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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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The seedy place only had afew customers. They approached the bartender, a skinny man with atriangular face.

“We’re looking for a mancalled Commander Rochambeau,” Michio said. “You ever heard ofhim?”

“Why are you asking?”

“We’re in the slave marketand heard he might have some women to sell,” Erling said. He placeda couple of large bills on the counter. “What can you tell us?”

The man greedily eyed the bills,then tapped his fingers on the counter as he scanned the bar beforelooking back at them. “I never heard of him.”

He’shiding something,Erling said telepathically to Michio.

Agreed,Michio said back.

Erling place another large billon the stack. “We’ve heard he has a compound on Henotaux.”

“Some men are too powerful tocross.”

“We have no intention ofcrossing anyone,” Erling said. “We’re just here to buy slavesat a fair price.”

“Aren’t you going to tellthem what happened the other night?” one of the men at the barasked. “Cause if you aren’t, I will. I could use some bills.”

The bartender grabbed the billsand Michio clasped his forearm. “First, tell us what happened.”

“He was here,” the bartendersaid.

“Who, Rochambeau?” Erlingasked.

“Yeah, he’s a powerfulsorcerer. You don’t want to mess with him. A few nights ago, threemen brought in a beautiful woman with long black hair. She’devidently made some kind of deal with the men, but they had nointention of keeping their end of the bargain.”

Michio stomach churned, knowingthe woman must have been Toemeka. “What happened?”

“The leader of the men rippedoff her coat and underneath all she had on was a torn nightgown.”

“She looked beaten,” theother man interjected.

“The men were threatening herwhen Commander Rochambeau charged into the tavern. He used some kindof dark psychic force to kill all three men. Then he dared anyoneelse to oppose him. Of course, no one did, so he left with thewoman.”

“Do you think Rochambeau wouldsell her?” Erling asked. “A woman like that would bring a goodprice.”

“He came here without any ofhis men and was in a rage. She obviously meant something to him. Idon’t think he’d sell her.”

“Where does he live?” Michioasked. “He might be interested in buying more slaves.”


Toemeka stood in front of thefull-length mirror, staring at her reflection. Amaretta, who wasfinally allowed to attend to her again, was helping her dress for theparty. “You look stunning,” Amaretta said.

“I look indecent, notstunning.” Toemeka hardly recognized herself. The metallic-goldgown had a plunging neckline and a thigh-high slit. “Michio wouldbe shocked to see me in this dress.”

“Your husband?”

“Yes, he wouldn’t like allthis makeup either.” She wore heavy makeup and false eyelashes withflecks of gold glitter dusted over her face and hair. Her long blackhair was piled high on her head with gold chains woven through it.She also wore dangling ruby earrings and a matching ruby necklace.

“I don’t look or feel likemyself, so it will be easier to act like a different woman,”Toemeka said. She felt strangely calm, considering she was planningto escape from Cadmus during the party, one way or another.

She twisted her wedding band. Itwas the only thing that remained of hers, symbolizing the bondbetween her and Michio. She closed her hand into a fist. Ilove you, Michio. I’m still me.

“Cadmus will want you tonight.Yield to him and he won’t hurt you.”

Toemeka’s stomach twisted. Shehad no intension of yielding. She hugged Amaretta, wishing she couldhelp her in some way. “Thank you for everything.”

A sharp rap on the door proceededCadmus’ entrance into the room. He wore a well-cut silver jacketand slacks. He motioned for Amaretta to leave and she hurried fromthe room. Then he addressed Toemeka. “Turn around, slowly.”

The way his eyes feasted on hermade Toemeka’s skin crawl yet she did as he asked. He crossed theroom in a few long strides and drew her close.

Playing the part, Toemeka laughedhuskily. “You’ll have to wait, Cadmus. I’ve spent hours gettingready for the party.”

“To hell with the party.” Heleaned down and kissed her.

Pushing back her panic, sheslipped out of his arms and reapplied her lipstick. “You’remeeting associates tonight. We don’t want to be late.”

“I suppose not and it’d be ashame not to show you off. I’ve brought you a present.” He handedher a small jewelry box. Inside was a finely crafted ruby ring.

She felt drawn to it and pickedit up, despite her reluctance to accept such a personal gift. “It’sexquisite.”

“It matches your necklace andearrings.”

He clasped her hand and sherecoiled as he started to remove her wedding band. “Leave it andput the ruby ring on the other hand,” she said.

“You’re my woman now.” Hetossed her wedding ring onto the dresser and slipped the ruby ring onin its place. “There’s one more thing you need to wear before weleave this room.”

He squatted down and locked asilver chain around her ankle. Standing up he said, “There’sbuzzer in that ankle bracelet that will sound if you get more thanthirty feet from me.”

Toemeka’s heart sank as Cadmusput a stole over her shoulders. In the hallway she said, “I forgotmy evening bag. I’ll only be a moment.” She hurried back into theroom and slipped her wedding band into her small evening bag beforerejoining Cadmus.


As Cadmus flew his aircar betweentall buildings in the heart of the city, Toemeka wondered how toescape. A small key swinging from the key fob caught her attention.If it was the key to open the lock on her ankle bracelet, she coulduse it to get away from Cadmus without setting off the alarm.

“Terrko lives in thepenthouse,” Cadmus said as the aircar approached a tall building.He flew the aircar through the open door of the top level of aparking ramp and pulled into a stall. As they walked from the aircarto the skyway, he dropped the key fob into his jacket pocket.

Toemeka gazed out the skywaywindows at the city lights. Henotaux reeked of power and money. Adoorman welcomed Cadmus by name as they entered and took Toemeka’sstole. The party had already begun and they soon merged into a crowdof guests. Many were dancing to loud, electronic music that blaredfrom a live band. Toemeka’s head pounded from the music and heavysmoke-filled air. She felt pulsing, dark magic in the room. Cadmusintroduced her to beings from different worlds, showing her off likea

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