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was dead. Erling stabbedhim during a fight. It happened the same day Cadmus cornered her inher lab at the space center, insisting she become his mistress. Whenshe refused, he tried to sexually molest her. If Belona hadn’t comein and stopped him… She pushed the memories of Cadmus from hermind.

After she married Michio, thenightmares that tormented her since her family was killed began todiminish. She gazed at Michio’s face in the moonlight, love for himfilling her being. But even as her heart opened, a chilling thoughtcame to her. Why did she feel that Cadmus was searching for her whenhe was dead? Was he searching for her in the lower regions of theInner Worlds? Would he be waiting for her sometime when she made aspirit flight?

Toemeka inwardly sang her soulsong again and gradually became calm enough to doze off in the chair.Her sleep was poor, unsettled and she kept waking up from thediscomfort of her contractions.

In the early morning, she awokewhen Michio lifted her from the chair and into bed. He pulled thecovers around her chilled body and held her in the warmth of hisarms.

“How are you feeling?” heasked.

“Tired and discouraged,” shereplied, yawning. “My contractions are still irregular.

“I’m sure they’ll get moreregular soon. Did you get any sleep?”

“A little.”

The day passed slowly as thecontractions increased in strength, but didn’t become more regular.Toemeka went on a few short walks with Michio and ate sparingly, soshe wouldn’t go into delivery with a full stomach. That night sheand Michio stayed awake and he helped her remain relaxed with hercontractions. Toward morning she dozed off and found herself walkingon a narrow mountain ledge beside Master Bakka.

“You must walk carefully tokeep your balance,” Bakka said in his melodious voice. “The wayis narrow and many don’t make it.” His ageless face was full oflight and compassion. He took her hand and they flew off the ledge.When they landed, Toemeka found herself in a pillared, marblebuilding.

Erling and his sister Breezystood at a table, working on a puzzle. The pieces seemed to befragments of their lives together. Erling and Breezy joined Toemekaand Master Bakka as they walked outside and headed down a stone pathto the ocean where the water sparkled and shimmered in the sunlight.

Toemeka was jolted back to herphysical body when an especially hard contraction gripped her body.She felt a gush of water between her legs and jumped out of bed. Asfluid continued to flow down her legs, she realized her water hadbroken. Surely the baby will be here soon, she thought. She went tothe bathroom and got a towel to clean up the mess.

Michio awakened and finishedcleaning up the fluid. He put fresh sheets on the bed while shechanged into a dry nightgown and sat on the bed, timing thecontractions. “Are your contractions more regular?” he asked,sitting next to her, rubbing her back. “Should I call Dr. Tenzing?”

Toemeka shook her head. “No toboth your questions.”

“Climb back into bed; you’reshivering.”

Toemeka lay back down, wonderingabout the meaning of the dream. The puzzle seemed to symbolize shewas nearing the completion of a cycle with Erling and Breezy.

The day passed with no realprogress in her labor. That night Michio stayed awake to help Toemekacontrol her labor pains.

In the morning, Michio broughtToemeka a glass of water. “Are you sure you don’t want me tobring you something to eat?” he asked, looking at her with concern.“You’ve hardly eaten anything for nearly three days. Your bodyneeds energy for the work it’s doing.”

“I won’t be able to digest itand would probably throw it up.”

“I called Dr. Tenzing. He saidwe need to go to the birthing center. The baby needs to be born soonsince your water broke twenty-four hours ago.”

“I want to have it naturallyhere at home.”

“I know, but what’s mostimportant is that you and the baby both get the care you need.”

“Why is it taking so long? Doyou think something’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, but firstbirths always take more time.”

At the birthing center, a midwifenamed Kutzue brought them to a room with a bed and birthing pool.Soft music played and the room was dimly lit with blue light. Ascreen with a video of ocean waves gently rolling in covered oneentire the wall.

“This is nice,” Toemeka said,looking around the warm room.

“We use healing music and lightto help the expectant mother feel tranquil,” Kutzue said.

“You might enjoy sitting in thepool. Your husband can be in it with you.” Kutzue gave her abirthing gown to put on.

Once Toemeka changed into it, anespecially strong contraction hit her and she grabbed Michio’s handand squeezed. He counted the seconds to let her know when thecontraction eased. When it passed she asked, “Will our baby evercome?”

“It’ll come. Try and relaxbetween contractions. You’re too tense.”

“How can I relax? They’recoming so fast now.”

“That’s good. The baby willbe here soon.”

“That’s easy for you to say,”she snapped. “You can have the next baby.”

Michio smiled. “At least youhaven’t lost your sense of humor.”

Dr. Tenzing walked into the roomand Toemeka felt comforted by his reassuring presence. “How are youdoing, Toemeka?” the white-haired doctor asked in a kind voice.

“The contractions are gettingstronger and closer together.”

“I’ll examine you and see howfar along you are. Lie down on the bed.” He looked at Michio.“Queen Koriann and Prince Erling just arrived and are in the familywaiting room. Why don’t you wait with your friends while I examineyour wife? I’m sure you can use a break.”

As Michio left the room, thedoctor slid a vita scan across her belly. A picture of the fetusappeared on a screen near the bed. “The baby’s vital signs aregood and he’s in a good position for the birth.” He waited untilher next contraction passed, then checked to see how dilated she was.His wrinkled face became even more furrowed. “You’re not makingprogress fast enough. I’m going to give you something to increasethe strength of your contractions.”

“I want the baby naturally.”

He put a comforting hand on herarm. “Your baby is doing well, but it’s stressful for him whenlabor goes on too long.”

As Katzue gave Toemeka a shot,Michio reentered the room. “Onolyn and Zac are with Erling andKoriann,” he said.

“Didn’t you all work

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