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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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matching the curvesof my body to his. I was tense now; my eyes wide and mouthparted.

“Let go,” he murmured in myear.

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip,felt pain when the sharp tips sliced the delicate skin. Nervous atthe suggestion of giving into the wildness of my nature, I lickedup a sliver of blood as a flare of pain signaled my healing.Trusting in him, the one I was bonded to, I did. I relaxed andclosed my eyes. Again, he lifted me up and instinct took over. Myarms rose up above my head; I arched my back causing my wings toflutter, and gently kicked my legs forward. Down below the crowedrejoiced and crowded closer.

It was a jubilant crush of bodies. Theground became damp with sweat as we danced. The floor beneath myfeet shook. Everything I was hummed, joining into the collectiveecstasy of being outside. Free. Alive. Smoke hung heavy in the air,mixing with the smell of wet grass and warm bodies. The drums beaton. Louder, harder. Forced us to move with wild abandon.

A tingle of pleasure ran across mylower stomach as Breandan’s hands drifted down to my hips andcoaxed me into rolling in time with the beat. I let my head lollback and opened my eyes lazily to look up into the sky. Starsalready twinkled above in the dusk.

The tempo increased, driving us everhigher, and I was off the floor, swinging my head to the side. Myarms flew up, legs thrashed. The breathless wail torn from mythroat was crystalline. A melodic cry infused with power. It seemedto come alive and shoot sparks across the sky. As I fell the airwhistling past cooled my heated skin, but the moment my feettouched back down I was enveloped in heat. Breandan spun me roundto lift me up so I could lock my legs around his solid waist. Heran his hand up my back, and kissed my neck then nipped it roughly.My pulse leaped as I nipped him back and felt his chest rumble withapproval.

He set me down and jumped high in theair, landing silently. For a moment, I worried my bite, and hislust had driven him crazy. Then I saw the shifter males did thesame thing. Unsure of what to do, I watched the females. I matchedthe strange patterns of their limbs with my own. As the malesstomped the floor the torsos of the females rippled, their chestsrose and fell, hips bucked. As they daringly ran their hands overthe shoulders of their dance partners, they smiled seductively,sensually trawled their fingers through their hair before spinningaway, faces turned upward to watch their men soar into sight withpowerful leaps. Their bodies beckoned their chosen ones to comeback down to touch and play.

My hazy focus was drawn back to my ownpartner, and when Breandan came down for a third time I caughtsurprise flitting across his face when I placed my hands on hischest. Face hot, I stroked down over the smooth, hardness of him asmy body moved in soft undulations I had not thought possible. Hishesitation in returning my touch was brief. His arms wound aroundme as he accepted my offer to join closer.

Over his shoulder, I noticed theyounger shifters, the cubs, were being guided away by theirmothers. Conall was no longer dancing, but glaring at us. My eyesflicked to Alec. He shook his head, avoiding the advances ofseveral young shifter-girls trying to coax him into the dance.Byron stood slightly in the shadows, arms crossed over his broadchest. He nodded once at each young couple that slowly left thelight of the fire, consumed in each other. They stroked and kissedas they faded into the coming darkness.

It seemed odd, almost ritualistic.What dance would mothers not want their cubs to see? That Conall orAlec refused to partake in with the female younglings … couplingsthe Alfa must approve of … Breandan’s arms tightened around me,and I was distracted by how close he was. I felt his chest expand,drawing an intake of breath that carried the scent ofme.

The drumbeat changed, slowed intosingular thumps.

We were the only two left dancing. Ifollowed my fairy around the circle in a series of simple, butbeautiful steps that had me forgetting my confusion, and smilingshyly at him. I ducked my head down so my hair covered my face whenhe smiled back. He was so handsome. Not even the scar that ranacross his cheek lessened his silver-kissed beauty.

The fire deepened to rich violet. Iglanced at the horizon; easy on the flat grassland the heart of theshifter Pride rested upon. I saw the sun, a slender arc of shadyorange visible in the distance that had yet to set completely. Myfairy eyesight – which transformed the world into a vision ofelectric blue and purple at night – was not what had changed thecolour of the fire. The longer I looked I was sure I could seenaked forms dance among the flames. A warm wind wrapped round mybody and swept around me playfully.

He used magics for me.

I laughed and danced on. Happy, forthe second time truly, blissfully happy. I was aware, both times; Ihad been in the presence of my fairy.

Breandan’s hand reached for mine, andI took it without thinking. The brilliant glow of his skinastounded me. He was a beacon of light brighter than the purplebonfire that raged before us. He pulled me into him, and ratherthan hurt my eyes, I could see through the light to the glory ofhis face.

“So beautiful,” he saidquietly as he gazed down on me.

My gaze flicked from his into thecrowd watching us. Many shielded their eyes, but still snuckglances our way. Intrigued as to what they stared at, I cocked myhead, and looked down at myself. My legs, arms, feet, and handsglowed. Pulsing like a golden star against the ebony sheath I wore.My tail coiled into a tight ball at the base of my spine, and myheart stared to race. I jerked at Breandan’s touch gentle touch,the tips of his fingers brushing my hair off my neck and over myshoulder which he gripped.

He saw the fear in my eyes as hisshook his head.

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