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opposes Fadden’s economic policies 165

opposes independent board for Commonwealth Bank 177–8

opposes privatisation of industries 331

other parties unite in opposition to 23

protects male workers from exploitation 8

reaction to ‘banana republic’ comment 314

seeks representation at Versailles Peace Conference 44

split by anti-communist movement 146, 194–5

supports Turner government 7–8

supports White Australia policy 197

turns down coalition proposals 163–4

Vietnam War policies 199

Watson leads to victory 22

Whitlam’s reforms to 202

wins government in Queensland 87

wins Victorian state seats 6

Australian Natives’ Association 4–5, 31

Australian Notes Board 62

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority 179, 380–2

Australian Securities and Investments Commission 382–3

Australian Tax Office 272–3 see also taxation policies

Balaclava Federal electorate, Watt elected for 36

‘banana republic’ comment 313–14

Bank Nationalisation Act 1947 (Cth) 141

Banking Act 1945 (Cth) 126, 380

banking regulation see also central banking; monetary policy

ALP attempts to block Menzies reforms 146–7

Chifley fails to nationalise banks 138–41, 149

Costello reforms prudential regulation 380–4

effect of during GFC 402–4, 414

foreign banks admitted to Australia 286, 308–9

in wartime, under Chifley 125–7

Keating’s views on 303

Royal Commission into 117–19

‘six pillars’ policy 383–4

under Howard and Fraser 278

Banks Federal electorate, redistribution of 297

Barnard, Lance 201–3, 206–7, 222

Barrett, Chris 413–14

Barron, Peter 302

Barton, Edmund adjourns Constitutional convention 11

appointed PM after Lyne withdraws 2, 14, 16

moves to High Court 23–4

on new Treasury Department 19

Turner’s support for 9

Barwick, Garfield 272–3

Bay of Pigs fiasco 197

Beasley, Jack 104, 107, 121

Beaverbrook, Lord 55

Beazley, Kim Jnr

as ALP leader in opposition 398

challenges Crean for leadership 396

opposes deregulation of RBA 380

supports consumption tax 326

Swan supports for leadership 418

Swan works for 395

telecommunications reforms under 332

Beazley, Kim Snr

Chifley views as potential leader 145

distrusts Cairns 197

Hayden cuts spending on portfolio of 239–40

on Scullin and Premiers’ Plan 105

on Theodore 85

runs for ALP leadership 201

Bennelong Federal electorate, Howard wins 254

Berinson, Joe 223

Bernanke, Ben 400

Berowra Federal electorate, Howard fails to win preselection for 254

Bevan, Aneurin 196

Beveridge, William 127–8

Bjelke-Petersen, Joh 233, 288, 316–17

BKK Partners 386

‘Black Monday’ stock market crash 89, 320

Blair, James 95–6

Blair, Tony 294

Blamey, Thomas 192

Blanchard, Olivier 404

Blaxland Federal electorate, Keating wins preselection for 297–8

Blunstein, Paul 368

BNP Paribas 400

bottom-of-the-harbour tax schemes 274–6

Bourke, Bill 194

Bowen, Chris (author)

