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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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on the wall. Images of canyons disappearedfrom screens around the room and the setting sun and cloudsdisappeared from the ceiling. Boulders sank back into the floor.

“Sparring, love,” Erlingreplied, grinning impishly at his wife of several months. “We needto keep up our skills.”

“Sparring! Without epee masksor energy shields for protection?”

“It’s better to practicewithout them,” Michio said, turning off his weapon. “It makes forgreater concentration when there’s real danger.”

“You’re worse than Erling!”Koriann’s eyes flashed.

Michio straightened, annoyed atbeing taken to task by a woman almost ten years his junior. “Sparringisn’t for fun. Knowing how to use a Borithon sword may save ourlives someday.”

“They’re too dangerous tospar with! Erling nearly died from a poisoned blade just six monthsago. I understand target practice with blasters or hand-to-handcombat training. But fencing with ritualistic swords used only inHaklute, a country we occupy, is an unnecessary skill!”

“A warrior has to master anassortment of skills,” Zac said. “You know that. It was drilledinto you since childhood.”

The queen glared at him.“Erling’s a ruler now. He doesn’t have to keep up the skills ofa warrior.”

“Don’t blame Zac,” Erlingsaid. “It wasn’t his idea. He’s just returned from visitingyour former sweetheart, King Zanton.” A teasing grin spread acrosshis face.

“That treacherous snake wasnever my sweetheart!” She returned her attention to Zac. “How wasyour visit? How’s Zanton taking being a token ruler of an occupiedcountry?”

“Not well. He’s furious aboutthe new ordinances. He’s accustomed to power and could pose aserious threat to us. I’ve already advised Prince Erling toimprison him.”

Erling’s expression turnedgrave. “When I was trapped on his spaceship, I gave my word that hecould still rule Haklute. If I hadn’t, he wouldn’t have let meand my pilots live. A man’s reputation is built on his word and Iwon’t go back on mine. Besides he’s been stripped of power andthe Haklute government is now controlled by our military.”

“He’ll cause trouble,” Zacsaid. “The Haklute people believe their monarchs are chosen by God.It won’t take much to trigger an uprising. King Zanton hates youand will stop at nothing to kill you. He’s a threat as long as helives.”

Koriann’s eyes widened withconcern.

“He’s impotent,” Erlingsaid. “But you’re right; he should be watched closely. At anyrate, it was thoughtful of him to give us these Borithon swords.”

“Zanton gave you those?!”Koriann exclaimed.

“Sure did,” Erling said,breaking into a smile again.

“He probably hopes you’llkill each other with them and you almost obliged him. I assume youhad the sense to be sure there wasn’t poison on the blades.”

“One of my most trusted mencleaned the blades,” Zac said.

Koriann frowned. “Your sleeve’ssinged, Michio. Some residue must still be on the blades. Did thesword cut into your skin?”

Zac rushed over to Michio, hisface pale. “Don’t touch the poison. I swear the blades wereclean. I supervised it myself.”

Michio looked down at his jacket,his stomach turning when he saw the singed sleeve. He hadn’t feltany pain, but a warrior learns to ignore pain during battle.Concerned, he pulled off the jacket. How could he have been socareless? Even a slight wound from a poisoned blade could be fatal.Koriann was right to reprimand him. He was a married man, soon to bea father. He had more than himself to think about.

Michio pulled back hisshirtsleeve and was relieved to see the sword hadn’t cut into hisarm. He was careful not to touch the poison as he handed Zac hisjacket.

“I’ll have the residue on thejacket and swords analyzed. This will be investigated.”

Michio felt on edge. Had someoneput poison on the sword blades after they were cleaned in an attemptto assassinate Prince Erling?

“Bring me the results as soonas you have them,” Erling said. He shook Michio’s hand. “Thanksfor the match. It was a good workout. That was a great move when youanticipated my releasing the second blade and released yours. How didyou know that’s what I planned to do?”

“By watching your eyes.”

“Think of your wife, Michio,”Koriann said, still sounding annoyed. “Toemeka needs you to besupportive of her—not take unnecessary risks.”

“Toemeka would understand,”Erling said. “You should see the way she and I worked out when wewere Coalition partners. We never bothered with energy shields. She’san excellent fencer. Challenge her to a match sometime, Mich. She’llgive you a good workout.”

Michio slid his sword into itssheath, glad that his wife no longer served as a Coalition fieldoperative. No one wanted their spouse to have a job where they had tocarry a suicide pill when sent out on a mission. Being reminded ofher past brought the interplanetary war to mind. It had only beennine months since Jaipar overthrew its tyrant, General Bhandar—aminion of Samrat Condor—and regained its freedom. More recently,Samrat Condor had completely taken over planet Alandra where theCoalition Headquarters was located. The remaining Coalitionoperatives were spread across the galaxy, stationed at secret bases.

Michio’s thoughts shifted backto the present moment and Erling’s comment, realizing Erling sawToemeka much differently than he did. “Toemeka’s about to becomea mother. She doesn’t need to keep up her skills.”

“Actually, that’s why Ihunted you down,” Koriann said. “Toemeka’s in labor. Shecouldn’t reach you on your communicator, so she called me.”

A rush of nervous energy floodedthrough Michio. “I turned off my communicator before sparring. Ididn’t want the distraction.”

He tapped the face of his watchcommunicator and said, “Call home.” On the third ring Toemekaanswered and her lovely face appeared on the screen.

“Koriann just told me you’rein labor,” he said. His voice revealed his concern and he took adeep breath. He didn’t want Toemeka to pick up on his emotions; heneeded to be calm for her.

“It’s nothing to worry about.I’m still in the early stage.”

He winced, realizing she’dpicked up on his uneasiness. “I’ll come right home.”

“There’s no rush. I feelgreat—excited.”

“Should I bring Dr. Tenzing?”

“No, it’s too soon. I loveyou.”

“I love you, too.” Her imagedisappeared from the screen.

“How’s she doing?” Erlingasked.

“Do you want us there?”Koriann added before Michio could answer. “We’re the closest shehas to family.”

“She’s fine and doesn’twant everyone sitting around for hours, waiting for the baby toarrive.” Michio raked a hand through his hair. “I’m about tobecome a father.”


The Child

While flying home, Michiowondered how Toemeka’s labor and delivery would go. First birthswere

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