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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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laughter. It was a nice break from the hard, and sometimes dangerous journey thus far from Ravenfell. It allowed them to forget the woes of the world above them and focus instead on the moment, basking in it for as long as they could. After all, the companions knew in the back of their minds that the festive mood would be short lived at best, soon to be broken by the harsh reality that lay awaiting on the surface world.

As the evening grew later and later the crowds began to disperse and the staff started clearing off the tables, signaling that it was time for the party to end and for the companions to call it a night.

David escorted Erin back to her room and gave her a long kiss goodnight before she playfully pushed him away and told him to go to bed, shutting the door gently behind her.

David stumbled through the hallway, feeling quite high on life, eventually making his way to his room before flopping down on his bed. The mattress was soft and molded to his form, swallowing him in a gentle cushion of warmth in which he quickly drifted off to sleep.


The next morning came faster than he would have liked, and far less enjoyable than the previous night had ended.

He awoke to a loud banging on his door before it was violently flung open. In came two Dwarves decked in the armor of the Guard. They promptly placed him under arrest and escorted him out of his room.

Still half asleep and at this point completely confused, David did his best to catch his feet up with the swiftly moving guards that were practically dragging him through the hallway. It took him a few moments before he finally gathered the awareness to speak.

“What’s going on?” he asked the guards, “Why am I under arrest?”

“It’s not for us to ask questions. We were instructed to gather you and your friends up and take you to the King at once. I expect you’ll find out soon enough.” said one of the guards grimly, never missing a beat.

It wasn’t long before they led David to the large, vaulted entryway and he caught sight of Erin and the others for the first time. They too were being escorted by armored guards and looked just as shocked as he was.

He could hear Tyrius demanding the same explanation David had asked for. Clearly none of them knew what was going on!

They were all led to the throne room and forced to kneel before the King, who was waiting patiently on his throne. He looked extremely disappointed.

“When we spoke yesterday, I mentioned to ye that if ye were lying to me, ye would be punished. Yet ye still insisted, and even had the nerve to join me feast, drink me ale, and eat me food as if ye were worthy of such things!” spat Tybrin, furious.

“What are you saying?” asked Tyrius, confused by King Tybrin’s accusation. “Have the scouts returned already? Surely they would have told you the news!” he pleaded.

“Aye, they told me the news! They said there was nothing out o’ place at Eldergate from what they could tell. No army of Demons, no giant outcrop of rock! How do ye suppose I should take that?” asked Tybrin, glaring fiercely at his captives.

“No…. that can’t be!” said Tyrius, “We saw it for ourselves, we were there when it happened. The scouts, they must be lying to you!”

“And why would they lie to me?” asked Tybrin, “What would they have to gain but a swift trial and severe punishment?”

“I don’t know, but there has to be an explanation! Send another scout party, I beg of you. You will see -” started Tyrius, but Tybrin swiftly cut him off.

“I will not send another scout party! What I will do, is promptly schedule a trial for ye all to answer to yer crimes! Ye will no longer be welcome in me house. Ye will stay in yer cells until the evenin’ when we can hear the case against ye. I will have Darryn represent ye, since he’s the one who was with ye the most and will be most inclined to speak honestly for yer cause. Now, be off! I want ye out o’ me sight!” said Tybrin, waving his hand for the guards to take them away.

“Your majesty, please, you must believe us!” shouted Tyrius as he was dragged away.

The guards escorted them out of the palace and back to the carts where they were promptly taken back to the cells they had occupied after their initial arrival.

They were not allowed to talk during the cart ride, however, once they were securely locked in their cells, Darryn came promptly to the prison to speak with them and discern what had happened.

He went to Tyrius’ cell, which was in the middle of the hallway, so everyone could hear what was being said.

“Tell me it ain’t so.” said Darryn to Tyrius through the bars in the door.

“It’s a complete fabrication!” whispered Tyrius angrily. “I don’t understand why the scouts would lie.”

“I don’t either,” replied Darryn, “But if we don’t find out why by tonight, you’ll all be spendin’ a whole lott’a time in these cells.” he said seriously.

“I know…I know…we must find out who the scouts were. If we can do that, we can determine why they would have lied, what incentive they would have had in keeping the truth from the King. That has to be our focus.” said Tyrius, to which everyone agreed.

“Right, I’ll see what I can find out and come back as soon as I have some news.” replied Darryn, and he quickly took off down the hallway and sped off in the cart back to the city.


The hours passed by slowly as they waited in their cells for the hour of their trial. They were given a meager meal for breakfast, then lunch, and then finally dinner, before the guards came at last to get them for their hearing.


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