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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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Iwas a fairy had I executed this move the world would have been achaotic blur. Now I saw everything. I even saw the confusionflicker across Alec’s face when I passed him, my legs up in the airand my back arching. It was odd because he was a cat mid snarl, butstill clear as day, I saw how startled he was by catching his eye.As I flipped upright, making an odd square between the four of us Ithumbed my chin at Conall who looked mildly impressed.

Breandan’s gaze locked on mine.Mischief flicked across his expression and he winked at me. At theplayful gesture, my mouth dropped open.

My brother waved me forward the sametime Breandan rushed forward to meet Alec’s charge. I somersaultedover and he slipped under me. Our faces came inches away from eachother. His silver eyes twinkled at me before the love in them wasreplaced with hardness as his gaze twitched to lock onAlec.

I landed with my back to Conall, nolonger caring that we were sparring and watched as Breandanfinished his fight by grabbing Alec’s jaw in his hands. Hestraddled the shifter’s back and forced him to lie down.

The Pride fell silent.

And this was it, the horror they hadbrought upon themselves. Alec had lost; his life was Breandan’s toclaim.

My heart pumped double time in mychest. He would not do it. It was not in his nature. Oh gods,please. I knew I could not interfere this time. This was Pack law,no something I, Conall, or Breandan could override. The thought ofleaving passed through my mind, because if we left, right now, thisneed not happen. We could try and track Devlin anotherway.

Was this boy’s life worth myrevenge?

I pressed my eyes together and waitedfor the sickening crunch.

There was a soft, warm pressure at mymouth. My entire body relaxed and I wound my arms around the boywho teased my lips open with his. I breathed him in. Sunlight andsoil mixed with the faint tang of salty sweat. The firm skin of hisback burned under my palms.

I heard a fierce roar and my eyesflickered open.

Breandan smiled down at me, and Ipressed my fingertips to his cheek, reverent. Words could notexpress how proud of him I was.

His face was animated with mischiefand he jerked his head to where Byron stood, clapping a panting andweakened, human Alec on the shoulder. “We dance,” the Alpharoared.

His Pack took up the chant as Iwondered if they had lost their minds.

Alec stumbled up to me with a dazedsmile on his face. His dark hair stuck up in awkward bloodiedclumps and his body was coated in a thick sheen of sweat. He lookedas if he had enjoyed the tussle, invigorated. “You dance?” he askedme, breathless.

I scoffed, “No.”

He looked at Breandan inquiringly. “Afairy that does not dance?” He sounded doubtful.

Taking my hand in his Breandanfollowed behind the shifter-boy toward the bonfire in the centre ofthe Pride.

“Why do you think youcannot dance?” he asked.

Embarrassed, I wanted to tell him thatI did not like to dance, and that it was dumb simply to save face.Instead, I said, “Two left feet with no rhythm. And it’s not likewe had much chance. Most of my time was spent studying how to killdemons.” I shrugged. “We did nothing but learn how to become thebest at what we did.”

He snorted. “The best? I have seen youthrow a punch. That does not come close to the best at huntingother beings.” He slanted a look at me. “I will have fun showingyou how to use your body.”

I stuttered, trying to think of somesnappy response but managed only to totter behind him, lead by thehand with a absentminded expression.

That was how I came to be standing infront of the fire when the first drumbeat echoed into the night. Aslow, leisurely pounding that had my entire body shivering. Thesound seemed to sweep over my skin and ripple to the tip of my tailthat flickered mischievously. The shifters danced, throwingthemselves into the beat; ready to release the stress throughlaughter, music, and movement.

A hard hand caught my chin and turnedmy head. Breandan motioned me to watch him. Releasing me, heinclined his head and pointed downward to his feet. It was a simplething, this dance. Booted feet a shoulder width apart, he rolled uponto the tips of his toes then back onto his heels.

The drums were loud, urgent, andinsistent. Breandan rocked back on his heels then to his toes. Helooked at me expectantly. I did the same. His lips twitched withthe beginnings of a smile, and he matched the time of his movementto mine.

Conall was beside us doing somethingsimilar, and having one hell of a time judging by the relaxedsatisfaction dominating his usually stoic expression. One of thebraver females stepped up to him, smiling coyly, and waved himforward. He joined her, accepting the invitation gracefully. Theydanced, but never did they touch. It was like they were connectedin some other, unseen way. Eyes closed, heads flung back, lost inthe beat.

Breandan’s limbs entwined with mine,and continued to rock us back and forth. We pressed together in thewrithing mêlée of bodies, and for a while, we swayed. Our bodiestwisted slightly so we could stare into each other’s eyes. A sighof awe hitched in my chest at the sight of him. When I began tofeel faint, I looked away, across the heart of the Pride to see theentire Pack lost in dance of passion and hunger. I was shocked tosee some of the shifters in cat form, heads bobbing to the beat,tails curling around the air in loose, lazy patterns. They weavedthrough the crowd, backs arcing in pleasure as people stroked andpetted them as they passed. Some rolled in the dirt playfully,purring up a storm.

I spotted Alec. He was near his Alpha,jumping in smooth, audacious movement.

The shifters danced differently thanthe fairies. The movement was bolder and slower in comparison tothe liquid-like slink of Conall.

My view of the dance abruptly changedas I was lifted high into the air, Breandan’s arms around my waist.Down I came, and remembered to rock back on my heels then up ontomy tip-toes. Breandan pressed closer behind me,

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