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Book online «Jaded [The Moonlight Breed 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Gabrielle Evans (the read aloud family TXT) 📖». Author Gabrielle Evans

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Mihail added.

“His dad died, and now he has to go home to be king.” Nikola hopped up on the counter and swung his feet so that they tapped rhythmically against the cabinets below. “I’m sure you see the problem.”

Demitrius and Cian just looked confused. “I’m sorry. What?”

Oscar chuckled and patted his mate on the chest. “Spiro has to go home to some island because his father passed away, and he wants Zuriel to go with him. My brother is having trouble making a decision.”

“What’s the problem? They’re mates. Of course he should go.”

Oh, if it was only that easy. Yes, he felt the draw to be with Spiro. There were so many things about the man that made his heart race and his stomach flutter. Though he might be a little gruff on the surface, Spiro constantly put other people’s needs above his own, and he never made Zuriel feel like his ideas or opinions were without merit.

He didn’t smile often, but when he did, it was the most gorgeous thing Zuriel had ever seen. It transformed his face and warmed the green of his eyes. He had dimples, and yes, his hair was just as silky soft as Zuriel had imagined it would be.

Spiro listened, and he never pushed. He was always there to help, but never to take over, and Zuriel appreciated how much confidence his mate had in him. It was nice to feel important for once, instead of just another stray the coven had taken under their wing.

“He said we don’t have to stay forever, but he doesn’t know when we’ll be back.”

“So, what has you scared?” Cian asked as he settled into one of the kitchen chairs and pulled Zavion into his lap.

“Well, I know we’re mates, but I barely know him when you think about it. What about you guys?” Spiro had said that his friends could visit, but he hadn’t sounded hopeful that they’d make the trip. Zuriel tended to agree. “I’ll be alone there.”

“Well, I’ll miss you,” Zavion said quietly. “I can’t imagine not being close to Cian, though. You may be confused right now, but fate chooses our mates, Zuri. You can’t run from it, and I think you’ll regret it if you don’t go.”

“Spiro said you guys could visit whenever you want.” It wasn’t a question, but he hoped someone would step up and offer to come with him. Having a familiar face around while Spiro was off tending to his responsibilities would make the transition much easier.

“We can’t leave right now,” Demitrius said at once, holding Oscar tucked against his side. “Security is stretched thin as it is, and I can’t put the coven in that position.”

“Same for us,” Cian added as he placed a soft kiss on Zavion’s neck. “I can’t be without Zavion, and I can’t leave the coven when it’s needin’ me.”

It was disappointing, but Zuriel had expected as much. Cicero seemed happier lately, but he still wasn’t talking, and Zuriel figured it was probably best if he didn’t leave the comfort of the community. Everyone else appeared happy right where they were, and he was seriously starting to feel left out in the cold. He didn’t blame his friends, though. If not for his growing attachment to Spiro, he wouldn’t even be contemplating the extended trip.

To his surprise, it was Mihail who stepped forward and took his hand. “I’ll come with you. I do like this place, but it will be waiting when we return. There’s nothing holding me here.” He bumped their shoulders together and grinned. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to travel.”

“Well, I’m in, too,” Nikola announced, hurrying to Zuriel’s other side. “Home isn’t a place. It’s the people you care about. Who knows?” He chuckled quietly and wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll find my mate on this island of yours.”

“Water, water everywhere,” Jacobi said with a dramatic sigh, “and nary a drop to drink. This place is crawling with men, and not a one of them available. It’s atrocious.” Then he sidled up to Zuriel and leaned close to kiss his cheek. “I’ll come with you, my scrumptious cupcake, but you’ll have to promise me a harem of muscled men to keep me entertained.”

“I’m pretty sure they have men where we’re going.” He was over the moon, and there just weren’t words to express how much his friends’ support meant to him. “Thank you, all of you.”

“There’s only one thing left to do.” Huffing dramatically, Jacobi trudged out of the kitchen, looking very much like he was walking to his execution.

“What is left to do?” Whatever it was, if it made Jacobi that unhappy, Zuriel didn’t think he wanted any part of it.

Nikola snickered and patted him on the shoulder. “We have to pack. Have you seen Jacobi’s closet?”

“Oh, right.” He hadn’t even thought that far ahead yet. “Crap, and we’re leaving in the morning.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” Sliding out of Cian’s lap, Zavion pulled Zuriel to him and hugged him tight. “I’ll take care of your packing.”

“Where are you going?” Mihail called before Zuriel could disappear through the back door.

He couldn’t have pried the smile off his face with a crowbar. “I’m going to find my mate and tell him the good news.” And if everything went as planned, he’d be having a little preflight celebration.

Chapter Five

“We discussed last week that I’m going to have to leave the country for a little while.”


“I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I can arrange for you to talk to someone else while I’m gone.” Spiro already knew what the response to that would be, but he felt morally obligated to offer.

“No, I don’t think I’d trust anyone else.”

Swallowing back his sigh, Spiro leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and linking his fingers together. “Ro, your friends are worried about you. No one has heard you speak a word since you arrived in Haven, and that was six months ago.”

Cicero ducked his head and fidgeted nervously on

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