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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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of coffee.

“An amazing breakthrough has just been announced by Mr. Fulkan Kane, CEO of Adage industries regarding the pestilence of Zombie Apocalypse. Vaccines and cure of Dermatoxia have been invented by Adage pharmaceuticals and is yet to be distributed among the common. Mr. Fulkan tweeted, Next week will be the official launch of this vaccine and sufficient techno drones will be in operation to emanate across nations. But unfortunately, only the rich could afford one as he gave a queer hint that the prices will be too high for middle classes. For more information, stay updated.”

“This Fulkan Kane is a snarky businessman, as his petroleum venture, he started for some few years is not doing good these days, thus he’s duping the nation by this.” Sidius commented.

“That guys an asshole. He can go to any bounds for his privileges.” Armun seemed grumpy. Sam was still watching other news, by the time Navan mumbled “Fulkan loved me like his own son.”

“W-WHAT?” The room had a pin-drop silence. Everyone was staring at Navan.

“He was the managing director of my father’s Company, Adage Industries. He was a true and noblest friend and business partner of my dad, and truly respected him. After my father’s death, I have kept no contact with any officials of Adage.”

“But you could any day claim the intellectual rights and know how procedures of Adage as you are the worthy heir!” Sidius exclaimed.

“COD gave me a new life, Mr. Sidius. I’ve no intentions to start another.” Navan smirked.

“If we focus on the strategy of the anarchist,” Armun diverted the discussion. “As of now 2 explosions took place and one was stopped. The first two were plastic explosive and the last one you encountered Mr. Navan was a suicide bomber. EN TRASTE was imputed to be the next target but stopping midway created a flaw in their plan. Found innumerable clues inside the hotel but still weve suppressed this to the local polices. To be more precise it was a sleeper cell activity. Now the chemical components of yesterday’s one could not be ascertained, I presume, as the body completely fragmented and the remainings got diluted. R&D reports said that the unidentified components are still yet to be analysed and a pinch of sodium chloride burns them to gases.Like camphor it vanishes. With that plastic explosive it was attached in a de functioning pocket. The mechanism was to scatter the component in air.

“Black marketeers of South-East Africa, China, Korea assessed more zombie corpses. The phenomena ended 4 years ago somehow reincarnated again. It is speculated that in remote areas people are still mutating into zombies and its not a good sign. Few days ago oil drillers from coastal areas at Madagascar recovered hundreds of corpses floating on seabed. Its just an oneiromancy of mine that apocalypse could take place again in an intimidating way. Metro advanced cities was less affected but this time hordes could invade into cities and no one can stop.” Sidius said.

“Im continuously tracking this identity’s location from last night. The pointers stopped at all three places of previous bombardment.” Sam muffled. “Even frequency tracer is failing”.

Navan was having an introspective thought. What could be the next plan after 3 bombardments? Is he planning another zombie invasion by this? This is what he meant to say, the humanity will suffer to death by this?

The next plan

Location: unknown

Time: 9:26pm

“Evening Mr.Navan, still failing to find me?”

Navan was observing the conference snippets Sidius took at Harleem. This time he didn’t bothered to say “Our operations might panicked you that’s why you are improvising espionage.”

“Ahahaa, no, no Mr Navan. All over the world every Investigation bureaus and best detectives are in pursuit to unravel my identity. But your intellect, your acumen is far better than others. And we’re connected somehow too!”

Navan was wordless for a moment. Some enemies from the missions? Personal grievance of someone he knew? Who could it be?

“Leave it. Have you seen a crow carefully Mr.Navan? They are known for disposing off plastics and wastes. But do they get justice for their contribution? Do someone pet them? But a cuckoos euphonious voice is fascinating to you even though they sneak their eggs to a crow’s nest.”

Navan hold his temperament. He didn’t utter a word, instead turned on the recorder of his tablet.

“You’re a militant Mr. Navan, perhaps you will get this. Do farmers, scientists Navy, gets the true price of what they contribute to the society? You have eaten your meal two times a day cz a farmer sowed seeds, you are healthy today cz’ the scientists innovated cures, you slept peacefully today cz’ armies are guarding the border to face off invaders. Whatever they secure is posthumous. But if a celebrity conceives a baby, if a sportsperson is spotted somewhere, that becomes a hotcake to you. As you believe bootlicking the powerful is the only way of survival and fame. You think you are the center of the earth, you think you possess intellect than no other. You create divisiveness among yourselves by stating who is democratic and who is republican. Its like two outlets, one is made up of wood and says “avoid plastic” and the other outlet is made up of plastic and says “stop cutting trees, save nature. HA HA HA HA HA HA! You have created your imaginary deities to vest your belief and divinity. But achievements are you hard works and constant efforts, blaming god when your life is distressed? You show sympathies to poor and needy, but do you really feel concerned about them? Or its just a sadistic personality of yours? Im swearing on my Katana, Mr.Navan, I will surrender after my mission is successful. But the world have to experience first, like 2020, like 2028, like the upcoming days. Mr.Navan, I’m not the villain you want to subdue, the real villain is disguised ,instilled as sins in humanity. Imagine a world with compassion, fortitude, and generosity. There would be no war to gain the power, no politics

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