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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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have no more bloodlust, none of the effects I had even last night.”

“You don’t trust me, mon chérie?” Marcus inquired.

“I just want to be sure,” Celine informed him. “Celeste, will you return in the morning? After the sunrise so I can be sure?”

“Your faith in me is concerning, my dear,” Marcus interjected.

“If she is truly restored, it should be of no concern to you,” Celine countered.

“I have no concerns other than your constant doubt of me. I pledged to cure Celeste, and I have done so. You should be pleased, Celine.”

“I am pleased, Marcus. I only want to be sure that Celeste has sustained no side effects.”

“Be assured there are no side effects. I am no amateur, Celine.”

“I did not suggest you were. And I thank you for restoring Celeste.”

“You are welcome, my dear. And now that you two have spoken, Celeste, might you leave us to discuss private matters?”

“Wait,” Celine interrupted. “Celeste, have you spoken with Damien? Do you know if he is any better?”

“I have not, I’m sorry.” Celine stalked away from the door. She had no confirmation Damien was okay.

“Well, if you have no additional information, you may go, Celeste,” Marcus informed her.

“I shall return tomorrow,” Celeste promised. “I will inquire after Damien this evening for you.”

"Thank you, Celeste."

"No, Celine,” Celeste replied. “Thank YOU! Without you, sister dear, I would still be in that dreadful state.”

“I was the one who put you in that dreadful state.”

“It was not your fault. We’ve discussed this, Celine. Stop blaming yourself.”

“At least it is finished now,” Celine responded. “See you tomorrow, Celeste. I love you.”

“I love you, too, sister dear. Good night, Celine. Take care.”

“Good night,” Celine answered.

Celeste crossed the room, climbing the stairs.

“Are you pleased, Celine?” Marcus inquired when she left.

“With Celeste’s transformation, yes.”


“I worry about Damien.”

“And the others, I assume,” Marcus grumbled.

“It is not something I can turn on and off with the flip of a switch,” Celine admitted.

“I will never understand the draw of Grayson Buckley. But, no matter,” Marcus replied. “that is behind you now. I shall soon have all the details handled for our impending nuptials. We shall soon be husband and wife and you shall forget Grayson Buckley.”

Celine stared at him, unimpressed. “And then will I be permitted out of my prison?”

“When I feel you have proven yourself, yes.”

“Always a question of loyalty, isn’t there?”

“You’ve given me little to trust, Celine.”

“I suppose I have,” Celine admitted.

“You can begin proving yourself by signing my book,” he said, waving the book in the cell window.

“Patience, Marcus,” Celine stalled.

“I have had centuries worth of patience, Celine. And I have done what you asked, I have restored your sister.”

“That remains to be seen tomorrow. Besides, I assumed I would sign when we married. It seems that is the best time. A finalizing of our union. A symbol of our bond, both material and ethereal.”

Marcus smiled at her. “I quite like that idea, my dear. Fine. I shall allow you to wait until then to sign. It will be a pleasure witnessing you pledge your soul to me as my wife.”

“I imagined you would like that idea, Marcus,” Celine replied with a slight smile.

He held her gaze for a moment. “Well, on that note, I should continue to make the arrangements. With the latest agreement, I find myself eager to conclude the preparations.”

“As am I,” Celine noted, allowing him to suppose she agreed. In reality, she only found herself anxious to conclude her stay with Marcus. With Celeste’s condition corrected, she could work on freeing herself with her family’s help.

“Really?” Marcus questioned. “How encouraging. Then I bid you good night, dearest Celine.”

“Good night, Marcus.”

He strode away from her, climbing the stairs to leave the mill. She sighed. His fury would know no bounds when he realized she had no intention on marrying him or signing his book. She hoped to be far away when he realized the depths of her betrayal.

Marcus’ fury was something she was too familiar with. She remembered his anger when she informed him of her marriage to Gray. Celine recalled the moment he learned of their secret wedding.

“You shouldn’t go back to that house, Celine,” Gray warned her after the ceremony. “It’s too dangerous.”

“I must retrieve the music box from my father. It is the last thing he gave me before his murder. I must have it. Only that. I shan’t be long. No one will be there. They will all still be at the ball.”

“If you insist,” Gray acquiesced. “But please, be careful.”

“I promise,” she added, kissing him before leaving.

She hurried to her sister’s home, entering the darkened house. Emptiness and silence filled the space. Even so, she crept to her room and crossed to her dressing table to retrieve the music box.”

“You haven’t done anything foolish, have you, Celine?” a voice inquired from the darkness.

Startled, Celine spun around to face the noise. A lamp lit from near the corner, casting deep shadows across the face of the Duke.

“What are you doing here?” Celine questioned.

“Checking on you. Did you assume I wouldn’t notice that you slipped away from the ball?”

Celine stood straighter, summoning all the courage she had. “I am leaving in the morning.”

“You’ll do no such thing, Celine. I will not allow it.”

“You do not own me,” Celine retorted.

“I may not, yet, but your brother-in-law is your guardian and I’m certain he will agree with me.”

“He is no longer my guardian,” Celine countered.


“No. That would now be Grayson Buckley, my husband.”

His eyes grew wide. He sprung from his chair. “You foolish girl! You married him?”

“Yes, we are married,” Celine answered.

He stalked closer to her, seething with anger, his fists balled at his sides. She braced herself, wondering if he might strike her. After a moment, he inhaled deeply, setting his jaw. “No matter, we will simply have a small legal affair to clear up before our own wedding.

“Legal affair? We are married in the eyes of God.”

“Oh, my dear Celine, the eyes of God no longer shine upon creatures like us. But if

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