carbon pricing policies 427

involved in superannuation reform 424–5

response to GFC 408

supports Rudd leadership bid 418

Bowen, Lionel

as acting PM 314

Keating close to 298

loses ALP leadership ballot to Whitlam 244–5

supports Hawke leadership bid 300–1

Whitlam threatens to make Treasurer 210

Braddon Clause 65

Braddon, Edward 65

Bramston, Troy 236

Brenan, Frank 36–7

Brereton, Laurie 296, 297

Bretton Woods settlement 133–4, 213, 278

Brisbane State High School 229

Brown, Gordon 294, 426

Bruce Coalition government 59–75 see also Page

Bruce, Stanley Melbourne

as assistant Treasurer under Lyons 77

as Australian High Commissioner in London 80

as Prime Minister 59–72

as Treasurer 50, 84

Country Party enter coalition with 59–60

declines to resume Prime Ministership 78–9

ennobled by monarch 39

loses seat in election 75

on Niemeyer’s task in Australia 105

on Theodore 84–5

Page’s relations with 54–5

remains in coalition after regaining majority 71

Budgets and economic statements

Australia’s first 19–20

under Chifley 122–4

under Costello 355, 357–61, 363, 369, 387–8

under Crean 208

under Dawkins 339–40

under Fadden 152, 164–5, 169, 172–4, 176–7, 184

under Hayden 215, 228, 237, 241–3

under Howard 261, 264–5, 267–70

under Keating 294, 309–10, 312, 315–17, 319, 321, 330, 395

under Lynch 271–2

under Page 70–2, 74–5

under Snedden 212

under Swan 401, 428

under Theodore 91

Building the Education Revolution program 410, 415–16

Burke, Tom 145–6

Bury, Les 246

Business Activity Statements 375

Business Council of Australia, opposes consumption tax 327

Butler, Mark 427

Butlin, Sydney 119

Button, John 301, 306, 326

Cain, John Snr, loses government in Victoria 140

Cairns, Gwen 192, 194, 202

Cairns, James Ford (Jim) 187–226, 187

as candidate for ALP leader 201–3

as deputy leader under Whitlam 207–8

as shadow minister 197

as Treasurer under Whitlam 209–15

as university tutor 193

as Whitlam minister 188, 204–5, 206, 208, 222

early life 190–3

elected to Federal Parliament 195–7

evaluation of 225

heads Vietnam War protests 198–200

Morosi affair and 215–17

overseas travel by 204

post-Treasury career 223

removed as Treasurer 235

removed from ministry and deputy leadership 223

role in Loans Affair 217–20

Cairns, James Snr 190–1

Cairns, Letitia 190–1

Calwell, Arthur

on Fadden Budgets 175

on Hayden 231

opposes IMF 135

refuses to vacate seat for Cairns 203

resigns as ALP leader 201

supports White Australia policy 197

Vietnam War policies 199

Cameron, Archie 79, 159–61, 164–5

Cameron, Clyde 208, 218, 234, 248

Cameron, Don 230

Campbell Inquiry

establishment of 279

final report 285

Keating’s response to 303–4

on prudential regulation 380

supports deregulation of bond prices 284

Campbell, James 94

Campbell-Jones, H, on Turner 21

Campbell, Keith 279–80

Canada 44, 118, 414–15, 429

Canberra, Federal government moves to 71–2

Canterbury Boys High School, Sydney 253

carbon pricing 426

Carey Grammar School, Melbourne 349

Carleton, Richard 317

Carlton, Jim 288, 317

Carney, Shaun 352, 354

Carringham, Florence 31

Casey, Richard

becomes Governor-General 246

becomes Treasurer under Lyons 77

Corio lost after resignation of 79

ennobled by monarch 39

Menzies sends to Washington 164

Castles, Ian 277, 279

Catholic Youth Organisation 297

Caucus Economics Committee 208, 395

central banking see also Commonwealth Bank; Reserve Bank of Australia

Page moves towards 60–1

response to GFC 400

Royal Commission finds in favour of 118–19

Theodore lobbies for 88, 91, 180–1

worldwide trend towards 377, 379

Central Planning Unit recommended 128

Central Reserve Bank Bill 92

Chalmers, Jim 392–3, 419

Chamberlain, Austen 47

Chastening, The 368

Chifley, Elizabeth 113, 131

Chifley, Joseph Benedict (Ben) 110–50, 110

as acting Prime Minister 130–1

as Cabinet minister 115, 127

as opposition leader 145–7

as Prime Minister and Treasurer 111–12, 130–3

as Royal Commissioner 116–19

as Treasurer under Curtin 121–9

banking policy 177–9

death of 147–8

early life 112

elected to Federal Parliament 72

evaluation of 148

inspires Cairns 193–4

Keynesian views 152, 177

NSW Labor branch expels 115

on Menzies 130

opposes ban on Communist Party 146

promotes central banking functions 125–7

replaces pro-Lang minister 104

supports World Bank and IMF 133–5

taxation policies 168

Treasury professionalised under 19

Chifley, Patrick and Patrick Snr 112

Chillagoe State electorate, Theodore elected for 87


Australia recognises 197

protective effect of during GFC 413–14

Swan’s visits to 419

Whitlam opens relations with 205

Chipp, Don 256

Churchill, Winston

as Chancellor of the Exchequer 63–4

issues white paper on employment policy 128

John Howard named after 253

loses power after Nazis defeated 133

wants Australian troops for Burma 80

Clark, DL 101–2

Clark, Manning 3, 24

climate change 426

Co-ordination Committee of Cabinet 279

Coady, Reg 253–4

coal mining see mining industry

coalition policies see Country Party of Australia; National Party of Australia

Cockatoo Island employment-relief project 107

Cole, GDH 194

Coleman, Peter and Tanya 254, 350

Coles, Arthur 120, 161, 165–6

Commercial Bank of Australia 308

Commonwealth Bank

central banking powers of limited 92–3

Crean asks for chairmanship of 209

independent board appointed for 177–9

opposes reflationary measures 104

Royal Commission critical of 118–19

Rural Credits Department 69–70

supports Premiers’ Plan 105

under Chifley 125–7, 138–9

under Fadden 174, 180–1

under Page 60–1

under Scullin 99

under Theodore 85

Commonwealth Bank Act 1945 (Cth) 126, 146–7

Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet 261,

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