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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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despite the bright blue sky and the abundant sound of birds, it should be grey, wet and dismal to mirror how she felt.

Even though there was hardly a patch of greenery around, unless the odd window box and postage-sized squares of grass in front of the maisonettes counted, Gwen liked her little place. It may not be much on the grand scale of things, but to her, it was her sanctuary. Now, thanks to Lena Taylor, she’d been ripped from that sanctuary and chucked headlong into a seething mass of writhing venomous snakes.

How she wished she’d not bothered seeing if Lena was alright during the engagement party. If she hadn’t made the effort, she wouldn’t know what she now did. But then, being ignorant of Lena’s knowledge wouldn’t stop the conniving little cow from using it.

It was six days since Gwen’s world had been rocked upside-down and the longer it went on, the worse it became. She knew her out of character disappearance would have been noticed. She also knew the time to act was limited – becoming tighter with every minute that passed. Furthermore, the passing of time was not revealing any solutions – if anything it was making everything more complicated. It certainly wasn’t getting her any closer to solving what had been unexpectedly dumped on her.

Gwen pulled a loaf from her bread bin, then replaced it, unable to face eating. It was already 2pm and she hadn’t even bothered getting dressed. Sitting down on one of the two chairs at the small kitchen table, she put her head in her hands. What was she going to do?

What had happened between her and Jacky Powell all those years ago had been relegated to the annals of time. Aside from her, the only other person who knew was Jacky – and he had taken their secret to his grave. At least that was what she’d thought until the night of the engagement party. It hadn’t crossed her mind this subject would come back from the dead to haunt her.

Being around Jonah and Saul as young lads after they lost their mother helped put her guilt aside, but now it had reared its ugly head again. And the pain it would cause now would be a thousand times worse than if the truth had come out at the time.

Gwen choked back a sob. She’d lose everything. Worse than that, Jonah would despise her and that would break her heart. Losing his trust, love and respect would be a lot worse than losing her job and reputation. A lot, lot worse.

A lone tear escaped from her eye and rolled slowly down her cheek.

Although a lot older than her, Jacky Powell had been a handsome man. She’d thought that ever since the day she’d started work at the Feathers back in 1973. His very presence exuded power and strength and although she had a good idea from the off what he did – much not being above board, he was always charming and respectful to everyone.

Although a lot of the girls’ pure aim was to seduce Jacky Powell, he’d never taken any of them up on their offers. He was far too loyal to his wife to ever entertain such a thought. That was until it happened...

Gwen smiled sadly. She hadn’t meant for it to happen and couldn’t remember exactly when it did happen, but it had happened all the same.

A few years after being promoted to managing the show at the Feathers, Gwen had also become Jacky’s personal confidante. She’d offered him an ear and given him a different take from those belonging to people who only dealt with things one way. She was good at thinking of viable options - ones with less risk to the firm and she and Jacky had become close. That was all there was to it; no ulterior motive from either side. It was purely business.

But one night it did happen. As they’d pored over the books and bounced ideas off each other, a switch had flicked. To this day she couldn’t say how or why, but before she’d known it, their lips had met, fast turning into a mass of intertwined limbs.

After this first encounter, despite the guilt, neither of them could stop themselves. It was more than sex. A lot more. Gwen had fallen head over heels with the man.

Jacky, as always, was honest in as much that he would never leave his wife. He loved Carole but he’d loved Gwen too and she’d accepted this without question. She’d loved Jacky too much not to.

There were times when they’d tried to knock things on the head, the guilt of betraying Carole eating away at both of them, but not enough to stop. They couldn’t. They were in far too deep, yet no one knew about their affair. Not one person and it was imperative that no one found out. Gwen certainly didn’t want to be the cause of breaking up Jacky’s family – leaving two young sons with only occasional access to the father who doted on them.

She admitted she used to dream that one day she’d marry Jacky and have a baby of her own. A son – like Jonah. She wanted to give Jonah another brother – a normal one - not like Saul. That boy had always been cold; unhinged. Odd.

She’d even been genuinely pleased when Jacky announced he was going to be a father again. That was ok – her love for him was unconditional and their affair continued. Until it went wrong...

She’d been holed up with Jacky the night Carole collapsed in excruciating pain, bleeding heavily. At fourteen weeks’ pregnant, she’d been feeling unwell for a while, but no one had expected that and along with everyone else at the club she’d waited on tenterhooks whilst Jacky had dashed to the hospital.

He hadn’t returned that night, nor the next and at that point Gwen realised it was bad. When Jacky finally returned three days later, he’d turned grey

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