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189, 215–17, 224, 255

Morrison, Bill 298

mortgage relief fund proposed 322

Mullins, Jack 194

Mungana copper mine scandal 93

Munro, James 5

Murphy, Lionel 202

Murray, David 385

Murray, John, as Victorian Premier 32–3

Murray Waters Agreement 36

Nambour State High School 394, 417

Napier, John 117

Nash, Edward 241

National Debt Commission proposed 36, 38

National Model School, Melbourne 4

National Party of Australia 288, 316 see also Country Party of Australia; names of Coalition administrations

Nationalist Party 37, 54, 70–1

Nelson, Brendan 385

New Democrat party of Canada 117

New England, statehood proposed for 56, 76–7

New South Wales, Federation negotiations with 9–13

New South Wales Railways, Chifley works for 113–14

‘New State’ movement 56, 76

New Zealand 379, 414

Newbury, Violet 229

Niemeyer, Otto 105

Nixon, Peter 259, 278

Nixon, Richard 213

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 341

North, Lindsay 297

Northcote High School, Melbourne 191

Northern New South Wales Development League, Page works for 56

Oakes, Laurie 264

O’Connor, Richard 17

O’Dwyer, Kelly 386

Oil in Troubled Waters 219, 224

oil price rises 213–14, 262, 264

O’Keefe, Neil 312–13

‘One Nation’ package 405

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 211, 235–6, 429

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 214

Ormonde, Paul 191, 217

Overseas Telecommunications Commission 332

Owen, Neville 382

Oxley Federal electorate, Hayden wins 229–30

Packer, Frank 108

Packer, RC 108

Page, Earle Christmas Grafton 53

as Cabinet minister 77, 80

as caretaker PM 78, 158

as Country Party leader 57

as Mayor of Grafton 56

as Treasurer under Bruce 60–75

Commonwealth Bank legislation 178

elected to Federal Parliament 57

establishes Loans Council 36

evaluation of 81

Hughes’s relations with 58–9

illness and death 81

in UK War Cabinet 80

McEwen draws with on leadership ballot 161

medical training of 56

opposes currency appreciation 171

post-Treasury career 75–80

resigns as Country Party leader 79

retires from Cabinet 81

serves under Fadden 161–2

Theodore acts as shadow to 88

trade policies under 68–70

views on Watt 50–1

Page family 55–6

Parkes Federal electorate 253

Paterson, Banjo 8

Patrician Brothers, Bathurst 112–13

Patterson, James 5–6

Paulson, Henry 400

Peace Conference, Versailles, Hughes at 43–4

Peacock, Alexander 6

Peacock, Andrew

as Liberal Party leader 287–9, 322

challenges Fraser for Liberal leadership 284

Costello supports 349, 352

Liberal Party gains seats under 310–11

runs tax scare campaign 325

pensioners, stimulus directed towards 407

Penton, Brian 88–9

Phillips curve 214

Phillips, JG 117–18

Phillips, John 378

Philp, Robert 17

Postcode: the Splintering of a Nation 397–8

Power Without Glory 84

Premiers’ Conferences see also Federal–State relations

1912: Watt supports centralisation of powers 35

1914: Watt dominates 36

1923: on Federal–State financial arrangements 66

1926: on Loan Council 66–7

1929: industrial relations policies 73

1931: Theodore argues for reflationary measures 103

1942: income tax revenue transferred to Commonwealth 124–5

1974: Whitlam freezes Commonwealth grants 208

1996: Costello cuts sales tax exemptions 358

Premiers’ Plan 105–6, 115

Prendergast, George 32

Prices and Incomes Accord 310, 315, 333, 339

Prices Justification Tribunal 215

Prime Ministerial position, relations with Treasurer 28

privatisation policies see financial deregulation policies

Privy Council, Chifley appeals to 141

protectionism see trade policies

prudential regulation reorganised under Costello 380

Public Accounts Committee 114

Qantas, privatisation of 331

quantitative easing 102


Labor Party breaks away in 183

Mungana copper mine scandal 93

Treasurers from 392

Upper House abolished in 88

votes for Federation 12

Queensland Institute of Technology 394

RAMS, financial failure of 400–1

rationing under Chifley 132–3

‘Razor Gang’ review 266

referenda 34–5, 37–8, 71, 136–7

Reid, George

becomes Free Trade PM 22

Hope consults over first PM 14

invites Turner to return as Treasurer 22–3

limits powers of Federal Senate 10–11

seeks to raise support for Federation in NSW 12

Reserve Bank Act 1959 (Cth) 376

Reserve Bank of Australia see also central banking; interest rates; monetary policy

