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reduced 373

2004: Howard majority increased 397

2007: Rudd wins for ALP 289, 360, 384, 398

Federal Senate 93, 103, 414

Federal–State relations see also Premiers’ Conferences

Chifley referenda for transfer of powers 136–7

Costello attempts to draw back state funding 358

GST proposed for state funding 371

income tax becomes Federal revenue 124

Page rationalises funding 64–8

shared responsibility for industrial relations 71

states draw revenue from mining royalties 423

Watt’s role in negotiating 33–5

Federated Confectioners Association 351–2

Federation movement, Turner’s contribution to 8–13

Fenton, James 98, 101, 107, 115

Ferguson, Jack 308

Ferguson, Munro 38

Fiduciary Notes Bill 1931 (Cth) 102

Finance and Economics Committee 124, 165

financial deregulation policies

under Costello 376–80

under Howard 276–87, 290

under Keating 294–5, 302, 324, 331–2

Financial Review 174, 242, 262

First Home Owner Grants 390, 407–8, 412

fiscal policy

under Chifley 139

under Costello 355–7, 361, 387–8

under Fadden 172–7

under Hayden 242–3

under Howard 262–4, 269–70

under Keating 310–12, 316–19, 321

under Page 64–7

under Swan 412–13

Fisher, Andrew 35–7, 131

Fitzgerald, Ross 91, 104

fixed exchange rates see currency valuation

Foll, Harry 163

Ford, Letitia 190–1

Forde, Frank

expected to be Treasurer under Curtin 112, 121

fails to win Prime Ministership after Curtin’s death 131

in Curtin Cabinet 122–3

loses seat in 1946 election 133

Forgan-Smith, William 156

Forrest, John

appointed to House of Lords 38–9

as Cabinet minister 16–17

as Federal Treasurer 36

as Treasurer 38

as WA premier 10–11

Prime Ministerial aspirations 37–8

‘four pillars’ policy 383

Fraser, Bernie 377–8

Fraser Coalition government 243, 303 see also Howard

Fraser, Malcolm

as caretaker PM after Whitlam dismissal 223–4

blocks savings proposals 266

blocks Supply to Whitlam government 243–4, 249

Campbell Inquiry reports to 285–6

challenges Snedden for Liberal leadership 254–5

Costello disapproves of 349

cracks down on tax evasion 275

deregulation policies 276–87

desire to remove Whitlam government 229

faces Hawke in election 245–6

Howard’s relations with 250–1, 255, 257, 263, 266, 268, 284

minerals development policy 263, 265

opposes floating dollar 306–7

sacks Lynch as Treasurer 259

secretly briefed by Treasury in opposition 237

free trade see trade policies

Freudenberg, Graham 63, 237

Friedman, Milton 278

Froggett-Tyldesly, James Tallis 192

Full Employment White Paper 128–9

Fusion of Protectionist and Free Trade parties 23

Future Fund, Costello appointed to 385–6

Future of Socialism, The 196

G20 group 368

Gaetjens, Phil 372

Gair Affair 189, 233

‘Gang of Four’ see Strategic Priorities and Budget Committee of Cabinet

Garnaut, Ross 402–3

General Theory 128

George V of England 39

George VI of England 131

Germany, debt ratio of 429

Giblin, Lyndhurst 99, 103, 121, 165

Gibson, Robert

opposes central banking legislation 93

orthodoxy of 179

reappointed as Commonwealth Bank chair 98

Theodore’s relations with 101, 104–5

Gilbert, Martin 63

Gillard, Julia

abolishes single wheat desk 69

as Prime Minister 420

carbon pricing policies 426

challenges Rudd for leadership 393

response to GFC 405

Swan’s relations with 393, 420

Gillard Labor government see Swan

Gillies, Duncan 5

Gittins, Ross 303

Gleghorn, Geoff 216–17

Global Financial Crisis 399–417, 427–8

gold standard, Australia returns to 62–4

Goldberg, Alan 351

Gonski, David 386

Good Fight, The 427

Goodheart, Charles 182

goods and services tax

Costello introduces 348, 368–76, 389

Hewson drops support for 353

Howard proposes 267

Keating argues for 325–6

Gorton, John 215

Goss, Wayne 394–5, 417

Gotto, Ainsley 215

government bonds, price setting mechanism 280–4

Gowrie, Lord 166

Grafton, Page family involved with 56–7

Graham, Bruce 181

Grattan Institute 341

Grattan, Michelle 267

Great Depression 77, 85–6, 89–91

Green Party 426–7

Grenville, Stephen 366–7

Griffith Federal electorate, Rudd elected for 417

Griffith, Samuel 17

Groom, Lyttleton 158

Groom, William 158

Gruen, David 411–14

Guilfoyle, Margaret 267

Gulf of Tonkin incident 199

Gullet, Joe 160

Gullett, Henry 72

