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T’ien-tsun, 127; Superior, Medium, and Inferior, 126; the Three, 125 sq.

Celestial Ministries, 98–99, 164

Cemeteries, Chinese, 41

Ceremonial Institutions. Changes in marriage ceremonial, 24–25; exacting nature of funeral rites, 41; codes of ceremonial, 42 Page 429

Ch’an-yĂŒ. Daughter of TĂȘng Chiu-kung; helps her father, 147; marries T’u Hsing-sun, 147

Chang Fei. Chang I TĂȘ, the meat-seller; and Kuan YĂŒ, 114 sq.

Chang Hsien. The patron of child-bearing women, 177 sq.; shoots the Heavenly Dog, 177–178; spirit of the star Chang, 178–179; origin of worship of, 178

Chang I TĂȘ. See Chang Fei

Chang Kuei-fang. Defeated by No-cha, 153–154

Chang Kuo. One of the Eight Immortals, 288, 303; legend of, 294–295

Chang Lao. The old priest who rescued the infant son of Ch’ĂȘn Kuang-jui, 337–338

Ch’ang Ô, or HĂȘng Ô. Called T’ai-yin Huang-chĂŒn and YĂŒeh-fu Ch’ang Ô; the younger sister of the Spirit of the Waters, 179 sq.; ShĂȘn I marries, 182; eats pill of immortality, 184–185; flies to the moon, 185; and the white rabbit, 185; changed to a toad, 176, 188

Chang Shao. His fight with Nan-chi Hsien-wĂȘng, 158–159; defeated by White Crane Youth, 159

Chang Tao-ling. The first Taiost pope, 138 sq.; finds ancient writings, 138–139; founder of modern Taoism, 139; and pills of immortality, 139, 140; and talismans, 139; a ‘rice-thief,’ 139; his disciple, Wang Ch’ang, 140, 141, 216; Chao ShĂȘng plucks the peaches for, 140–141; the Heavenly Teacher, 141; Vicegerent of Pearly Emperor, 141; Commander-in-Chief of the hosts of Taoism, 141; his descendants, 142; and the dragon, 216–217; and the Spirits of the Well, 216–217; and the hunter, 217

Chang T’ien-shih. Master of the Taoists; Emperor Li Shih-min and, 243 sq.; causes death of the five graduates, 244; gives magic objects to graduates, 245

Chang Ya. The God of Tzƭ T’ung 104 sq.

Change, The Great, 90

“Changes, The Canon of.” See I Ching

Chao ChĂȘn. Minister to Miao Chuang, 253, 257, 277, 279–280, 283; becomes Emperor, 285

Chao K’uei. Marries Miao Ch’ing, 258; conspires against Miao Chuang, 277 sq.

Chao Kung-ming. See Ts’ai ShĂȘn

Chao ShĂȘng. Plucks the peaches, 140–141

Ch’ao Tu. A watchman; Li T’ieh-kuai and, 291

Chao Yen. His connexion with Shou Hsing, 172

Chaos. Evolution of, and i tu, 90–91

Characteristics. Emotional, intellectual, and physical, of the Chinese, 21–22

Charms. Use of, prevalent, 54

Ch’ĂȘ. And the fox, 379 sq.

Ch’ĂȘn. The Officials; the first class of the people, 28

Ch’ĂȘn. A Buddhist nun; collects subscriptions for casting an image of Buddha; and the maniac’s mite, 401–402

ChĂȘn, Mr. A fox; and Chia TzĆ­-lung, 381 sq.

Ch’ĂȘn Kuang-jui. A graduate of Hai Chou, 336; appointed Governor of Chiang Chou, 336; and the released carp, 336, 339–340; murder of, by Liu Hung, 337; his infant son exposed on the Blue River, 337; his murderer executed, 339; saved by Lung Wang, 339–340; is reunited with his family, 340. See also HsĂŒan Chuang

Ch’ĂȘn Ch’i, or Ha. The Blower, 145; his battle with the Snorter, 145–146; speared by Huang Fei-hu, 146; canonized, 146; appointed guardian of Buddhist temple gates, 146; overthrows TĂȘng Chiu-kung, 148

ChĂȘn-jĂȘn. The Perfect Man, or Hero, 125, 135–136

ChĂȘn-shui T’a. See YĂŒ Châ€™ĂŒan Shan T’a Page 430

ChĂȘng ChĂȘng-ch’ang. Choir-mistress in Nunnery of the White Bird, 261, 263–264

ChĂȘng Lung, or HĂȘng. The Snorter, 145; instructed by Tu Ô, 145; his battle with the Blower, 145–146; killed by Chin Ta-shĂȘng, 146; canonized, 146; appointed guardian of the Buddhist temple gates, 146

Ch’ĂȘng Tsung. Emperor; and the San YĂŒan, 127; and YĂŒ Huang, 130–131; and the casket of pearls, 131–132

Ch’ĂȘng-huang, God of the City, 165–166, 402 sq.

