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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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“You will accept this,” he said firmly.

His mouth captured mine and the crowdyelled in delight, stamped their feet in joy. Screams fromwere-cats rose in a rising crescendo, and a fierce roar cut abovethem all.

Like a ray of clarity through thesmoke and passion, I knew what I was doing, and what I was feeling.It was the bond, heightening our attraction to each other and ourattractiveness to those around us.

I gasped, and pulledBreandan’s lips down to meet mine when he tried to lean away,shocked by my reaction. I stared up at him, daring him to accept meas I was, complicated and strange, indecisive and selfish. His facesoftened and his eyes shone with warmth. Breandan’s hands slippedunder the hem of my dress to stoke the sensitive skin of hip. Ibreathed him in, the scent of sunlight and rain, and pressed myselfnearer then whimpered when he crushed me closer. I wanted him. Hewas mine, and I wanted him. Possessiveness washed over me like apoisonous cloud, and I dug my fingertips into his upper arm andback. Mine. I couldhear his heart echo the claim as it thumped against mychest. Mine.Breandan walked us out of the firelight into the grasslands of thePride, and I said nothing. I wanted this, wanted him. I knew thatonce this was done he would be insanely possessive, but my bodyscreamed a need I could no longer ignore.

The feeling that burned at pit of mystomach crawled through my veins possessed me. I’d never feltanything remotely like it. His hands rubbed up and down my body,fingers delving in and out of curves rhythmically. I lay on thecool grass, his glorious weight pressed into me, the skin of hischest was hot and smooth against my skin.

Breandan leant up, knelt over megazing down, and from his intense expression was trying to bore ahole through my clothes. Not that he had to; the hem of my skirtwas rumpled and hitched up around my waist. His gaze wandered up,locked with mine. He was just as lost as me. Ensnared in a traceand fixated on touching. Fingering the seams of my dress heabruptly yanked at it, realizing it covered my body fromhim.

He lent down to kiss my collarbonethen stiffened and groaned. “You are mine,” he growled.

“No,” I said, breathless,and laced my hands together at the nape of his neck to pull himdown. “You’re mine.”

The way his tongue felt when it slidover mine was amazing. He kissed me hard then sprung up, pulling meup after him. He cupped my face, silvery eyes luminous and a smilekicked back one corner of his mouth. “I have something that belongsto you.”

My eyes drifted closed and I breathedin deeply. I placed my hands over his, rubbed my face against oneof his hands, but his lighthearted tone had my brows furrowingdistrustfully. Nothing Breandan said was lighthearted. He was aserious demon who had bouts of mania. That was his fairy nature andI was becoming accustomed to it.

Sighing at how wonderful it felt forhim to touch me this way, I cricked an eye open, sensing hisrestless excitement. “Say-say?” I asked, stillsuspicious.

His hand slipped into his pocket andhis fingers came up with a chain of flat, gold links. It was short,the length of one of my hands, and as slender as my baby finger. Oneach elliptical segment was engraved a rune of power. It wassimple, caught the lunar light, and sparkled – a bracelet,perhaps?

Mesmerized I touched it with the tipof my finger and was gifted with a zap. That should have been myfirst clue, but it was so appealing and shiny. I forgot I was waryof him and this pretty ornament and hovered my finger over it,mouth parted in awe. “Beautiful,” I breathed.

“I know you are, but thisis no trinket. It is a sign of your birthright.”

He blurred into movement, and before Icould object, he pressed the links into my forehead.

I jolted as the metalwarmed, biting into my skin. I scrabbled to yank it from my facebut still the … the … teethsank into my forehead over my brow, temple totemple. I shrieked and jumped about, using my nails to find an edgeto pick under. Nope, I did manage to dig myself in the face. Ithurt, so I stopped and stood still, trembling as the links fused tomy head and got hotter and hotter until it felt like my foreheadburned.

The fire stopped, cooling until themetal was blessedly cold against my skin. My eyes rolled back asfar as they could go and I could see a faint glimmering where thelinks sparkled. At least it had not sunken into my head entirely.Little by little, I raised my hand in hesitant jerks and touchedit. My fingers slid across velvety gold, so slick it felt slippery.But then I noticed faint scratches, ah, the symbols of power. Irubbed it at the edges, amazed at how the metal changed to smoothskin and back again. My hand fell to my side and I heaved a sigh,praying for patience. I looked at Breandan trying to decide thebest course of action. I could try and pound on him. The importantword being ‘try’. I had only tried, and failed, to hit him oncebefore, and I would never come close. I could scream and rail athim, possibly throw a few sharp rocks. But could I be bothered?Should I calmly ask him what this thing merged to my forehead was,and what it meant?

“What the hell are youplaying at?” I planted my palms on his stomach and shoved him. Heshunted back a pace and fought what looked suspiciously like asmirk. “You can’t push these things on me and expect me to acceptthem.”

“If I had told you what itmeant and what would happen you never would have takenit.”

“Why can’t you see this wasnot your choice to make?”

His jaw clenched, all lightheartednessgone. “You need to come to terms with who you are.”

I stomped my foot. “You can’t railroadme into being something I’m not.”

“If I don’t push you won’tmove,” he said with an icy veneer of calm. “You need to be strongfor what’s ahead yet you bury yourself in doubt, and hide behindthis

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