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elected for 72

Indonesia, economic crisis in 364–6

industrial relations policies

Chifley commits to full employment 129

Prices and Incomes Accord 310, 315, 333, 339

under Chifley 141–4

under Deakin 21

under Howard 256

under Page 71, 73–5

under Scullin 90–1

Victorian legislation to protect workers 8

wage indexation 234

Industries Assistance Commission 206

inflation rates

prior to Whitlam election 211–12

Rudd government targets as priority 401

under Fadden 170, 181

under Keating 323–4

under Whitlam 214–15

Insurance and Superannuation Commission 380

interest rates 277, 285, 320–1 see also monetary policy

International Monetary Fund

Costello advises 347

establishment of 133–5

on spending under Howard 360–1

response to Asian crisis 365–8

response to GFC 403–4, 408–9

Irvine, Richard 86, 100–1

Irvine, William 37

Isaacs, Isaac 6, 10

‘J curve’ theory 312

James, Robert Rhodes 62–3

Japan, enters war against Allies 123

Jenkins, Lord 63

Jenkins, Roy 257

Jensen, Toni 394

Johnston, Bob 305–6, 321, 376, 378

Joint Coal Board 142

Jones, AJ 96

Jones, Paul 72

Junor, Bill 297

Karidas, Jerry 218

Katter, Bob 100–1

Keating, Annita 299

Keating family 295–6

Keating, Paul John 292–344, 292

adopts Prices and Incomes Accord 333–4

appoints Bernie Fraser to RBA 378

as Prime Minister 338–41

as shadow minister 299–301

as shadow Treasurer 301

as Treasurer under Hawke 302–36

as Whitlam minister 298–9

attempted economic stimulus fails 405

considers combining PM and Treasurer positions 131

early life 295–8

elected to Federal Parliament 298

evaluation of 341

financial deregulation policies 302–11

identifies Liberal accounting error 318–19

moves Budget date to May 70

on ‘recession we had to have’ 323

post-political career 341

promises tax cuts 358–9

response to CAD crisis 311–15

response to overheated economy 319–23

runs for ALP leadership 336–8

‘six pillars’ policy 383–4

surplus budgets 355

tax reforms under 324–7

trade policies 330–2

Keegan, Des 317

Kell, Mona 252

Kelly, Paul

on 1977 election campaign 261–2

on Costello 356–7

on Fraser blocking supply 249

on Hayden’s spending cuts 242

on Howard–Costello relations 375

on Keating Budgets 294, 312–13, 315

on Resource Super Profits Tax 424

on response to Asian crisis 366

on SPBC 418–19

on spending under Howard 361

on taxation reform 326

Kelly, Ros 353

Kelty, Bill 327–8, 333–4

Kennedy, Kett Howard 96–7

Kennedy state electorate, Fadden wins for Country Party 156–7

Kennett, Jeff, Costello’s relations with 353, 358

Keon, Stan 194–5

Kerin, John 263, 337

Kerr, John 223–4, 244, 253

Keynes, John Maynard

beaten by Niemeyer in Civil Service examinations 105

criticises return to gold standard 64

Fadden puts views of into practice 165, 176, 185

on Australian economy 90

publishes General Theory 128

Theodore’s policies derived from 85–6

Khemlani Loans Affair 189, 217–20

Khemlani, Tirath 218, 255

Killen, Jim 230

King, TM 18

Kingston, Charles 17, 19, 21

Kirribilli House agreement 336

Korean War, economic effects of 169–70

Kroger, Helen 386

Kroger, Michael 350–2, 386

Labor Party of Australia see Australian Labor Party

Labor Youth Council 296

Lafranchi, David 275

Lalor Federal electorate, Cairns wins and holds 203–4, 224

Lang, Jack

as Premier of NSW 76–7

attacks Chifley’s money lending 145

Chifley runs against in Auburn 116

heads breakaway Lang Labor party 115–16, 120

Keating visits 296

proposes alternative to Keynesian reflation 103–4

restores demoted railways strikers to former positions 114

Theodore’s relations with 85, 91

Lange, David 379

Latham, John 105

Latham, Mark 396–8

Laws, John, interviews Keating 313

Lawson, Henry 8

Lawson, John 115

Lees, Meg 374

Lefevre Catholic School, Adelaide 87

Lehman Brothers failure 401–2

Lewis, Elliott 17

Liberal Movement 349

Liberal Party of Australia see also names of Coalition administrations

Costello declines to lead 385

Country Party coalitions with 54–5

foundation of 167

Kroger wins Victorian Presidency 352

precursors to 23

protests against tax evasion crackdown 276

split by ‘Joh for Canberra’ campaign 316–17

taxation policies in 1987 campaign 329

‘liberty loans’ see war bond sales

‘Lies, Lies, Lies’ headline 264

