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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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he called, trying to steady his voice. He pulled on his clothes, emerging from the bathroom. “Sorry, the warm water was really relaxing. Spent longer than I expected trying to clear my mind.”

“No problem. Hungry?”

“You bet! And dying for coffee! Oh boy, can’t wait for breakfast. Eggs, toast, perhaps some bacon. Orange juice,” he babbled.

“All right, let’s head down then.”

It relieved Damien that he was with Gray and not Celine. She’d have realized he was lying in a heartbeat and already have called him on it. Gray hadn’t yet learned the telltale signs of Damien’s fibbing.

After breakfast, Damien and Gray joined Michael and Alexander in the sitting room. Alexander explained the progress they made in their research. They had several avenues they planned to pursue. They awaited the green light from Celine to move forward.

Damien half-listened. His mind wandering to his encounter earlier this morning. He glanced at the clock every other second, drumming his fingers on his knee. He hoped his agitation didn’t show. He determined he’d need fifteen minutes to get to the cave from here. He’d need a few minutes to sneak out.

“Game of chess?” Alexander asked as the time drew near for Damien to escape.

“Ah, sure!” Damien fibbed. “Oh, just a sec. I’d like to get a cup of tea. It really soothes my nerves.”

“I’ll get it,” Gray offered.

“No, no, I’ll get it,” Damien insisted. “Stretch the old legs for a spell… eh… minute.”

Gray gave him an odd glance. “I’ll come with you then.”

“No! I mean,” Damien backpedaled, “it’ll take me five minutes max. I’ll be fine. Celine never contacts me this early. Besides, if I’m not back in two minutes you can send out a search party.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Gray asked.

“Me? Nothing. Just tired of being waited on. I want to pull my weight. I feel decent for once, and I’d like to be somewhat autonomous. Do a little for myself,” Damien rambled.

“You’re doing more than your share, Damien,” Alexander asserted.

“Still. I’m capable of fetching my own cup of tea. So… I’ll just go fetch it,” Damien said, backing away toward the door. “Back in a minute!”

“He is odd,” Gray admitted as Damien left the room.

“Judge much?” Michael retorted.

“I can’t help it his behavior is odd,” Gray countered.

“Let the poor guy alone. He’s risking his life to communicate with Celine. If he wants a minute alone to get himself a cup of tea, let him have it,” Michael argued.

Gray rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine.” Gray paced the room, checking his watch often. “How long does it take to make a cup of tea?” he asked after a few minutes.

“While I doubt Celine would visit him this soon after her last visit, perhaps it’s best to check,” Alexander suggested.

“I agree,” Gray answered, stalking from the room. Minutes later, he raced back in the room. “We’ve got a problem.”

“What is it?” Alexander queried.

“Is it Damien? Did Celine call him to Shadow World? Is he sick?” Michael questioned, leaping from the couch.

“No,” Gray replied. “He’s gone.”

Celine awoke at dawn. Streaks of red, yellow and orange painted the morning sky as the sun rose. Celine paced her cell, waiting for Celeste’s arrival. Each moment after the sun rose set Celine’s nerves further on edge. Had something happened? Was Celeste not well? Did her transformation not go as expected?

An hour after sunlight banished night’s darkness, Celine heard footsteps overhead. She gazed out the door’s small window, hoping to see Celeste. Within seconds, Marcus and Celeste strode down the stairs.

“Good morning, Celine!” Marcus greeted her. “As promised, your sister, visiting you in broad daylight.”

Celine smiled at Celeste. “And how wonderful daylight feels upon me,” Celeste admitted.

“Oh, one more piece of evidence for you, mon chérie,” Marcus added, removing a cross from his jacket pocket. He waved it in front of Celeste. “No effect.”

“None,” Celeste agreed. “I am cured, Celine. And I have you to thank!”

“I am so pleased for you, Celeste.”

“Are you quite satisfied, my dear?” Marcus inquired.

“Yes. I am,” Celine admitted. Ample evidence proved Celeste’s condition was restored. One issue could be eased from her mind.

“Celine,” Celeste said, “I was unable to talk to Damien last night, however Gray assured me he was surviving. They are monitoring him carefully to ensure his anxiety over your disappearance does not overwhelm him.”

“Thank you for the update,” Celine answered. Celeste was unable to speak with Damien. Was he still ill from his visit to Shadow World? They were keeping him from Celeste. Why?

“Now, Celeste has many things to attend to, don’t you, Celeste?” Marcus answered. Celeste nodded, averting her eyes from Celine. “Run along.”

“I love you, Celine,” Celeste said, making eye contact with Celine.

“I love you, too, Celeste,” Celine responded. Celeste exited, climbing the stairs.

“I hope you are satisfied,” Marcus said once Celeste departed. “And I have one more surprise for you, my dear.”

“Oh?” Celine inquired, surprised.

He offered her a slight smile. “Yes. Consider it another early wedding present. I shall return later.” Marcus strode away from the cell door toward the stairs.

“Wait,” Celine called. “What is it?”

Marcus turned back. “Patience, Celine. I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”

He disappeared up the stairs, leaving Celine to wonder what he meant. She hated surprises, particularly those from Marcus Northcott. What did he mean? Should she try to contact Damien? Try to escape? No, she mused, it was too early. Too close to her last contact with him. It was too dangerous. She was left to wait, wonder and worry what may be in store for her.

Damien cleared the door, backing into the foyer. He pretended to head to the kitchen, making his way out a side door along the way and racing into the woods. He ran along the path leading to the cliffs. As he emerged from the woods, he spotted the familiar form of Marcus Northcott standing near the cave. He slowed his pace, trying to slow his breathing as well. He swallowed hard, fear rising in his belly. He tried to swallow it down, hoping to

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