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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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worry. Besides, Damian asked me to stay awake and wait for him, a clear sign that he would not be too late.

"By the way, Maria, is it true that you work for Damian's company?" asked the snobbish giraffe as she sipped her cocktail.

"Yes," I said without wanting to give any further detail.

"And what exactly do you do? Something like a personal secretary, giving certain... services?" she added in a tone that left no doubt what she meant.

Some of the girls looked away. I was disgusted by her arrogant smile. That cocky blonde was nothing more than a first-class jerk.

"Actually I give him a lot of services, but I prefer to reserve them for the privacy of our home," I replied with a smile so fake that it almost dislocated my jaws. "My duties in the company are not directly under his control since I manage the most important accounts."

"So you live together?" was her next question accompanied by an expression of incredulity.

"Of course," I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "We decided to live together shortly after we started dating. In fact, our feelings were so deep from the beginning that I always thought it was real love at first sight."

"It certainly was, considering the way you met," replied Angelica, the girl who had previously asked me how I met Damian and who followed the conversation very carefully. "You should be happy, Rebecca. Apparently Damian forgot about you a long time ago," she said sharply. "I don't mean to be offensive, but many of us thought he wouldn't get over the separation. Instead, today we have been able to ascertain the opposite: it is enough to see the way he looks at you to understand it."

"It would be better not to bother Damian's future bride with his past, Angelica," the Barbie giraffe sarcastically replied. "Perhaps she might get offended, although that is not our intention. Perhaps she doesn’t know what happened."

I knew when a statement was deliberately stinging. What did that plague think? That Damian had not told me about their relationship? Or the fact that she left him to marry his best friend? Did she seriously consider me so stupid? That woman had something rotten inside. Poor Michael, he was getting himself into a real mess! But in the end I had to rejoice, otherwise the misfortune would have befallen my Adonis.

"My? Have I just thought 'my'? Since when do I consider him mine? From the moment he kissed me in that intoxicating way."

"I don't feel offended. I know everything about Damian, he told me about it himself. There are no secrets between us," I replied smiling and sipping my drink. "I’d better go to sleep. It has been a long day."

"Of course! I am going to sleep as well. Tomorrow I'll have to be lucid," said Rebecca getting up with me and making me understand that she wanted to follow me since most likely she did not expect me to leave.

"I bet she is going to drop some of her malicious comments when no one else can listen," I thought as I wished good night to the rest of the girls who were going to stay for one last drink. I headed for the elevator with that stupid snob.

God! I hate this woman! After all, first impressions are often accurate. From the moment I saw her, she has been a pain in the ass.

"Nice ring!" she said as she entered the elevator.

"Thanks," I replied laconically.

"It looks quite similar to the ring he gave me when he asked me to marry him. Of course I gave it back to him. I couldn't have kept it. Do you know if it's the same?" she asked looking away to make me believe that her comment was not malicious.

One must be a daughter of a dog to say something like this. You fucking asshole!

If I had really been Damian's fiancée, I would have strangled her right there. But I was able to control myself and smile, probably a macabre smile never seen on the face of the earth yet.

"If you're curious, I can ask him when he gets back," I replied in a neutral tone to show that cock-teaser that she didn't achieve her goal to make me angry. "I told him that I didn't want a ring, that I didn't need to receive anything as a proof of his love. I love him, not his money or his surname."

Can you say the same, cheap giraffe?

"Of course," she replied condescendingly. "I only said it because of its resemblance. I hope you didn't get offended. I am pleased to know that Damian has finally found someone he deserves. I was distressed that he would never get over our separation: just a few weeks ago he called me, desperate..." Her voice suddenly died and she put a hand on her mouth, as if she was apologizing for the inappropriateness of her statement. "Sorry, I think it's the alcohol that makes me talk more than I should. Forget what I said," she added with that overbearing smile that I would erase by hitting her head repeatedly against the walls of the elevator.

May you fall into the elevator shaft! Do everyone a favour.

Poison had to run through her veins to be able to say certain things and remain impassive. What was going on in her head? Was she the kind of person unable to live and let others live? If she was the one who had decided to end their relationship to be with Damian's best friend, why the hell was she upset that her ex was with another person? It was clear that the bully could not accept that Adonis had forgotten her.

"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me," I replied with a smile. "I know perfectly well what kind of relationship exists between

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