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Book online «Jaded [The Moonlight Breed 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Gabrielle Evans (the read aloud family TXT) 📖». Author Gabrielle Evans

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Rissian’s mate, who spoke. “I sure as hell wouldn’t have allowed Rissian to shack up with a couple of females just because of tradition.”

“Allow?” Rissian arched an eyebrow, but the corner of his lips twitched, belying the sternness in his tone.

“Does that mean you second the motion?” Spiro asked, hurrying to interrupt the lover’s quarrel.


Rissian sighed and lifted two fingers just past his ear. “Fine. I agree.”

“Having three wives sounds like a pain in the ass,” Aradan added. “I vote yes.”

“Yes,” Locien said with a nod. He was only a few years older than Aradan, but he was much quieter, seldom speaking unless there was something important to say.

Technically, Spiro didn’t need Sadron’s vote now that he’d won the majority, but he felt it was important to give everyone their say. “What do you think, Sadron?”

The elf shrugged, seeming bored with the entire conversation. “It doesn’t affect me one way or another, but I guess I agree that it should be optional.”

As the fourth born, there was very little chance that he’d ever ascend the throne. Still, he was a prince, part of the family, and Spiro felt Sadron should be more active in the decision making. In fact, the same could be said for all of his brothers.

“Rissian, I’m appointing you to head of security. You’ll be in charge of training the new guards, assigning patrols, and the general protection of the island.” Spiro dipped his head and continued before anyone could argue. “Locien, Doc said that you’ve shown some interest in human medicine, so I want you to start training with her.”

“I’d like that.” Locien sat up a little straighter in his seat.

It was a good thing, because Spiro wasn’t giving him an option. “Sadron, you’re in charge of distribution. You’ll need to go to the mainland once a week to gather the supplies we need here on the island. I want a surplus as well, enough to feed everyone for at least one week in case of an emergency.”

“And where do you suppose I store this surplus?”

Sadron’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on him, but he also wasn’t going to rise to the bait. “Not my problem.” Then he turned to Aradan, specifically saving him for last. “You like to talk, and you can be damn persuasive when you need to be.”

The brat offered him a cocky grin. “This is true.”

“I want you to start forming alliances with the packs and covens in Norway and Greenland. We’ve isolated ourselves for too long. If there was ever an attack on the island of any magnitude, we’d be royally fucked.”

“Isn’t this why we have guards and a staff?”

“It’s time you guys started pulling your weight around here.” Spiro was tired of watching them laze about the palace like spoiled assholes. “If you don’t know what to do, the guards can point you in the right direction. I mean it, though.” He went around the group, nodding at each of his brothers. “Being a prince is a responsibility, not a free ride through life.”

Shuffling through the notes on his desk, Spiro was about to move on to the next of his concerns when his office door opened without warning. “Hello.” Zuriel waved happily as he strutted into the room. “Wow, why the grumpy faces? You guys look like someone just shot your dog.”

“I’m being an overbearing big brother,” Spiro answered, crooking a finger for his mate to come closer. “What are you doing here?”

Zuriel shrugged. “I got bored.”

“Where is everyone?”

Zuriel was finally starting to settle into island life. Every day, a bit more of his true personality appeared through the layers he’d draped around himself. No longer did he use his tight body and sharp tongue like a living security blanket to fend off rejection. However, it was rare to find him outside the company of his friends.

“Aspen is painting some mural thing on the wall of his room. Mihail and Nikola went to the mainland. Jacobi is an asshole.”

Spiro paused for a heartbeat, mulling over that last part in his brain, and then burst into laughter along with the rest of the room. “That’s not really a physical location, lirimaer.”

“It is the way he does it,” Zuriel argued. “His Royal Pickiness of Questionable Standards has decided that he doesn’t trust me to find suitable men for him. So he’s off trying to form his own harem.”

His laughter died away, replaced by concern. “Marcel?”

The guard rose from his seat, kissed Rissian on the forehead, and nodded. “I’ll find him.”

Spiro didn’t give a blue fuck who Jacobi took to his bed. With territorial shifters and a slew of hotheaded elves on the island, though, the guy was likely to get himself hurt for barking up the wrong tree. It was just one of the things he and Zuriel had in common. Neither of them understood limits or boundaries. Though Spiro would admit Zuriel had been trying.

The shifter was just so damn stubborn. While his independence was a huge turn-on, there were also times when it was painfully frustrating. “Why don’t you go down to that little confectionary shop in town you like?” He pulled his lover between his thighs and nipped at his kissable lips. “I’ll meet you as soon as I’m finished here.”

He hated to usher his mate away so quickly, but he’d never get anything accomplished with Zuriel in the room. They were barely halfway through the meeting, and Zuriel had already proven himself to be a very tempting distraction.

“I know you.” There was a hint of accusation in Zuriel’s voice. “It’ll be sunset before you leave this office.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” It seemed he spent half his time apologizing lately. Perhaps Zuriel wasn’t the only one still adjusting to their mating. “I just have things to do.”

Uncaring of their audience, Zuriel pushed himself onto the gleaming surface of the desk and leaned back on his elbows, propping his feet up on the arms of Spiro’s chair. “Yes, you do.” The hem of his blue cotton T-shirt rested just below his sternum,

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