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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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down the Resistance.”

“I know; I asked him to.”

“How dare you interfere with myplans! You know I was preparing to return to planet Borko torecapture Toemeka.”

“She’s closely guarded at theMarsindi Palace. You’d have to launch an attack on Jaipar torecapture her.”

“Then I’ll convince SamratCondor to give me an air fleet.”

“Samrat Condor’s air fleetwas driven off during the last battle with Jaipar. Prince Erling hasunited all of Borko. You’d be fighting a whole planet, not justJaipar.”

Cadmus’ only acknowledgement ofwhat she told him was the deepening of his scowl.

She knew she wasn’t telling himanything he didn’t already know. Cadmus was obsessed with Toemeka.Jaipar’s military strength was all that kept him from attackingJaipar after the ruby ring he’d given Toemeka failed to bring herback to him. The ring had strong supernatural powers. Cadmusshould’ve been able to control her with it. Michio must have helpedher break free of the ring’s spell.

Jealousy hardened Seetva’sheart as she thought about Toemeka. There was a time when Cadmusworshipped her. He was a man of strength, power and intelligence whowas becoming a powerful sorcerer. She liked his chiseled face andlarge, muscular body. He’d been hers, fully under her control,until he realized she used dark powers to bind him to her. GeneralBhandar helped him break free of her and then Cadmus had startedtraining to become a sorcerer.

After that, she’d cast her webaround King Zanton, but he was not nearly the prize Cadmus was.

Hatred toward Toemeka filled her.She wanted to darken Toemeka’s soul and turn her into a sorceresswho would serve Samrat Condor. She was sure Cadmus would no longerwant Toemeka once she was tainted.

Seetva watched Cadmus as hepondered what she’d said. She thought it better to reveal her cardsone by one, rather than lay them all out on the table. Cadmus’ eyeswere sharp and menacing when he finally looked up at her. Hisexpression made her uneasy. She wasn’t used to men being immune toher seductive charms, although from what she’d heard, he’d lostinterest in all women since Toemeka’s escape.

“What’s your scheme?” heasked. “You wouldn’t ask Samrat Condor to order me to planetAlandra without reason.”

“I’ve been doing someresearch. When we captured the Coalition headquarters on planetAlandra, we gained access to many of their files. Records show thatPrince Erling is from Alandra and his parents and two sisters stilllive in the city of Tismus in Jelmur. They’re being held in aconcentration camp along with many other citizens. When you go toAlandra to put down the Resistance, you can schedule Prince Erling’sfamily for execution since he and his sisters worked for theCoalition. Prince Erling’s contacts on Alandra will inform him ofhis family’s plight and he’ll come to their rescue. When he does,we can capture or kill him.”

The grimace disappeared fromCadmus’ face. “Your plan has merit.”

“There’s more. I alsoresearched Toemeka’s background. One of Samrat Condor’s airfleets attacked her village and massacred her entire family. Thevillage was targeted because its people were members of the SecretTeachings. Toemeka was captured along with other young village womenand brought aboard a Talon battleship to be sacrificed to their god,Samrat Condor. A Coalition team planning to assassinate Condor hadinfiltrated the ship, but their attempt failed. When they escaped,they took Toemeka with them and returned to Jelmmur. There Erling’sfamily took her in. Eventually she was trained as a Coalition fieldagent. When Toemeka learns that Erling’s family is scheduled forexecution, there’s a good chance she’ll join the rescue mission.”

Cadmus nodded. “You’reprobably right. Motivated by her love for them, an emotion youwouldn’t understand.”

Irritated, she scowled. “I wasthinking she’d come from a sense of duty since she used to be aCoalition agent. If she accompanies Erling on the mission, then herhusband Michio will come as well and we can capture all three of themin our trap. We can still regain control of Jaipar and Haklute.”

“It’s a good plan.”

“I’m glad you’re pleased.”Her voice was seductive with power woven behind it.

His expression hardened. “Don’ttry to control me.”

“I’d never do that.”

“My memory isn’t that short.Evil surrounds you like the chill of death. It sickens and repulsesme after being around Toemeka’s purity and light.”

Rage erupted within her. “Don’tdeceive yourself into believing that she will ever care for you. Sheplayed you for a fool. You showered her with gifts and kept her in abeautiful room, but her heart was set against you. You can recaptureher, but she’ll never be yours — not in the way you want her.”

Cadmus’ face reddened with rage. “Leave me, witch! Your presence poisons the air.”

She left the room, not daring totaunt him further. It appeared Toemeka had more power over Cadmusthan she’d ever had. The irony of it was that Toemeka didn’t evenwant or know it.


Early one morning Toemeka sat ina rocker giving Baymond a bottle. She was amazed at how alert he wasand how fast he’d grown. He was already three months old.

Erling entered the nursery in anagitated manner. “I just received an encrypted message from Jake.He’s still stationed on planet Alandra. The military police wereinformed that my family are initiates of the Secret Teachings and mysisters were in the Coalition. They’re all scheduled forexecution.”

Toemeka felt as if the wind hadbeen knocked out of her. “We’ll have to leave for Alandraimmediately.”

Erling looked at her withconcern. “Are you sure you want to go? You have the baby and Michioto think about.”

“I hate the thought of beingseparated from them, but I feel compelled to assist your family. As atrained Coalition agent, I can’t stand by when I’m needed by thepeople I love.”

“Zac and Onolyn will travel toJelmur with me to join Jake and other Resistance members. Don’tfeel you have to join the mission when we have such a good team.”

“Erling, I couldn’t doanything to save my own family, but now I have an opportunity to tryto save yours. I feel I’m being given a second chance. Even with agood team, it’s a dangerous mission and I know I can help itsucceed.” She held the baby to her shoulder and patted him on theback until he burped.

“There’s something else inthe communication from Jake that you should know. Cadmus is inJelmur. Samrat Condor put him in charge

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