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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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outside their borders and keeping us in the Apochros system, or Dark Sector as we have been calling it. Alternatively, they could let us go under a vow of secrecy regarding their location as long as we left their borders.

“That was until they discovered that Shaun is a little different from all the other humans, and in some sense Fystr. He has a Potential score of 99 percent.” I saw the eyes of some humans become very wide, especially Astrid, and even the otherwise paralyzed Rufus. “We’re not entirely sure what this might mean, but there’s a suggestion that if he was to reach his maximum potential, he would be extremely powerful, and a very worrying prospect for Fystr and Apochros alike.

“We did not know just how much value would be put on his Potential, but unfortunately, it appears it has caused the Apochros to come up with another option. Just over an hour after leaving Jezai with the truth about Shaun, we all suddenly blacked out, and here we all are, imprisoned without our captain.”

Jaws dropped, but no one spoke, so I forged on. “Aside from that, all we currently know is that we’re on a space station, much the same as Beler 3103. So far it looks empty, but we should keep our guard up at all times until we’re sure.

“I just want to say again, I am sorry that this has happened. But you can all rest assured, we’ll do whatever it takes to get everyone out of here and get Shaun back.”

I could sense resolve growing in their eyes and could see heads nodding firmly. It would have to be enough.

“I would like to add,” Ogun interjected in the silence that followed, “that I do not believe the captain is dead. Although I must admit to having mixed feelings at the news of his Potential. When we left Shaun and Ember on Xonico, I had little choice, but a part of me felt a relief not to have the responsibility of Shaun and what he could mean. He is potentially a catalyst for unprecedented change in the galaxy.

“I can't help but feel the Apochros intend to manipulate him to serve their cause. Should they be discovered by the Fystr, having him onside will be a huge boon for them.”

“He wouldn’t abandon us for them though, would he?” a human crewmate shouted from the crowd.

“Absolutely not!” Calegg answered immediately. “They’ve no chance of keeping him contained or convincing him of anything. It would be like trying to bottle a Chulugg fart.”

The Torax all began to laugh and cheer. It raised the mood, even though no one else had a damn clue what a Chulugg was. I was incredibly grateful for Calegg at that moment.

“So that’s what we suspect is happening, but if anyone else has anything to add or other ideas, please feel free to share them. Otherwise we need to find food and water, and somewhere to hunker down.” I was about to let everyone get organized when I remembered Rufus still needed to be dealt with. I groaned.

“Members of Uprising, before we get started, Rufus has given us a problem to deal with first. Those of you who served on the Seshat, you have been given a choice to make. It’s not a choice I’d wish for anyone in our situation, yet the cage has been rattled. We don’t want or need people who aren’t interested in working as part of Uprising. So if any of you would rather follow Rufus in whatever he thinks is gonna happen next, then please by all means stand with him.” I was genuinely surprised when six more people moved over to join the four already surrounding the paralysed dickhead.

I saw Ogun shake his head sadly as I began speaking again. “While I admire loyalty, I’m pretty disappointed that you’ve shown so little loyalty to Uprising. What are we supposed to do with you all then?”

“I am loyal to Uprising,” a woman among them spoke. “But I’m more loyal to Rufus. He’s our captain and has proven himself by keeping us safe and leading us away from the dangers on Earth long before Uprising was even a thing. I believe he has done nothing but try to support Uprising. I don’t think Captain Shaun would have done this.” The others with her nodded their heads in agreement.

Bastards! I thought. Using what Shaun would do against me as if the stupid motherfuckers even knew him. I curtly made my reply. “If any of you actually knew Shaun, you would know that I’d be presently talking him down from ripping Rufus’s arms off. The question you should ask yourself is whether Rufus would’ve even started this shitshow if it had been Shaun here. I think we all know the answer to that question.”

“The captain wouldn’t have shown him this level of disrespect, by not allowing him up on the podium with you all.”

“For crying out loud, what is wrong with you people? What you see up here are the original members of Uprising who are also my two closest friends and advisers. And then there's Ogun, who has more knowledge relating to our predicament than anyone else, and he is five thousand years old. So, I would argue another incredibly good advisor. We also have a representative of each race that make up our little family here. So you need to get your heads out of your asses. I didn’t draw any lines, nor comparisons of importance, I just wanted to tell everyone what we knew so far.”

“Oh, I see. You actually make a fair point. Is it okay if I just go back and stand with everyone else?” she asked matter-of-factly.

“Sure is. I didn’t put you there.” I fought against the smirk I could feel fighting to get on my face, and I was rewarded by the other five also retreating back into the crowd. Leaving the four who surrounded Rufus in the first instance.

“Okay, let's try again. What am

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