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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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stated. “He’s cold, but his heart rate is close to normal. His adrenaline must have been pumping while at the mill. It’s helped him a bit.”

“Will he wake sooner?” Michael asked.

“I can’t say for sure. Let’s hope so,” Millie replied. The group waited, tension building as each minute passed. Within thirty minutes, Damien groaned. “Damien?” Millie asked.

Damien continued groaning, opening his eyes. A pained expression came over him. “Ugh. I’m sick,” Damien murmured.

“Sit him up,” Millie instructed.

Gray began pulling him up to sitting. “No, no. I don’t need to throw up. I just feel nauseous. But I’m okay,” Damien informed them.

“Millie thinks the adrenaline in your system may have helped your recovery,” Michael said.

“I don’t feel as bad as normal. Don’t get me wrong, I feel awful overall. But I’ve been worse. Can someone help me to the couch?”

“Sure, buddy,” Michael answered, easing him from the floor to standing.

“Easy,” Millie advised. “Easy, don’t push too fast.”

Damien stood on shaky legs, grasping at Michael to stay upright. “You okay?” Michael asked.

Damien nodded. “Yes.”

“I’ll retrieve a cup of hot tea for you,” Alexander informed him.

“Thanks, that would be great,” Damien answered. “Then I’ll tell everyone what Celine told me.”

They situated Damien on the couch, keeping him covered in blankets. Millie monitored his vitals, ensuring the movement did not prove too much for him. Alexander returned with a cup of steaming hot tea. Damien sipped at it before launching into the details of his meeting with Celine.

“So, Celine is at the mill. She can see and hear us,” he began.

“She can?!” Gray exclaimed. “So, we could communicate with her that way? At least one-way?”

“Easy, let him finish,” Michael chided.

Damien nodded. “It’s okay and yes. She can hear everything we say. She said she’s in that little cell. And yes, we can ask her things, then she could respond via Shadow World conversations with me.”

“Except she’s got to be careful. If she can see us, undoubtedly, she’s upset witnessing your reaction to the visit with her,” Alexander surmised.

“But I’m fine!” Damien answered.

“Someone needs to tell her that,” Gray answered. “Did she say anything else? I’ll go talk to her as soon as we’re finished with this conversation.”

“No!” Damien exclaimed. “You can’t. She said the Duke is curing Celeste tonight. She warned me not to do anything before that. I guess she doesn’t want to mess it up. She said we would work on freeing her once Celeste is okay.”

“She persuaded him to fix Celeste?” Gray asked, smirking.

“She is sly, isn’t she?” Alexander said, glancing to Gray.

“That she is,” Gray agreed. “Although I wish she’d worry about herself instead of Celeste.”

“That’s not Celine’s style,” Alexander replied.

“No, it’s not,” Gray answered. “I wonder if I could make it to the mill and back before Marcus arrives there. I’d like to tell her that Damien is okay. She’s probably worried sick.”

Alexander glanced at the clock on the mantle. “It’s almost five. I wouldn’t chance it.”

“Damn,” Gray cursed. “She needs to know Damien is all right.”

“Tell her tomorrow,” Michael suggested. “I mean, I realize you want her to know as soon as possible, but if you mess up the Celeste thing, she will not be happy with you.”

Gray chuckled. “No, she would not be. Well, looks like we’re on hold for the night.”

“Time to hit the books. Find a way to disenchant the enchantment,” Damien replied.

“Time for you to eat something and rest for the evening,” Gray replied.

“I won’t say no to the food, but I’d like to check out some of these books you’re studying before you put me to sleep.”

“I don’t see the harm in it,” Alexander answered. “But only an hour or so, you must rest. We’re getting close to creating a solution that may break the enchantment. We need you to be healthy in the event that we need to contact Celine.”

Damien agreed after a brief argument. They ate dinner and spent the early evening discussing information from the books in Alexander’s collection. They formulated several disenchantment spells to test before Millie insisted Damien retire for the evening.

Damien spent the first thirty minutes after stretching out in bed worrying about Celine. Knowing Celine, she lay in her prison worrying over him, Celeste, Gray, Alexander, Michael, Millie, Charlotte, Avery and the two children. He hoped it didn’t stop her from contacting him again. If Alexander was correct and Celine witnessed his reaction to the Shadow World visit, she’d be reluctant to contact him again. He sighed, his mind turning to other aspects of the issue. Would Celeste be cured tonight, he wondered? How had Celine accomplished that feat? What had she given up or promised to obtain that favor? Worry consumed Damien again. His mind rambled from thought to thought until the sedative kicked in, sending him to a dreamless sleep.

Celine paced her cell, apprehensive over Damien’s condition. How was he, she wondered? Was he ill, unconscious, worse? Had he passed the message along to Gray? They must not act until Marcus cured Celeste.

Celine glanced out the window. The sun had set hours ago. Celeste would have risen from her daytime hiding spot. Had she met with Marcus? Had there been an issue? Celine groaned, resuming her pacing.

After another hour, footsteps fell above her. She rushed to the cell door, peering out. Figures descended the stairs, crossing the room. Celine recognized Marcus and Celeste. Was it done, she wondered? She received her answer as the duo approached the door.

“Good evening, my dear,” Marcus greeted her. “May I present your newly restored sister?”

A smile crossed Celine’s face. “It is finished?” she questioned.

“It is. I have restored Celeste to her rightful state,” Marcus assured her.

Celine glanced to Celeste. Celeste nodded. “It is true, sister.”

A tear escaped Celine’s eye. She breathed a sigh of relief. One problem was solved. She hated to admit she owed Marcus Northcott for it, but she did. Although, she reflected, he caused the issue. It was only right that he should fix it. “Are you sure?”

“I am positive,” Celeste answered. “I

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