan!” Armun pushed him. He woke up at wee hours and was going through newsfeed.

“Check this out” Armun chromecasted the video to screen. Sidius and Sam entered the room with a cup

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