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of Jung tribe, 419 sq.

Domestic Institutions. Marital, 22 sq.; filial, 25–26; domestic customs and habits, 46–47

Door-gods. See MĂȘn ShĂȘn

Dragon-s. Symbol of, on Manchu flag, 28; P’an Ku with head of, 78; Blue—see Blue Dragon; FĂȘng Po, God of the Wind, 204, 205; are spirits of the waters, 208; generally beneficent, 208; essence of yang principle; evil dragons are Buddhist, 208; nagas, mountain dragons, 208; chief of the scaly reptiles, 208; description and properties of, 208 sq.; Buddhist, 209–210; fĂȘng-shui and, 209; legend of the foolish, 211–212; spirits in charge of Salt Waters, 212; spirits in charge of Sweet Waters, 212; spirits in charge of Secondary Waters, 212; legend of Ch’in Shih Huang-ti and the, 212 sq.; Chang Tao-ling and the, 216–217; HsĂŒ ChĂȘn-chĂŒn and the, 222 sq.; a spiritual alligator, 223–224; and drought in Peking, 232 sq.

Dragon-boat Festival. Origin and nature of, 44, 152

Dragon-king-s. The Sea-dragon Kings, the Chinese Neptunes; three daughters of, mothers of the San Kuan, 126; description of, 210–211, 212; Ao Ch’in and the Eight Immortals, 214 sq.; legend of Dragon-king’s daughter, 217 sq.; and Li No-cha, 307 sq.

Dragon-tiger Mountain. Abode of family of Chang Tao-ling, 142

“Dream of the South Branch.” Nan k’o mĂȘng, 410; story of, 410 sq.

Dualism. In early cosmogony, 83; I ching and, 84; yin-yang system of, 85; illustrated by pantheon, 93

Du Bose. Cited, 98–99

Duke of Thunder. See Lei Kung


Earlier Spirit Festival, 44

Earth. Gods of the, 46; the Earth-mother, 82, 109–110, 165. See also Soil and Ti

Earth-dumb. Ti-ya, or Ti-mu, the Earth-mother; one of the attendants of WĂȘn Ch’ang, 82, 109–110

Earth-mother. Ti-ya, Ti-mu, or Hou-t’u, 82, 109–110, 165. See also Earth-dumb

Eastern Air, Sovereign of The, 136–137

Eastern Palace. Residence of T’ai I, star-spirit, 143

Ecclesiastical Institutions, 34 sq.

Education. Stereotyped at an early age, 37; restricted to study of the classics, 37; competitive examination system of, 37, 38; modern, 38

Eight Immortals. See Pa Hsien

Eight Trigrams. See Pa Kua and Trigrams

Eighteen Provinces. China Proper, 27

Elam. Probable origin of Chinese in, 15, 17

Elephant, White, 283, 284, 285–286

Emperor-s. YĂŒ Huang, the Jade Emperor, 130, and see YĂŒ Huang; ‘Throne of the Five,’ 176 Page 434

Emptiness and Devastation. HsĂŒ Hao, a demon; exorcism of, 249–250

Environments of the Chinese. Inorganic, 18–19; organic, 19–20; sociological, 20–21

Epidemics. Gods of, 240 sq.; myths of, 240 sq.; Ministry of Seasonal, 240–241; God of Epidemics afflicts Miao Chuang, 274

Equinoxes. Festivals of the, 44

Êrh-lang. Helps to capture Sun Hou-tzƭ, 331

Examinations. Literary, as means of appointment to office, 29

Exchange. By barter, 49; coins, 49; weights and measures, 49

Exorcism-ists. The wu, 34; Ministry of, 248; gods of, 248–249; of ‘Emptiness and Devastation,’ 249

Expectant Wife. Legend of the, 391–392

Extinguisher. Sun Hou-tzƭ and the, 364–365


Fa Pao. Dharma, the Law, one of the San Pao of Buddhism, 119

Fan-s. Use of, 47; the Fire-quenching, 359 sq.

