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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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asked her to help me escape.”

Cadmus glared at Amaretta. “Whydid you do it? You know the punishment for betraying me.”

“I… I was afraid you’d killToemeka in a fit of rage.”

“You’ll pay for your crime.”Cadmus grabbed Amaretta’s arm and started for the door.

“Wait! What are you going to doto her?” Toemeka asked.

“Death is the punishment forbetrayal.”

“No! Spare her.” Cadmus leftthe room with Amaretta and slammed the door.

“What have I done?” Sorrowflooded through Toemeka.


After a nearly sleepless night,Toemeka awoke early in the morning, wondering if Cadmus had alreadyput Amaretta to death. Wincing in pain, she changed into a dress,then pounded on the door until a guard finally opened it.

“I want to see Cadmus,” shesaid.

The tall guard scowled down ather. “He’s still sleeping and will probably continue to sleep fora few more hours. No one got much rest last night.”

“Please tell him I want to seehim when he wakes up.”

“You’re in no position to askfor favors.” He slammed the door in her face.

Little wonder the guard was angrywith her, she thought. Gideon and his men murdered three guards inher failed escape attempt. Only Gideon had no intention of lettingher go; he just wanted jewelry and to taste one of Cadmus’ women.

Toemeka skimmed the Internet onthe tablet, undeterred in her quest to find a way home. Anything shelearned about Devil’s Eye might prove useful. She soon discoveredthe dome was the only habitable place on the moon. It had only onespaceport and pilots were required to get permission from spaceportauthorities to land or leave. Discouraged and worried about Amaretta,she set down the tablet.

Outside the window, red andyellow flowers danced in the sunlight. She longed to be there,instead of trapped in this room. She closed her eyes and visualizedbeing in the garden as she sang HU, a love song to God, to tune intothe Eternal Life Stream. In her mind’s eye, she walked along astone pathway leading to a pond filled with pink water lilies. Shetouched the water and felt its coolness. Surprised, she glancedaround and realized she’d projected out of her body and was in theInner Worlds. MasterBakka, I know you’re always with me. Please appear to me,she said telepathically.

Master Bakka materialized beforeher. I’mhere, Toemeka. I’ve never left you. Heradiated warmth and love, and his kind, ageless face was filled withunderstanding. He was surrounded by Light and wore a blue robe.

I’mworried about Amaretta. Cadmus threatened to kill her and may havealready.

Youcan’t control her fate. It was her decision to trust Gideon. Shecouldn’t see what kind of man he was. You need to stay in balance.Cadmus can’t do anything to you spiritually unless you allow it.

ButI was given drugs and psychically attacked, which made it impossibleto keep in touch with the Eternal Life Stream.

Yetyou found the strength to come here, MasterBakka said compassionately.

Onlyafter they stopped drugging me. How can I reach Michio?

Focusyour attention and visualize him being with you. He’s also findingit hard to stay in balance and to connect with Spirit. He unwittinglylet grief and despair block the flow. Yet his love for you is deepand pure. It has expanded his heart and allowed love, the greatest ofGod'squalities, to uplift him. The love bond between you two makes himopen to what you’re feeling.

The Master gazed at her withprofound understanding. Togetheryou can have experiences you’d never have alone. Having a mate toshare your life with is a great blessing, if there is true,unconditional love. Yet the most important relationship for both ofyou is with the Light and Sound of Spirit. Fill yourself with theEternal Life Stream and send your love out to him. Let the Light ofSoul shine.

Toemeka filled herself with loveuntil the Sound Current pulsed through her body in waves, then shesent her love to Michio. Happiness engulfed her as she thought ofhim. Gradually she began to feel his love and unique vibration. She’dmissed both his presence and the inner connection they shared.

The air shimmered, then Michioappeared. He looked vibrant and radiated Light. She hurled herselfinto his arms. Joy filled her as their lips met and she drank deeplyof his essence, basking in the strength of their inner connection. Hewas completely open to her and she to him; she felt his deep love forher. They became as one, with one heart and one purpose. Raptureswept through her.

Toemeka,my love,he said telepathically, holding her close.

IsBaymond all right?

Yes,he’s doing well.

Cadmustore me away from him.

Iknow. I was on my way home when your terror blasted into me like apowerful windstorm. Baymond was crying when I arrived, but otherwisefine.

Tears of relief filled her eyesand rolled down her cheeks.Thank God. I was so worried about him.

I’msorry I didn’t get there in time to prevent Cadmus from capturingyou. Hekissed her tear-streaked face. Whatabout you? Are you okay?

I’mscared I’ll be trapped here forever and never see you and Baymondagain.

His hands slid down her arms andcaptured hers. Anguish radiated from him.I won’t stop searching for you until we’re reunited. Where areyou?

She backed away from him andshook her head.Thepain in her chest was almost unbearable.I can’t tell you. Cadmus will kill you if you come. Overwhelmingdespair filled her and she lost her connection with Michio.

She opened her eyes and foundherself back in her body. “No!” she exclaimed, missing Michio andtheir baby more than ever. Yet a ray of hope remained. She’dsucceeded in contacting Michio once and was sure she could do itagain. Exhausted, she fell into a deep, healing sleep.

When she awoke, Cadmus wassitting in the chair near the lounge where she slept. Dread tightenedaround her heart, threatening to break her newfound inner peace. Sheput up a matrix of Master Bakka and looked at Cadmus through it. Hisexpression was dark and the vibrations coming from him were heavy.They jarred painfully against her, for she still vibrated with thecurrent of Light. “How long have you been sitting here?” sheasked tentatively, afraid of angering him.

“Not long. I was told youwanted to see me.”

“Is Amaretta still alive?”

His nostrils flared. “Shehasn’t been put to death yet.”

She swallowed. “Please spareher life. She was just trying to help me.”

“You should be more concernedabout how I’m going to punish you.”

She stiffened, realizing

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