Lilley Federal electorate, Swan elected for 395

Living with Asia 198

Loans Council 36, 67, 265

Loans (Khemlani) Affair 189, 217–20

Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners Association 113

Love, David 294, 305, 308

Low Income Superannuation Contribution 425

Lynch, Phillip

as Minister for Industry 260

as Treasurer 243, 271–2

chairs ‘Razor Gang’ 266

Fraser removes as Treasurer 258–60

resigns as Deputy Liberal Leader 284

Treasury information leaked to in opposition 237

Lyne, William 2, 14–15, 17, 21

Lyons, Joseph

as acting Treasurer 98

as UAP Prime Minister 77–8, 107

Chifley supports 115

develops ‘Premiers’ Plan’ 105

dies in office 78, 158

expands role of Treasury 19

invites Theodore to return as Treasurer 107–8

Page becomes PM on death of 78

resigns from Cabinet 101

Theodore opposes handling of Treasury portfolio 98

Lyons, Samuel 4

Mabo decision 338

Macfarlane, Ian 280, 366–7, 378–9

Mackay, Fadden’s early life in 155–6

Macquarie Federal electorate, Chifley runs for 114–15, 120

MacRae, Toni 216–17

macro-economic policies see also financial deregulation policies; Reserve Bank of Australia

Australia returns to gold standard 63

credit expansion through money creation 102

under Fraser and Howard 265

under Keating 294, 319, 329–30

Magic Pudding, Keating given copy of 328–9

Mahony, William 88

Makin, Norman 131

Maloney, Esther 87

Maritime Industries Bill 1929 (Cth) 75, 89

Marlak Engineering 295–6

Marshall Plan 142

Martin Committee report 304, 308

Martin, Ian 303

Massy-Greene, Walter 68–9

Maxwell, George 73

McCabe–Lafranchi report 273, 275

McCabe, Pat 275

McClelland, Jim 190, 249

McCormack, William 94, 97

McDonald, Allan 166

McDonald, Bruce 350

McDonald, Warren 184

McEwen, John (Jack)

as Country Party leader 183–4

draws with Page on leadership ballot 161

first recognised deputy PM 60

high tariff policy 330

on ‘buying back the farm’ 218

runs for Country Party leader 79

Mcgroarty, Neil 97–8

McGruen, Fred 81

McGuinness, Paddy 242, 246, 320

McKell Labor government of NSW 142

McKell, William 142, 147, 178

McKenzie, Elizabeth 113

McLachlan, Ian 353

McLean, Alan 32

McMahon, William ‘Billy’ 212, 273, 303

McMullin, Ross, on Turner 2–3

McWilliams, William 57, 73

Medibank 232, 262

Megalogenis, George 293

Melbourne East State electorate, Watt elected by 31, 32

Melville, Leslie 121, 134, 179

Menzies Liberal Coalition government 169–84 see also Fadden

Menzies, Robert

as opposition leader 167

as Prime Minister 145, 153–5, 159–66, 169–84

extended overseas travel 162–3

Fadden’s relations with 154, 159–60, 162, 167–8

Hayden’s relations with 230

introduces Cairns to Harris 220

invites Country Party to resume coalition 79–80

loses UAP majority 119–20

moves no confidence in Curtin government 130

opposes bank nationalisation 140

opposes bank regulation 127

Page’s relations with 78–9

resigns as UAP Prime Minister 80, 120, 164

resigns from Lyons government 78

sceptical of monetary policy 174

supports central bank proposals 181

tribute to Chifley after sudden death 148

Menzies UAP government 153–5, 159–66 see also Fadden

Merrill Lynch failure 401–2

micro-economic reform see also financial deregulation policies

under Dawkins 338–9

under Keating 294, 324–5, 330–5

Miller, Denison 41

Mills, RC 117–18, 124

Minerals Council of Australia 422

minerals development see mining industry

mining industry

construction boom in 359, 387–90

Fraser plans to encourage 263–5

industrial disputes in 141–4

job losses during GFC 414

Keating interested in 299–300

rapid growth in 362

revenue from variable 311, 360

role in weathering GFC 411–14

supertax imposed on profits of 419–25

under Fraser 263–4

Whitlam government plans to invest in 265

Mirani state electorate, Fadden fails to win 157–8

Monash University, Costello in student politics at 349–50

monetary policy see central banking; interest rates; Reserve Bank of Australia

Monetary Policy Committee of the Cabinet 281, 283–4, 376

Moore, Arthur ‘Boy’ 156

Moore, John 288

Moore Queensland government 94–8

Moorhead, Annie 155

Moorhouse, Frank 55

moratorium on Vietnam War 200

Moreton Federal electorate 230

Morgan, Rosa 4

Morosi, Junie

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