Fanning the Grave. Story of Chuang Chou and the widow, 149

Favourable-wind Ear. See Shun-fĂȘng Êrh

Feast. Of Lanterns, 43–44; of Peaches, P’an-t’ao Hui, 137–138. See also Festival-s

Feathered People. Legend of, 390

Fei, Lady. Concubine of MĂȘng Ch’ang, 178. See Hua-jui Fu-jĂȘn

Fei Lien. See FĂȘng Po

FĂȘng Hou. And Chuang Chou, 150

FĂȘng Lin. Vanquished by No-cha, 153

FĂȘng Po. God of the Wind; and ShĂȘn I, 181, 204–205; legend of, 204–205; a stellar divinity, 204; a dragon, Fei Lien, 181, 204–205

FĂȘng ShĂȘn T’ai. Chiang TzĆ­-ya builds, for List of Promotions to Immortals, 154, 157

“FĂȘng ShĂȘn Yen I.” Legends in, 192 sq., 242, 320 sq.

FĂȘng-shan. Sacrifices offered on T’ai Shan by Ch’ĂȘng Tsung, 127

FĂȘng-shui, Doctrine of, 54; dragons connected with, 209

Festival-s, 43 sq.; Mid-autumn (All Souls’ Day), 35, 44–45; New Year, 43; of Lanterns, 43–44; of the four seasons and their equinoxes and solstices, 44; Earlier Spirit, 44; of the Tombs, 44; Middle Spirit, 44; Later Spirit, 44; Dragon-boat, 44, 152; Chung Yang (kite-flying), 45; New Year’s Eve, 45

Feudal Period. Duration of, 18; administrative system in, 28–29; ecclesiastical institutions in, 34 sq.; professional institutions in, 36; accessory institutions in, 37

Feudal States. Subjugated by Ch’in, 27

Finger-nails. Worn long by literary and leisured classes, 47

Fire. Ch’ih Ching-tzĆ­ an alleged discoverer of, 199; myths of, 236 sq.; Ministry of, 236; God of, burns Hsi Ch’i, 236–237; Ch’ih Ching-tzĆ­ a personification of, 237; Ch’ih Ti, the Red Emperor, 237–238; Hui Lu, 238–239; ShĂȘn Nung, 239; the Fire-quenching Fan, 359 sq.

Fire-quenching Fan, The Magic, 359 sq.

First Cause. Sung philosophers and, 85–86; Mencius and, 90

Five Elements (wu hsing), 84

Five Graduates. Legend of the, 242 sq.; gain favour of the Emperor, 243; and Chang T’ien-shih, 244–245; killed, 244; their spirits appear at the palace, 244–245; canonized, 246

Flag. Republican, 28; dragon-symbol on Manchu, 28

Flood, Legend of the Great, 224–225

Flowers. Chinese love for, 51

Flying Cart, Land of the, 391

Fo Pao. Buddha, one of the San Pao of Buddhism, 119

Food. Kinds of, 58

Foot-binding. Origin of, 39; abolition of, 39 Page 435

Form. See Hsing

Formosa. A Chinese possession, 27; annexed by Japan, 27

Foxes. Legends of, 370 sq.; generally of ill omen, 370; powers of, 370; transformations of, 370

Fu Hsi, or T’ien Huang Shih. Mythical sovereign; brother of NĂŒ Kua, 81, 82; creator of human beings, 239, 247–248; a God of Medicine, 247–248

Fu ShĂȘn, Yang Ch’ĂȘng, or Yang Hsi-chi. The God of Happiness, 165, 169–170; origin of, 169; other Gods of Happiness, 170

Fu-sang Tree. One which grows at the place where the sun rises, 186–187

Funeral Rites, 39 sq.; the idea of death, 39; recalling the soul, 39–40; feeding the corpse, 40; the soul-tablet, 40; signs of mourning, 40; exacting nature of ceremonial, 41; cemeteries, 41


Games, 45–46

Gardens, 47, 51

Garuda. See Lei Kung

Gems, Lake Of. Yao Ch’ih, 137

Generalissimo-s. Canonized, 150 sq.; the three musical brothers, T’ien Chih-piao, T’ien YĂŒan-shuai, and T’ien Hung-i, 151; Chiang TzĆ­-ya, 152 sq.

Genii. Hsi Wang Mu head of the, on K’un-lun Mountains, 137

Gentry. ShĂȘn Shih; a social division, 28

Geological Features, 19

Giants. Legends of, 387

God-s. Of China, 93 sq.; amuse themselves, 99; marry, 99; sin, 99; punishment of the, 99; die, 99; super-triad of, 100–101; Confucius not a, 102 sq.; shĂȘn general name for, 103; stellar deities, 176 sq., 242; constellations, planets, and stars abodes of, 192; dragons, 208 sq.; battle of the, 320 sq.; of Agriculture, 165; of the City, 165; of the

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