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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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my body beginning to twist and spin uncontrollably. Panicking, I managed to decrease the force I was exerting to move forward. To my horror, my forward momentum barely changed, and I didn’t have the wherewithal to use an opposing force. Thankfully, I felt Ialos’s energy surround me, bringing me to a halt.

It was Fiekela’s voice that spoke first. “Impressive, Vakuna, very impressive.” He clapped loudly from behind. “Although it appears you like to run before you can walk. Perhaps we should practice fine control today. Adapt to those skills a little.”

“Yes, I think that’s a great idea,” I answered as I walked back over to him. “Thank you, Ialos. That was very close to being extremely painful.”

“It was my pleasure, Vakuna, though I am sure Fiekela was just about to bring you to a halt too.”

“Of course I was. Now, if you look to the ceiling,” he said, gesturing upwards, “you will see a number of rings.”

I did as I was told and looked at the rings I'd noticed earlier.

“There is a platform over there.” He pointed and I followed his finger. “That is where you should begin. Try to complete a full circuit.”

With a nod I walked over to the starting point. There were no ladders, so I slowly and ever so carefully began to levitate up toward the platform. I had to take a second to orient myself once up there. The height unexpectedly made me feel slightly queasy. Once I had brought my fear under control, I assessed the course. I could see now that the rings were set in a rough circuit around the room. Different heights and never in a straight line, but a circuit still. With a gulp, I swallowed that damn sneaky fear that had built back up, and gently lifted myself up from the platform first, before setting off through the rings before I could change my mind.

While I’d thought it might be enjoyable from the ground, as I began to move around the course, I soon found out it was a horrible experience. Having to adjust where I applied mental pressure, to move into position for each ring. Then there was the problem of the rings not being large enough to pass through in a standing up position, so I had to get the hang of crouching in midair while levitating.

It took me around ten minutes to navigate around the full circuit, but afterwards, when I touched back down on that platform, I felt incredibly positive for having successfully completed the course. Even so, it was a relief to be back on the solid platform.

Ialos gave me a light applause, which I must admit, I enjoyed a bit too much. It was shortly followed by Fiekela speaking into my mind. “Vakuna, marvelous for a first attempt. You must keep practicing and expand on your technique. Try to angle your body in such a way that you are able to pass through the rings without crouching.”

“What do you mean, angle my body?” I asked, genuinely confused. Was crouching not angling my body? Apparently not as Fiekela spoke again.

“Lean forward.”

“Will I not fall?”

“You must adapt your levitation to support your body while it moves into a different position.”

I wasn’t convinced by his words and foresaw a long fall to the ground if I followed his advice. “That sounds pretty impossible if I am honest. Do you think you could show me?” I asked.

“Of course, but bear in mind it will take a long time for you to develop the levitation skills I possess. Though it may do you good to see what is possible.” Fiekela shot to the starting platform in a heartbeat. “Pay full attention, young Vakuna!” he said before bolting away from the platform. He moved at a speed I could have never expected, flying with his body horizontal with the ground as he went. All in all, it took him around twenty seconds to navigate the room and return back to the platform.

I was filled with as much awe as I was embarrassment. To think that I had felt pride at my pathetic stagger around the circuit. “I’ve no idea how I’ll manage it, Fiekela,” I admitted. “But thank you for showing me what can be achieved.”

“I am glad to have offered some inspiration. I will now leave you under the good guidance of our physician. She is highly trained to support you, as well as heal you should any ill-advised accidents occur. In that vein, don't focus on speed, focus on form and the posture of your body. The speed will come naturally.” He levitated himself from the platform, and left with a wave to Ialos.

“What now?” I asked Ialos, who seemed more intent on watching Fiekela disappear through the room’s access.

Snapping out of her trancelike state, she looked up to me with a smile, then spoke directly to my mind. “I suggest you continue finetuning your levitation. If nothing else, it’ll prove a huge advantage were you to find yourself in any trouble. There is no reason that you can’t come close to Fiekela’s level, if we work at it.”

“Are we expecting trouble?” I replied.

“I think so, Vakuna. Injustices have been done and they will not go unanswered.”

“You mean the Fystr, right?”

“Yes, sure, the Fystr.” She turned away from me for a second, though she still spoke. “Now is not the time for those discussions. Now is the time for you to embrace your strengths and become powerful. I can’t say too much, but you must know this. Not everyone agreed.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

“Come on, Vakuna,” she said shortly, looking back up to where I stood. “Show me if you took anything from Fiekela’s demonstration.”

I was massively off balance from her switching topics so abruptly, and more than a little angry.

I set off around the course with a scowl on my face and attempted to go at more of an angle. It didn't work out as I’d hoped, and I became tangled in the rings

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