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I’m sorry, Michio. You must be terriblyupset.”

“I can’t believe she’dleave again, without even discussing such an important decision.”

“Maybe she thought you’dunderstand.”

His lips tightened. “I don’t.”

“She’s an experiencedCoalition field agent and she and Erling were partners for sevenyears. It’s not surprising she went.”

“She’s not a Coalition agentanymore.” Michio raked his hand through his hair. “She’s a newmother with an infant son.”

“She knows Baymond has us totake care of him. It’s an interplanetary war, Michio. Even youngmothers go to war. You married a warrior, just as I did. They can’tstop being what they are just because they’re married now.”

“I’m not sure Erling ismaking the right decision either. He’s responsible for the defenseof Jaipar. He’s not a soldier or Coalition agent anymore.”

“This is his family. I would’vedone anything to save my family.”

Michio looked at hercompassionately. “I know you would’ve, Koriann.” Like Toemeka,she’d lost her whole family to war.

Michio remembered how terriblehe’d felt when he’d learned General Bhandar killed the royalMarsindi family in their beds and took control of Jaipar. It wasn’tuntil later that he learned ten-year-old Koriann was alive, due toher nanny smuggling her out of the palace through a secret tunnel.

Heavy-hearted, Michio stared atthe waves crashing into the rocks. He knew the moment he gotToemeka’s note that he had to go to Alandra to be sure she andErling made it safely back home. “Can you show me the message Jakesent Erling?” he asked. “I want to know where they’re meetingthe Resistance.”

“It’s in my office.” Shestarted walking back to the palace.

“General Flint can take overresponsibility for the military. I’m going to Alandra.”

“Good. They can use yourexpertise.”


The flight to Alandra wasn’tlong since the planet was in the same solar system as Borko, but itwas long enough to give Toemeka plenty of time to think. She wasn’tsure it was right to leave Baymond after being home such a shorttime. Worse, she regretted not telling Michio she was joining themission. The rescue attempt was dangerous and if she and Michio wereboth killed, Baymond would be left an orphan.. Yet Michio had a rightto know. She should’ve discussed it with him or said good-bye inperson. She hadn’t liked it when Michio took off on the mission toattack Henotaux; now she was doing the same thing. Despite hermisgivings, she just couldn’t wait at the palace while Erling’sfamily was in danger. What kind of person wouldn’t help those theyloved?

Toemeka watched out the window asthe ship approach the Bvundo Mountains, where Jake and his team weremeeting them. They landed in a meadow and she, Erling, Zac and Onolynleft the ship. “Are you sure this is the right place?” she asked,looking around.

Just then Jake and two otherguerilla soldiers emerged from the forest. Jake approached while hismen began to cover their ship with branches. Toemeka embraced Jake,glad he was in charge of the mission. He was a confident field agentwho would’ve formulated a good plan. His dark leather jacket lookedwell worn and he had a day’s growth of beard, giving his handsomeface a rugged look. Seeing him again brought back a flood ofmemories. He’d been her first love, but he wasn’t good atcommitment. Now she was glad their relationship hadn’t worked out,because soon after they’d broken up, she’d met Michio.

“It’s good to see you again,Jake,” she said.

“I didn’t know you werejoining the mission,” he replied. “Welcome to the team. We canuse your skills.”

Jake turned to Erling and theyclasped hands, then hugged each other. They were as close asbrothers. They’d grown up next door to each other and joined theCoalition at the same time.

“I’m glad you’re able tocome,” Jake said. “We plan to rescue your family tonight.” Jaketurned to Zac and Onolyn. “It’s good to see you both. The lasttime we were together was when we took over General Zanton’sheadquarters spaceship.”

“That day was a big victory formy people,” Zac replied.

“Yes, it was,” Jake said. “Iwish Alandra had been as successful fighting off the Raptorairfleet.” The two guerilla soldiers finished covering the ship andwalked toward them. “This is Benray and Kynail, two of my bestguys.” Jake gestured at Erling’s team and introduced them. “Treatthem like family.”

“Nice to meet you,” Toemekasaid. She wasn’t sure what to make of the two men. Benray was builtlike a bull and had a bushy beard. His leather clothes looked likethey’d never been washed. Worse, he reeked as if he never bathed.Kynail wore a grim expression and looked like a walking arsenal witha rifle over one shoulder, two blasters, a wicked-looking knife andgrenades on his gun belt. She was glad they were on her side. They’dmake dangerous enemies.

“Let’s go to my tent and I’llexplain the rescue plan,” Jake said. “We’re leaving shortly forTismus.”

Toemeka followed Jake and theothers into the forest where several tents were set up. She was gladto stretch her legs after so many hours on the spacecraft. Inside thetent, she sat down on a sleeping bag next to Onolyn.

As soon as everyone was seated,Jake laid out the plan. “One person will pose as a friend ofErling’s family and ask to see them before they’re executedtomorrow. Condemned people are allowed to have visitors. Once ourperson is inside the concentration camp with Erling’s family, we’llset off an explosion by the entrance. In the confusion that follows,the inside person will get Erling’s family out of the concentrationcamp and to a truck we’ll have waiting. The truck will bring themto a meeting place on the road near here. From there they’ll walkto your ship.”

Erling frowned pensively. “Howmany guards are at the gate?”

“Two,” Jake said. “Theprocedure is for one guard to stay at the gate and the other to takevisitors inside. The camp isn’t heavily guarded. The people beingheld are older men, women and children.”

“I’ll be the one to enter thecamp,” Erling said.

“That won’t work. They’llbe watching for you. I think it should be a woman who looks young andunsuspicious.”

“Onolyn could do it,” Erlingsaid. Onolyn nodded in agreement.

“No, it should be Toemeka sinceyour family knows and trusts her,” Jake replied. “Moreimportantly, Toemeka has more field experience than Onolyn.”

“I’ll do it,” Toemeka said.Her chest tightened as the weight of her decision hit her..

“Good. Let’s

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