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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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his mouth and chin lengthened into amuzzle filled with dagger like teeth. His nose flattened as hisears moved to the top of his lengthened head. Eyes wide and glowingwith a pain and beastly fervor I was strangely ratified torecognize. He hunched over completely, his arms morphing intopowerful forelegs ending in fat heavy paws, even as his legsshorted and broadened, rippling with compact muscle. Torso bulgingand waist shrinking he shuddered as his glossy coat covered hisdark skin, ebony black and gleaming with perspiration. His rollingeyes settled – the pain retreating to leave deadly focus and rawpassion.

Breandan hissed, low and long, baringhis own teeth. Rather than fearing him in such a dangerous state ofmind, I stepped forward, the urge to grab his head and claim thatproud mouth with my own the most compelling thing I hadknown.

Breandan stiffened under my touch andseemed surprised when I crushed my mouth to his, but he did notpull back. Instead, he met my ferocity with his own, his lipsdaring mine to take more. I started the kiss but he ended it,breaking away from my mouth to kiss my forehead.

Breathless and flushed I said, “Youcan’t hurt him.”

“That,” he said faintly,“may be difficult. He certainly will try to hurt me.”

I glanced over at Alec who now pacedback and forth in cat form. His sleek face was focused, in thezone. He growled, the hair on his back standing up in stiff clumpsand paws scratching up clumps of earth.

“Say-so,” I agreed. “Justdon’t kill him then.”

I tugged his head down and lightlybrushed my lips across his, blushing a deeper red all the while. Istared into his silver eyes and lost my train of thought. A smallsmile played on the corners of his mouth and he arched an eyebrow.I blinked and glowered at him, not impressed with his ability toconfound me by just existing.

“Be careful,” Ibegged.

The smile became a cheeky grin, aspectacular show of dazzling white teeth. “Alright.”

A smile that lit his whole face up,and made him blaze with white light. How could I leave him when helooked at me like that? He seemed to sense my reluctance to leavehis side since he handed me off to Conall who dragged me a fewsteps before picking me up, and taking us both over to stand besideByron. He set me down and I scowled, feeling all flustered and hotunder the collar.

“I hope that fairy isstrong,” Byron sounded amused. “Alec is the best I have. My Omega,second-in-command.”

“Breandan is a warlord, hewas a Guardian of the Wylds. I hope your Omega chose has nodependants.”

Byron opened his mouth to retort thenhis face paled at the look of rueful apology on Conall’s face. Mybrother was certain my fairy-boy had this in the bag. Before Icould tell them both to stop making light of the situation, Alecroared and leapt at Breandan’s face, claws slashing.

Chapter Three

I stood on the balls of my feet, readyto throw myself in there. Conall kept a restraining hand on myshoulder, as I bounced up and down.

Alec lunged forward and Breandanside-stepped him easily. Twisting, Alec lifted up unto his hindlegs to drag his paws across Breandan’s torso. His claws rippedinto flesh drawing blood and my fairy roared. When Alec jumped,sank his teeth into Breandan’s shoulder, I snapped and spun aroundConall to dart into the fray. I had zero idea what I was going todo to help in this situation, I only knew I could not stand by andwatch these two boys tear each other apart.

Before I got two steps Conall was infront of me swinging his huge hand toward my face. I tried to blockhim, but the swing altered mid flow and jerked down to thump me inthe stomach. Realistically, I knew if he wanted to hurt me, Conallcould have hit me hard enough to break ribs. Instead, all the airleft my lungs and my legs seemed to lock up. I staggered back andlooked up at him wide eyed.

Breandan shot me a cursory glance outthe corner of his eye. He made a low noise toward Conall, and mybrother rolled his eyes. He came at me again and I rolled back,gaining my feet stand before him, hands fisted.

“What the hell are youdoing,” I hissed.

“Today you learn how tofight.”

He came at me again, with the deadlygrace of a cobra, this time his foot flew toward my upper arm, andI blocked him, barely. I still ended up being shunted two steps tothe side from the impact.

Conall wrinkled his nose. “You have notechnique, no instinct. You fight like a human. You must use allyour senses; feel what I am going to do before I do it.”

“Now is not the time forthis lesson,” I said seriously, trying to reason withhim.

I pointed at Breandan and Alec whoalternated between quick swipes and bites, to rolling around,pulling away, regrouping then attacking again.

Breandan’s torso was riddled withscratches. I swear my own skin itched in the exact sameplaces.

“Never will you have agreater distraction than a friend in danger,” Conall said firmly.“You must remain calm and focused even in the face of losingeverything you hold most dear.”

“Fine,” I said sweetly.“You asked for it.” I reached to magic and it flooded me withwhite-hot rage.

Conall’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.“You practiced as we ran.”

“Hell yes.” I sent a blastof golden energy his way and followed it through with a smack tohis gut with my fist. Before he could recover, I darted round tohis back, and kicked his leg out from beneath him. Conall fell, buthe twisted round to land on the tips of his toes and the palms ofhis hands. His legs bunched up before he sprang up, body curvinginto a perfect crescent moon before landing lightly on his feet andshooting me a quick grin.

I laughed. “You think that’sgood?”

He came at me, and I flipped backward,again, and again, cutting through the middle of Breandan and Alec’sfight, the amulets bouncing off my chest as I went. Though theworld spun, but I was acutely aware of my surroundings. Before

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