Ch’i. Pneuma, 90; Primary Matter, 86; Chu Tzƭ and, 87; tao and, 88

Chi Chou. The early seat of Chinese sovereignty, 82

Chia TzĆ­-lung. And Mr ChĂȘn, a fox, 381 sq.

Chiang Chou. Ch’ĂȘn Kuang-jui appointed Governor of, 336

Chiang Shang. See Chiang TzĆ­-ya

Chiang TzĆ­-ya. His name Chiang Shang, but known as LĂŒ Shang, famous generalissimo, 122, 152 sq.; canonizes HĂȘng and Ha, 146; and TĂȘng Chiu-kung, 147–148; and ChĂŒ Liu-sun, 147; and Yin Ch’ĂȘng-hsiu, 148; and battle of Mu Yeh, 152–153; transfers services to Chou, 152; and Wu Wang, 153, 154; and No-cha, 153–154; goes to K’un-lun, 154; receives List of Promotions to Immortals from YĂŒan-shih, 154; disobeys YĂŒan-shih’s commands, 155; tempted by ShĂȘn Kung-pao, 155; compact with ShĂȘn Kung-pao, 155; assisted by Ancient Immortal of the South Pole against ShĂȘn Kung-pao, 156–157; intercedes for ShĂȘn Kung-pao, 157; builds the FĂȘng ShĂȘn T’ai, 157; in battle with WĂȘn Chung, 158 sq.; wounds WĂȘn Chung, 160; his encounter with Ch’ien-li Yen and Shun-fĂȘng Êrh, 162 sq.; causes death of Chao Kung-ming, 170–171; confers appanage of the twenty-eight constellations on T’ung-t’ien Chiao-chu and his followers, 191–192; and T’ai Sui, 196; and Lei Tsu, 199; and LĂŒ YĂŒeh, 241

Chieh-yin Tao-jĂȘn. Fights with T’ung-t’ien Chiao-chu, 321

Ch’ien-li Yen, or Kao Ming. Thousand-li Eye, 161 sq.; general of tyrant Chou, 161–162; encounters with No-cha, Yang Chien, Chiang TzĆ­-ya, Li Ching, and Lei ChĂȘn-tzĆ­, 162 sq.; defeated, 163–164; searches for heir to Miao Chuang, 254–255

Ch’ien-t’ang. Chief God of Rivers, 218–219

Chih. See Substance

Ch’ih Ching-tzĆ­. Seeks YĂŒan-shih T’ien-wang, 129; defeats WĂȘn Chung, 161; an alleged discoverer of fire, 199; fights WĂȘn Chung, 199; personification of fire, 237

Ch’ih Sung-tzĆ­. See YĂŒ Shih

Ch’ih Ti. See Chu Jung

Ch’ih-chiang TzĆ­-yĂŒ. Visits Ô-mei Shan, 179; on the steep summit, 180; instructed in the doctrine of immortality, 186; a skilful archer, 180 sq.; named ShĂȘn I; his adventures as ShĂȘn I—see ShĂȘn I

Children. Position of, in China, 25–26

Ch’in. The feudal state which subjugated the other states and established the monarchy, 27

Chin Chia. ‘Mr Golden Cuirass’; protector of scholars, 112–113

Chin Hung. God of T’ai Shan; and YĂŒan-shih T’ien-wang, 128–129

Chin Mu. ShĂȘn I builds a palace for, 183–184; gives ShĂȘn I pill of immortality, 184

Ch’in Shih Huang-ti. The First Emperor; and the dragon, 212 sq.

Ch’in Shu-pao. A Door-god, 173–174. See MĂȘn ShĂȘn

Chin Ta-shĂȘng. ‘Golden Big Pint,’ an ox-spirit; kills the Snorter, 146; and niu huang, or bezoar, 146

Chin-cha. See Li Chin-cha

Chin-kang. The Four Diamond Kings of Heaven; governors of the four continents surrounding Page 431Mount SumĂȘru, 120 sq.; reflected in Taoist Kings of Heaven, 142

China. Extent in early times, 17, 18; physical features of, 18–19; Manchu conquest of, 18, 28; vegetable products of, 19–20; animals of, 20; Mongol rule over, 21; intercourse

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