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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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of the years at the university began to be told.

When the desserts were served, one of the groom's friends dedicated a few words to the bride and the groom, albeit most were meant for the future husband: he mentioned something that had been organized by everyone, a video presentation. Almost all the guests turned their gaze and chairs towards the point where the projection began. The beginning of the music made everyone quiet. I put my hand on Damian's arm. He slightly startled as if he were tense for what could appear in that video. I didn't say anything. I did not want him to feel embarrassed as he did earlier. After all, I knew that he felt very uncomfortable in that situation despite having overcome that drama. Who wouldn't have felt this way in his place? He was only there because he was a good person and a good friend. But now, after having already endured some inquiring glances from some of the guests, he also had to watch images of his past where he too would probably appear.

After a few images where a boy and a girl appeared separately – certainly the newlyweds as children – the first image with adults was one of Michael, the giraffe with fake nails, and between them Damian!

I felt as his arm muscles contracted and his hands clenched in fists. Who was the idiot who had the brilliant idea of making a video in which Damian appeared in almost half of the photos? They could have replaced them with others.

"You know what?" I said in his ear. I could not shut up, I had to say something to distract him from watching that shitty video. If it was already unbearable for me, it had to definitely be a torment for him. I saw how his face slowly turned, but without looking at me. "There is no doubt that you are much more attractive now," I whispered, placing my hand on the back of his neck caressing him gently.

I had the feeling that he was staring at something and, when I looked in the same direction, I saw not far from him a white mousse with red topping and a strawberry. Everyone seemed to be paying attention to the damn video, except us. His fingers took the strawberry and, as if in slow motion, instead of bringing it to his mouth, he placed it lightly on my lips. I opened them without taking my eyes off his and gently bit the slightly caramelized fruit. My breathing was slow. As soon as I opened my mouth to sip the juice that had come out, I felt the pressure of his lips on mine along with that sweet, forbidden and exciting taste that made me feel in heaven.

The applause that came from afar did not matter, nor did someone's yells of congratulations: at that moment I was only interested in continuing to taste that nectar that Adonis was offering me.

The desire accumulated throughout that period seemed to rise again in an instant and, even before I realized it, my impulse was to surrender to his lips, taking delight in his every movement in crescendo that made us estranged from the real world. His tongue had crept into my mouth to meet mine. I replied eagerly, with such impetus that I almost involuntarily let out a slight moan. I noticed how that intensity began to decrease as well as the rapture that had accompanied us, then realized where we were. And when his mouth parted from mine he did so in an elegant way, slowly and with immense sweetness.

"From now on, strawberry is my favorite flavour," he whispered just before touching gently my lips and leaving for good. He straightened up in his chair and continued to eat the rest of the dessert quietly.

I had kissed other guys in my life, most of them more toads than princes, to be honest. But Adonis with the body made for sin and the smile of an angel, who did not seem of flesh and blood, had put me in a bubble which I would no longer want to leave for the rest of my existence.

Chapter XI

After dinner we went to a private lounge bar that had been reserved for the groom's family and friends. The ceremony was supposed to take place the following day, but hardly anyone seemed to care judging from the drinks, cocktails, and liquors they were consuming.

At a certain moment some people grabbed Michael and threw him in the air, under the gaze of superiority and annoyance of the blonde giraffe. Among the laughs and comments of cheerfulness, I understood that someone was planning a bachelor party for the groom.

"Don't worry, Rebecca! We promise that tomorrow he will be waiting for you at the altar!" one of them shouted.

"Aren't you going to join them?" I asked in a low voice, looking at Damian who had remained by my side until that moment.

"I'd better go too, just to make sure nothing serious happens, given their state," he replied. "Here is the key card," he added, giving me a gentle kiss in the corner of my mouth. "Wait up for me," he whispered, staring at me for a moment before he walked away. Those words made my head spin.

"Have I understood well?" I thought as he walked away. "Of course you have, you moron!" my brain affectionately confirmed.

"They won't be going to the cliff, will they?" asked one of the girls I stayed with after all the men had left.

"Of course not!" said one of them. "They will certainly stay in the hotel garden to play their games. It would be enough already if he came back with all his bones in place."

Seeing the concern of some and the tranquility of others among those present, I was convinced that it was something normal and decided not to

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