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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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such hope when I felt so lost. There was only one person who made me feel that kind of relief, and that was the dumbass now in question. Shaun. “He’s not with us, Calegg,” I said, sadly, “I think he may not be here.”

“What do you mean?” Calparr asked, worriedly. “Why would he not be here?”

“When everyone’s together and settled, we’ll need a conversation. But right now, I’m just so relieved that you’re all alive, and that for once we’re not being attacked. That’s a fucking novelty in itself.”

“Yes, it brings some comfort,” Calparr said with the slightest crack of a grin on his stoic face.

“Now we’ve found you guys, I’m hopeful that the Veiletians are around here somewhere too. We need to keep looking, then we can put our heads together on what the hell is going on,” I insisted and we set off searching again. As the corridor opened up into another of the massive domed halls, I thought it was empty, until I heard Elyek’s voice shout with what sounded like joy. Suddenly, over twenty Veilitians appeared from the other side of the hall, walking quickly over to us.

I embraced Elyek as they came close. They had become like the sibling I’d never had, despite our rocky start. “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you all. You are the last to be accounted for. Apart from Shaun.”

“Oh,” they replied, clearly worried, “that is not good.”

“Have you uncovered anything to indicate where we are?” I asked, as the two hundred crew members mixed together again, standing around whispering to one another and listening to everything that was said.

“We did manage to access a terminal situated along one of the corridors. While we were unable to log in, it showed a designation, Beler 4008.”

“Hmm, that's actually what William suggested, and makes sense considering the size of the place.” I could see a raised area to the front of the hall. “Okay, we best update everyone. Ogun, Elyek, Calegg, come with me,” I ordered, leading them to the platform. Rufus began to follow, and Astrid looked uncertain.

“Stay with the crew,” I snapped at him.

“We should be up there with you. We’re of a higher rank than those two!” he said, pointing at Elyek and Calegg.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Rufus? What rank is that?” I muttered to him quietly through pursed lips, trying my best attempt at being discreet.

“We are captains!” he protested loudly, clearly wanting to make a scene.

“Captains of what, Rufus? We’re stuck in fucking prison. And I don’t remember calling a captains' meeting, now behave yourself.”

“I am the captain of the Seshat, and realistically I outrank you!” He pointed in my face and I had an overwhelming urge to try to bite his finger off. I showed real character and refrained.

“Rufus,” I explained, way more calmly than I felt. “No one has a ship at the moment, yet we’re still members of Uprising. In Uprising you outrank exactly no one. Every Torax and Veiletian here was a part of the team before you. Now shut the fuck up and stop causing trouble.”

“If you can’t pay me the proper respect, then the crew of the Seshat are no longer part of Uprising, as of now!” he snapped.

I took in the shocked looks from a lot of the crew from the Seshat.

I didn’t intend to look over to Ogun for support, but I did it instinctively. I shouldn’t have bothered though. Ogun just stood silently, observing. I’d become so used to Shaun dealing with this kind of shit that I now found myself wondering what he would do. Probably just punch the bastard. Probably not my best option, though. While I genuinely believed I could kick Rufus’s ass at a canter, it wasn’t the example I wanted to set when I was trying to guide everyone to safety. Instead, I pinned my hopes on Calparr. He had been stationed on the Seshat for a while.

“Calparr, watch this turd burger while we talk and make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble, while the rest of us work together to figure out exactly what's going on here.”

Calparr moved forward towards him with intent.

“Stop, Calparr!” Rufus demanded. “You are part of Seshat'screw now. You need to follow my orders, not hers,” Rufus said, still waving his incredibly lucky digit at me with disdain.

“Be silent, Rufus, or I will remove you from the room,” Calparr replied coldly.

“What!” he squawked. “How dare you!” He moved towards Calparr, like he was about to attack, but then he suddenly locked up. Only his eyes moved in a panicked, darting motion.

Astrid stepped forward. “You’ll remain in this state so you may hear what we discuss. Now is not the time for you to bring up your grievances.”

Four members of his crew moved around him in support. They looked like they were ready for a fight in his defense.

“Don’t be so fucking stupid, you four. Stand down, or you're all gonna end up like that,” I said.

“Mick, Gus, William, keep an eye on them, please.”

“Sure thing, Em,” Mick answered.

I received an “Och aye pet” from William. Gus managed an affirmative facial expression.

“And thank you, Astrid, for your swift action,” I said gratefully.

She gave me a curt nod. It was hard to tell whether it was respectful, but it certainly wasn’t friendly, more resentful. I brushed off the thought for now and made my way up to the platform, seething from that drama. As if we all didn’t have enough to deal with. Still, later, later. I had bigger fish to fry.

“Okay, everyone!” I shouted from the platform, “Sorry about that. Tensions are clearly running a tad high and not everyone is thinking straight. Firstly, I want to tell you what we know so far.” I looked over the crowd of expectant faces, hopeful for answers I didn’t have. “The Apochros were concerned that we had or potentially could have led the Fystr to their location. They were considering destroying our ships

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