Costello increases independence of 347

deposit requirement 214

dollar drop halted by 315

Fadden’s contribution to 177–82

Holt establishes 183

increasing independence of 376–80

inflation targeting 126–7

opposes changes to prudential regulation 381–2

opposes floating dollar 281–2

resists deregulation 277

response to Asian crisis 366–7

response to GFC 406–7

supply of notes runs low 403–4

supports floating dollar 305–8

Resource Super Profits Tax 419, 421–4

resources development see mining industry

Richardson, Graham 300, 322, 340

Rickard, John, on Turner 7–8

Ripoll, Bernie 418

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 128

Rose, John 277, 279

Rosevear, Sol 107, 122

Ross, Gwen 192, 194, 202

Royal Commissions

into HIH collapse 347, 382

into monetary and banking systems 117–19, 380

into Mungana copper mine purchase 93–5

into potential expenditure cuts 40

into tax evasion 270, 273–4

Rudd, Kevin

becomes ALP leader 398

carbon pricing policies 426

enters Federal Parliament 417

gives inflation priority 401

response to GFC 405–9

Swan’s relations with 393, 417

Rudd Labor governments 417–19, 427 see also Swan

Rundle, Tony 358

Rural Credits Department, Commonwealth Bank 69–70, 181

Russell, Don 338

Ryan, Susan, supports consumption tax 326

Ryan, TJ 87, 95

sales tax see taxation policies

Santamaria, BA 194

Say’s Law 100

Schedvin, CB 84, 175

Scullin, James

appoints Lyons Treasurer 99

endorses Premiers’ Plan 105–6

extended overseas travel by 94–5

Labor gains seats under 72

on income tax policy committee 124

reappoints Theodore as Treasurer 101

supports Chifley for PM 131

Scullin Labor government 89, 98, 106–7 see also Theodore

Seismann, Emily 31

Senate, Federal 93, 103, 414

Sharkey, Lance 142

Shiels, William 5

Shipton, Roger 352

Simmons, Margaret 283

Simon, Bill 278

Simon, Josiah 23

Sinclair, Ian 278

‘single desk’ rural sales policies 69

‘six pillars’ policy 383–4

Smith, Stephen 396

Snedden, Bill 51, 212, 254–5

social services policies 137, 232–4, 360–1

South Australia 7, 12, 323

South Korea, economic crisis in 365

Spa Conference, Watt attends 47–8

Spender, Percy 152, 162, 246

Spooner, Eric 124

St Kilda, Turner’s links to 4

stagflation 214

Staley, Tony 259

State Savings Bank of Victoria 24–5

State Secondary Correspondence School 229

Stauder, Fred 351

Stephen, Ninian 245–6

Stern, Nicholas 426

Stevens, Bertram, on Theodore 85

Stewart, Jack 297

Stewart, Percy 73

Stiglitz, Joseph 416

Stone, John

advocates expenditure cuts 263

as Treasury head 309

on Costello 387

on Howard 269

on tax cuts 261

opposes deregulation 283–4

opposes floating dollar 305–6, 376

Strangio, Paul 195–7, 222

Strategic Priorities and Budget Committee of Cabinet 404–5, 407–11, 418–19

Street, Geoffrey 160

Street, Tony 259

strikes see industrial relations policies

Stubbs, John 234–5

sub-prime lending 399–400

Summers, Anne 269

Summers, Larry 367

superannuation reform 231, 339, 357, 424–5

Sutherland, Doug 297

Swan family 394

Swan, Trevor Winchester 241

Swan, Wayne Maxwell 391, 391

as shadow minister 395–7

as shadow Treasurer 397

as Treasurer under Rudd and Gillard 399

carbon pricing policies 426–7

early life 394

economic reform by 420–5

enters Federal Parliament 395

evaluation of 427–8

Gillard’s relations with 420

overseas travel by 419

post-Treasury career 427

resigns as Treasurer 420

response to GFC 403–17

Rudd’s relations with 417–20

Swayne, EB 157

Sydney County Council 296

Tanner, Annie 86

Tanner, Lindsay 398, 405–6, 408–9, 418

tariffs see trade policies

Tasmania 7, 12

Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme 268

taxation policies see also goods and services tax

Accord links tax cuts to wage restraint 334

amusement tax levied on movies 73–5, 91

Family Tax Benefit 358, 362, 401, 407

income tax becomes Federal revenue 124–5

income tax introduced in colonies 7

Keating proposes in opposition 300

Keating reneges on income tax cuts 340

Page introduces movie tax 73–4

Resource Super Profits Tax 419, 421–4

response to GFC 407–8

states collect and remit income taxes 66

tackling tax evasion 270–5, 290

under Chifley 122–4

under Costello 358, 362, 369–70, 389

under Fadden 162, 167–8, 173–4

under Hayden 241


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