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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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he wasmanipulating her with fear. “I… I hadn’t thought of myself.”

“Maybe if you were moreconcerned about yourself, you would’ve had the sense not to leavethis compound with Gideon, a dangerous man whom you knew nothingabout. A man who would betray the man he’s paid to protect is notsomeone you should trust. And how were you planning to get offDevil’s Eye without any money? I thought I made it clear that thisdome is occupied by the lowest men in the galaxy. None would’vehelped you. Is it really so bad here? I realize I lost my temperyesterday, but surely that wasn’t enough to warrant such adesperate escape attempt.”

“I had nothing to do with thearrangements. I told Amaretta I wanted to go home to be with my babyand she solicited Gideon’s help. I was asleep when she came andtold me we were leaving. I realized Gideon was a treacherous man, yetwhen I saw the guard posted outside my door with his throat slashed,I knew there was no turning back. I never intended for anyone todie.”

“Yet three of my men werekilled because of your desire to go home. They were trusted guardswho cannot be replaced easily.”

“I’m sorry they died.” Shetook a deep breath, trying to stay balanced.

“Don’t look so distressed. Idon’t blame you for what happened. Gideon plotted this. He stoleyou from your bed without even letting you get dressed. I know youdidn’t have the strength to even walk out of this room on your own.Amaretta’s a different story. She will have to take fullresponsibility for her actions. She’ll be put to death.”

“No!” Toemeka gasped. “Pleasespare her. She only sought to help me because I’m the only personwho’s been kind to her and treated her like someone of value.”

“She knew the penalty forhelping you escape.”

“She’s hardly more than achild.”

“The slave dies.”

Heat flashed through Toemeka’sbody. “Murderer!”

“Why should I care what youthink?” Cadmus strode across the room, slamming the door behindhim.

“Cadmus!” Toemeka limped tothe door, holding her hand to her side, and tried to open it. Findingit locked, she sank to the floor, weeping.

She spent the rest of the day inagony, knowing she was responsible for Amaretta’s death.

Later that night, she wasawakened when Cadmus barged into her room yelling, “Whore, get outof bed!”

Toemeka stumbled out of bed, hereyes swollen from crying. She was beyond caring what Cadmus did toher. “Murderer!”

“I should kill you for all thetorment you cause me!”

She smelled alcohol on his breathand knew he was drunk, but she was too upset to use caution. “Goahead, kill me! What do I have to live for? You’ve taken away all Ilove and now you’ve killed the one person I cared about here. Whatmore can you do to me?”

“What more? What more, you ask?I’ve pampered you, given you whatever you wanted. I’ve beenpatient with you and waited for you to get well before taking you tomy bed. I’ve coddled you, but no more. I’m done trying to winyour favor and please you. What more can I do to you?” His voicebecame hard. “I can make your life a living hell.”

“It already is! How could youkill her?” Hysterical, Toemeka pounded her fists against his chest.

Cadmus grabbed her upper arms andviolently shook her. “Woman, you drive me beyond endurance. Ididn’t kill your worthless slave.”

Toemeka stared at him, stunned ashis words sank in; then everything blurred and her knees gave out.Cadmus caught her as she fainted.

She awoke to find herself on thebed and looked at him in confusion. “What happened?”

“You collapsed. Are you allright?” he asked. His voice held a note of concern.

She put her hand to her forehead,still feeling weak. “Thank you for sparing her.”

“You’re a fool to care abouta worthless slave.”

She didn’t respond, not wantingto argue with him.

“You still look faint.” Heclenched a fist, then released it. “I was going to —” His eyesswept lustfully over her body. “But I decided to give you more timeto recover. You owe me for the life of your slave. I expect you toshow me gratitude for that favor in the near future.”

He left the room and the tensionin her chest eased. It was always hard to be around his negativeenergy and ongoing threats. Still he’d spared Amaretta. Toemekafocused within, determined to reach Michio. She felt as if some darkforce that previously prevented them from making contact had somehowbeen removed. Toemeka intended to take advantage of it before she wasblocked again.

This time she chanted to raiseher awareness and then slid out of her body in full consciousness.When she placed her attention on Michio, she felt a sensation ofmovement and then stood beside him near a gently flowing stream.Light pulsed around him and a soft humming filled the air. He drewher into his arms and kissed her. Toemeka,where are you? I’ve been trying to reach you ever since thismorning.

Idon’t want you to risk your life by coming to me. Baymond needs afather.

You’rein grave danger. I can feel psychic powers attacking you. In yourweakened state, you aren’t strong enough to hold them off muchlonger. You must let me help you. Please tell me where you are.

She looked into his eyes, sofilled with love. I’min a domed city on an obscure moon. It’s owned by criminals and hasa strong military to defend it. There’s only one spaceport and youcan’t land without permission from the authorities who run it,she replied, thinking of Devil’s Eye.

Devil’sEye,he said, picking up the thought forms she’d been hiding from him.

Youread my mind! You had no right to.

Where’sDevil’s Eye?

Don’tcome. It’s far too dangerous.

Riseabove your fear, Toemeka. Erling and I are warriors and can rescueyou from Cadmus. Don’t let him convince you otherwise. Havecourage, my love, trust me.

She put her hands to her heart.Michio was right, she couldn’t let fear control her. Devil’sEye is one of planet Kunassre’s moons. I’m imprisoned in a roomin Cadmus’ complex.

We’llhead there immediately. Keep the connection between us open. We’llfind you.

He kissed her and her whole beingflooded with warmth and love. Her trepidation retreated as she kissedhim back.

Suddenly, she sensed somethingwas wrong. Someoneis trying to take control of my body! I must return at once.Returningto the physical realm,

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