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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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for you, so you’re not running around naked.”

“Does it bother you that I am?”

“Yes, it reminds of my troublesome times with Adam and Eve. I don’t want to ever relive that or this again. Change and I will get you down to Sodom, if that’s where you want to go?”

“It’s where most those swine are at, they will get what’s coming to them, then off to Gomorrah to get rid of Abakanazar and that Hall.”

“Are you sure you want to go down this road?”

“One foot in front of the other.”

We left the cave, and, in that cave, I left many remnants of the old caring me.  I guess you could say what happened me gave me a severe case of PTSD.  Lucifer flew me down to outskirts of Sodom and set me down.

“Your Wretch is no more!” he chuckled.

“It saddens me, but yes I know.  You made a good donkey,” I said and with that he was off.

I instantly felt Lilith, but just her presence.  It was all over.  I started walking towards Sodom and sent a message out to my brothers in their heads, “I suggest you stay away from these two towns for the next couple of days and nights. After I’m done with them, I’m coming after you.”

I blocked them out after that, I knew they heard me, I could feel it.  I reached the edge of Sodom and stopped, the people weren’t like they were before, even though I could feel Lilith. I started walking towards Al Hubarb’s hut. Jezeberri, stepped in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

“How did it feel to be treated like whore?” she asked she went to open her mouth to speak and I smacked her so hard across the face, I snapped her neck.  She fell to the ground and I gave her body a kick, that sent her flying into a hut, demolishing it.  Screams broke out and some people fled, some acted like they were in the right and took guard. A pitchfork came flying and I caught it, and sent it back in the direction that it came. It speared the person right through the gut. Person after person I knocked down and killed, making my way to Al Hubarb’s hut.

I finally made it there and when I did, all that was in there was their baby, those shit bags left a baby by itself.  I walked over and picked the bastardly thing up.

“You really are an ugly little thing, aren’t you?” I said, staring at it, then the door swung open and Arlenius came in, not looking at me at first, “Al he’s here….” She went silent as she realized I was holding the baby.

“Where is Al?” I asked, “I would answer truthfully, because I’m awfully hungry and your baby is looking tasty,” I said and licked my lips.

“Please no!” she stepped towards me.

“Awwwwwt, I wouldn’t do that, wouldn’t take much pressure to snap it’s little neck,” I said and put my hand over the top of the baby’s head. I gave Arlenius a looked that was begging her to test me, I enjoyed it.

“Okay…please don’t hurt him.  He is heading to Gomorrah, he was supposed to be back by now. I know what he did to you was wrong, but he wasn’t himself.”

“Neither was anyone else and trust me, everyone else will pay. I don’t mind waiting.” I smiled

“Can I,” she brought her arms out to take the baby.

“No,” I said and stepped back, “and if you try that again, I crush his little, baby skull and beat you with his lifeless body.”

She then, quickly grabbed a crude fire poker that was kept next to the fireplace and tried to jab me with it. I tossed the baby up and she dropped the poker to grab the baby. I grabbed the poker, as she grabbed the baby, I spun around and stuck the poker through her. At first, I thought I speared the baby as well.  Upon closer inspection, before I pulled the poker out, I just missed that thing by half an inch.  I grabbed the baby up by the foot, pulled the poker out and let the Arlenius fall to the floor.  The baby screeched the whole time, I walked it over to its bed and put it in there, then got an idea.

I started a fire, even though it was summer time there and put the poker in the fire. No one else messed with me as I set up a post in the ground just outside his hut. I then waited, it was few hours later that Al showed up. He dropped to his knees when he walked through the door and saw his wife’s lifeless body.  He then got up and raced to his baby, he paid no attention I was standing in the doorway watching.

I struck, I walked up and grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head.  He dropped the baby back on the bed then I dragged him outside.  I beat him and I beat him bad, whoever didn’t flee earlier, watched. Some tried to intervene, but I swatted them like flies. I had Al knocked out and stripped down of clothing. I tied him up to the post, making sure he was facing the crowd. The whole time the beating was going on, the fire poker was in the fire, warming up for its new home.

“Now,” I said to the crowd, “I’m sure most of you are just as guilty as him, but he started it and I’m here to finish it,” I said and walked into the hut and came out with the fire poker, that was glowing a nice, bright orange. I noticed Al was moving, so I brought the fire poker up to his face, so he could see, he had messed up by doing

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