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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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Plains, did you not see the palace of Eldergate on the same rock you just described? Did you not see a great army of demons amassing at its feet, preparing for war?” asked Erin, gazing intently at the Dwarf, gauging his reaction.

The Dwarf started to show signs of perspiration beading up on his forehead. He was nervous, she could tell. Either this Dwarf was lying about what he saw, or he never even made his way to the surface to begin with.

“No! No, we didn’t!” shouted the Dwarf. “It is as we reported. No such things were seen by our eyes!” shouted the Dwarf.

“Liar!” shouted Erin, trying to lunge at the Dwarves but falling to the ground as the chains pulled her hands down, preventing her from reaching her intended victims.

“Enough!” shouted the head council Dwarf. “Without evidence of your claims, we will not allow you to stand here and accuse our honorable guard members of dishonesty!” he said. “Now, if you have no further words, I suggest you –”

Suddenly, his words were cut off by the sound of the great throne room doors bursting open and quick, heavy footsteps slapping the stone floor.

David and the others quickly turned to see the source of the commotion and saw that it was Darryn! He had come back for them!

He was filthy from head to toe and covered in sweat. Barely able to breath, he quickly made his way across the great room, stopping just shy of the stairs to the King.

He stood for a moment, trying to catch his breath, bracing his hands on his knees.

Finally, after a few moments, the head council Dwarf spoke up.

“Darryn, so nice of you to finally join us.” he said in mocking pleasantries. “But unless you have evidence of your friend’s innocence, they will be sentenced to six months in a cell.” he said matter-of-factly, having felt the conviction was all but certain at this point.

“No! They are innocent!” said Darryn between great, heaving breaths. “I saw it with me own eyes!” he said.

“What do you mean?” asked the council member. He knew Darryn hadn’t been to the surface world, he had always been afraid of the surface. What could have possibly convinced him to say such absurd things, then?

“I went to the surface, and I saw the truth, just as they said! Eldergate is in ruins, its palace perched atop a high rocky cliff. And the demon army. It’s real too. Splitting its forces between Ravenfell, while the other half is heading our way! We must prepare for war!” shouted Darryn, panic rising in his voice.

With his last words, the council erupted, each member seemed to be conflicted internally between the reports from the patrol and the report from Darryn. Some seemed to believe the patrol, while others believed Darryn because of his convincing look of panic and his good standing within the city. Both sides were arguing loudly, pointing fingers and shouting, until finally the King had had enough.

“SILENCE!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, his booming voice echoing off the marble walls and throughout the chamber.

David and Erin exchanged a look of relief, feeling like their luck had finally changed for the better.

“Darryn, if what ye say is true, why is it these two have reported otherwise?” asked Tybrin, looking down at the two Dwarves still standing before the council.

They both exchanged quick looks before bolting towards the exit. The guards by the door quickly barred their escape and retained them, bringing them reluctantly back to stand before the council, this time in chains of their own.

“What is the meaning of this?” demanded King Tybrin, outraged at the events that were transpiring before him. “You two dare betray your King?” he asked, anger rising in his voice.

“Yer Majesty, please forgive us! It wasn’t our idea. It was Glenn and Glynn! They paid us a large bag of coin to lie about our reports. Please, yer highness, have mercy. We have families to feed!” said the taller Dwarf, speaking for the first time.

The shorter Dwarf to his left elbowed him harshly before the guard brought him back under control.

“I see…” said Tybrin thoughtfully, “Guards. I think ye know what to do. Release the humans. It appears we were mistaken, after all.” he said.

“As for those two, I want them out of my sight. And someone bring me Glenn and Glynn immediately! And while yer at it, bring me their good fer nothin’ boss, Manny!” shouted Tybrin.

With their chains removed and their charges dropped, David and the others walked up to Darryn and each thanked him immensely for his loyalty.

The Dwarf’s cheeks went rosy red when Erin kissed him on his cheek, and everyone burst into laughter, relieved to finally be free from this fiasco and happy to have won the trust of the King once again.

It wasn’t long before the guards returned with Manny, Glenn, and Glynn. They were bound in chains and being dragged across the floor, fighting every step of the way. The once calm and collected Manny looked enraged, his hair and clothes disheveled from his scuffle with the Guard.

When his eyes caught David and the others, standing free before the council beside Darryn, his eyes narrowed, and he spit on the floor towards them. The Guards holding him whacked him across the back of his head, “Try that again and I’ll break your teeth in.” said the one on his left with a severe look.

Manny immediately stopped resisting, knowing the threat from the Guard was not to be taken lightly.

The guards brought the three to rest just shy of the wooden counter, each hanging their head low in shame. They knew their time had finally come and their reign of fear and corruption was toppling down around them.

One of the guards walked up to the King and handed him a large stack of leather-bound pages that looked like a journal of some kind. He spent a few moments looking through them and the longer he spent reading,

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