Hardy, Frank 84

Harradine, Brian 202, 373

Harris, George 220–2

Hart, PR 98

Hartcher, Peter 347, 360, 362–3, 388

Hasluck, Paul 78

Haupt, Robert 242

Hawke, Bob

announces tax summit 325

as ALP leader 270

as Prime Minister 245–6, 301–4

blocks move by Crean 209

Cairns refuses to vacate seat for 224

campaigns on macro-economic reform 330

features in election campaigns 245

Keating challenges for leadership 336–7

Keating’s relations with 300–2, 314–15, 328, 335–6, 342

offered leadership after Whitlam loses election 244

on Howard industrial reforms 257

reaction to ‘banana republic’ comment 314

Swan supports against Keating 395

views on consumption tax 326–7

wins government for ALP 246

Hawke Labor government 302–35 see also Keating

Hawkins, John

on gold standard 63

on Great Depression 90

on Theodore 85, 87

on Watt 39

Hay, Andrew 259, 351

Hayden, Dallas 232

Hayden, George 229

Hayden, William George (Bill) 227–49, 227

as acting Treasurer 234

as ALP leader 245

as Governor-General 246, 338

as Hawke Cabinet member 232, 246

as shadow minister 231

as Treasurer 215, 223, 235–44

contribution to Accord 333

early life 229

evaluation of 246

Hawke replaces as ALP leader 245–6, 270, 301

Keating supports leadership bid 300–1

opposes consumption tax 326

post-Treasury career 244

supports floating dollar 306

Whitlam consults on Budget 208

Haylen, Les 176

health care policies 80, 231–2, 262, 357

Henderson, Gerard 249, 351

Henry, Ken

as Treasury secretary 405–6, 408–9

heads tax reform taskforce 371, 424–5

on effect of GFC on mining 414

on spending under Costello 359

reviews tax system 421–2

Herbert Federal electorate, Theodore fails to win 88

Hewitt, Lennox 237

Hewson, John

advises Howard on economics 277

as Liberal Party leader 289

Costello’s relations with 352–4

election campaign by 337

Keating’s response to 340

Higgins Federal electorate, Costello preselected for 352

Higgins, Henry Bourne, Federation policies 10

High Court

blocks bank nationalisation schemes 141, 149, 168

blocks Communist Party ban 146

blocks subsidised medicine scheme 137

Mabo decision 338

political interference with 23

rules some state taxes unconstitutional 370

upholds bank appeal 138

upholds Commonwealth takeover of income tax 124–5

views of tax evasion 272

HIH Insurance crash 382

HIH Royal Commission 347

Hobson, JA 100

Hockey, Joe 427–8

Holder, Frederick 15, 17

Holman, William 35–7

Holt, Harold 78, 130, 183

Home Insulation Program 410–11, 415

Hope, John Adrian Louis, Earl of Hopetoun 13–14

‘How to Pay for the War’ 165

Howard Coalition government 355–84 see also Costello

Howard, Janette 254, 259–60, 269

Howard, John Winston 250–91, 250

as deputy leader of the opposition 284–5, 287

as Fraser minister 256–7

as Liberal Party leader in opposition 287–9, 354

as Prime Minister 340, 354–64

as shadow minister 255, 289

as Treasurer under Fraser 258–87

caught out in accounting error 317

Costello’s relations with 347, 358, 361–4, 372–4, 386

defends spending record 361

deregulation policies 276–87, 303

early life 252–4

enters Federal Parliament 254

evaluation of 289–90

gives Keating and Hawke credit for reforms 388–9

GST introduced under 348, 369–76

ideological influences on 278

launches 1987 election campaign 317

loses Liberal leadership to Peacock 289

loses seat 75, 384–5

Morosi allegations by 216

RBA declines requests for action from 376

response to Campbell Inquiry report 285–6

Howard, Lyall 252–3

Howard, Mona 252

Howe, Brian, opposed to floating dollar 306–7

HR Nicholls Society, Costello a founding member of 352

Hughes Nationalist government 37–50 see also Watt

Hughes, Tom 253

Hughes, William Morris

as Prime Minister 37–50

as UAP leader 166

attacks Country Party 58

blocks Maritime Industries Bill 75

crosses floor to vote with Labor 73

extended overseas travel 39–40, 45

Page blocks re-election as PM 159

Watt’s relations with 28–30, 40–9

Hunter Valley, mining disputes in 90–1, 141–4

Illawarra Mercury 264

immigration policies in Victoria under Watt 35–6

Immigration Reform Group 197

In Place of Fear 196

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) 272

Indi Federal electorate, Paul Jones

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