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figments, the bedtime stories! He burned all his medals, mementos and certificates, the materialistic attachments. One scornful moment can change a lot. How had Dada got out of depression at that age? Dada was his inspiration since childhood; he was amazingly phlegmatic and sober. His chose patriotism as his profession which was his aspiration.

“But what am I covetous about? The éclaircissement of life?”

He could not walk anymore; he felt his lungs bursted. His vision became blurry. Falling on the abrasive rocks, he was unconscious.

“Good morning. Loitering in mountain woods, San?” An aged monk was gazing at him with a firm smile on his face. His quivering eyes were deep and contained a vast sagacious vibe.

He found himself wrapped in a blanket. The room permeates comfort, and the incense of the sticks are mood lifting. “W..wh…where am I?”

“Shall tell you everything you need to know. But first, have some tea, San. Its invigorating.” The monk said with a divine smile.

At one corner of a room, amidst other paintings and effigies, his eyes caught a glazing Armor of a warrior. Like what the stories were, like what the ancient paintings he saw at museum, the real one overwhelmed him. He tried to get up but he felt too drowsy.

“Take some rest. Here, this will keep you warm. Live by choice, not by chance.” He received a blanket from the monk.

The tea worked like magic. It replenished and re-energized him within a couple hours. Getting up he approached to the central hall. The monks were chanting and their vibration of hymning ushers in every corner. Without any intervention, he folded his legs and sat at one corner. Is this what his destiny is? The circle of life brought him… here? The ignition of his aspiration illuminated…here?

Buddhism entered Japan in the sixth century and from then it became a powerful force for the rulers. The monks were worshipping Saint Buddha, about 8 feet tall, an angelic deity. Not only today, time immortal the innocent gets oppressed, the discrimination of poor and rich, the dominance of powerful prevails and for this King Siddhartha left the impunity of his throne and taught mankind the true meaning of love and peace. Contradicting those musings, today’s world runs on privileges, egoism, self-centredness, and brutality.

“Are you lost traveller? You seem anguished.” The elderly monk who gave him tea, approached towards him after prayer and asked.

“Humbled and aimless I am! Ohh sire! From achievement I lost everything! I was wandering to find tomorrow, but the past hounds me!”

“Control your emotions and listen to your inner self, San. Think you’re the azure sky with plumage of clouds, light and feathery. Think you are the blue of the ocean, with vast possibilities and opportunities. Unentangle yourself, defense against the odds. Be like water, get accustomed in any situation.”

“Then transform me into water! Let the optimism flow through my veins!”

“Practice makes a man perfect. It’s not some days venture to transform your inner self. You have to break and mend yourself my dear. You have to live a dervish life to find peace.”

He stands up and stooped to the Monk in respect. He trows. finally, he got what he wanted, the meaning of life. As a protector of humanity, as a defender of justice, as an executioner of sinful. The ambience too played and important part of his inspiration; the serenity, the discipline, the sober stance of the monks and their disciples.

Survival for the next four years was really a man with infinite tolerance can do. Stories of great heroes can be cherished to hear, but their journey to become one, no one talks about. Everyone puts limelight on the success, but nobody heeds to their journey.

His soft palms toughened because of coarse grounds; nerves swelled on his wrists. More flexible he became than before. He was completely unrecognisable, from a college nerd to a fighter, those years changed him a lot.

“Your body is a temple, San. How you sculpt, depends on you.”

He knows, his tenure as a “Bushido” already started. He still has miles to go without stopping. And he wont give up either until he is worthy.

“Control your temperament in uncertain situations. Stay loyal to everyone. Value your honour above life”.

It was tough at first to acclimatize limited two-time meal and five hours of sleep, but gradually the lifestyle the defense sessions started to augment his anatomy and perception.

“From tomorrow onwards, your Kendo training will start. Now it’s time to work on weapons and defenses to subdue enemy at the field.”

Train, your body

From where it started, from where did it spread, nobody knows. Mild crapulous symptoms at the initial stage, followed by rotting of internal organs thousands were affected in Asia and the cities in its propinquity. Within 6 months almost in every corners of the world, zombies swarmed and decomposed. The infection was not contagious, because of inhaling an unidentifiable gas compound made their epidermis rot and brain functions disrupted and it didn’t spread from person to person like virus. Hordes of Zombies scurried and scampered on streets and buildings.

Like the pandemic 8 years ago, total lockdown and quarantined zones were initiated. The only difference was in 2020, Russia was the first nation to initiate human trials of the vaccine. Later Britain and US had invested in a vaccine developed by oxford university. Jade Viper also were in discussion as he started trading bodies of the dead with Taliban. However, in advanced cities like Korea, Japan, Latin provinces the infiltration of zombies were quite less as ionized shield were installed in borders to obstruct them for entering.

Then came in existence, the Dermatoxia. Originated from the corpses, this disease bursts the internal artery and death is abominable. Carried by fleas and mosquitoes, the latter part of 2028 was formidable and still continues. By the middle of 2029, Zombie counts were less in number, but no solutions of Dermatoxia are available.

Jade Viper was killed by an air strike at his divulged lair at Cambodia on the Same year. It was

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