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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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head out.”


Prison Camp

The sun was setting when Toemekawalked up to the two guards stationed at the concentration camp gate.“I’d like to visit a family scheduled for execution tomorrow,”Toemeka said to the younger of the two guards, trying not to stare athis large, beak-shaped nose. She wore a faded green dress and herhair down so she’d look younger than she actually was.

“If you know any of theprisoners, it’s best that you pretend not to. Association with themcould endanger you under the new government. You need to sign therecords to get in and your background will be thoroughly searched. Ifyou know anyone in the old government or military, you could end upin the concentration camp as well.”

“I’ve got nothing to hide.”

“Who do you want to see andwhy?” the older guard asked.

“The Fenian family. They wereneighbors of mine.”

“Have you had any associationwith them recently?” the beak-nosed guard asked as he looked up theFenians on a hand-held computer.

“No, not since before the war.”

He stopped scrolling when hefound their names. “It says they’re all scheduled to be executedbecause they’re members of the Secret Teachings and the twodaughters were in the Coalition. Are you sure you want to risk beingassociated with them?”

“Yes, I was good friends withthe daughters in school.” Toemeka looked up at him with a pleadingexpression, deliberately filling her eyes with tears.

“Visits to condemned prisonersare allowed,” the older guard said. “But the new government coulduse the smallest thing against you.”

“I want to say good-bye tothem. Where do I sign?”

Beak-nosed guard handed her anelectronic screen. She signed Alana Rubin with her finger. Alana wasone of the Fenian’s neighbors who died in the takeover. Jake hadtapped into the military computer system and falsified the records toindicate that Alana was still alive. The guard ran the name throughthe computer and gave Toemeka clearance to enter. She tensed up asshe walked through a metal detector, past the wire gate and into theconcentration camp.

The guard led her by a crudewooden building. Desolate people gazed from the open doorways andwindows. He stopped in front of the second building and told her towait. At the doorway, he yelled, “Will the Fenian family comeoutside?”

Breezy came out first and whenshe spotted Toemeka she ran over and embraced her. Real tears filledToemeka’s eyes. Breezy looked emaciated under her dirty, tatteredshirt and pants. “I told them I’m Alana.” Toemeka whisperedinto her ear. “And that we’re school friends,”

“You shouldn’t be here,”Breezy whispered back. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Where’s the rest of yourfamily?”

Breezy looked toward the doorwhere her sister Sharma and her parents had just emerged. “Alanahas come to visit us,” Breezy said to her family.

Najetta had a yellow tinge to herface. All of them had lost weight and their clothing was dirty andworn. Richwood limped over. He had bruises on his face and Toemekawondered if he’d been beaten or tortured for information. She hit abutton on her watch communicator to let the team know she was withthe Fenians.

Najetta hugged her. “I neverthought I’d see you again.”

Sharma began to weep. “Have youbeen arrested, too?”

“No dear,” Toemeka said,embracing her. “I’m just here to visit you and your family.”

“You shouldn’t have riskedcoming,” Richwood said.

Toemeka saw fear in his eyes forher and his family. She wondered if she’d succeed in getting themall out of the camp and wished the guard wasn’t watching them soclosely.

Suddenly a large explosion wentoff near the entrance, throwing them all to the ground. A secondexplosion followed and the air filled with smoke. Dazed, Toemeka satup and looked around. The barely-conscious guard lay near her. Shepulled his blaster from its holster and slammed the handle into theside of his temple. His eyes rolled back in his head.

“Get up, quickly,” Toemekayelled to the Fenians. “Jake and Erling set off that explosion.We’re getting out of here. Head for the entrance.” She and Breezyhelped Najetta up as Richwood pulled Sharma to her feet. Toemeka ledthe way across the camp with her blaster held ready. Sounds ofblaster fire exploded near the entrance. She broke into a jog and theFenians followed closely behind. Other prisoners streamed toward theentrance. A guard fired into the crowd. Toemeka fired back, hittinghim in the chest. Her stomach twisted as he fell to the ground; shehated having to kill anyone.

Erling, Jake and Zac ran thoughthe entrance and shot down two more guards who raced toward them.

“Come on!” Toemeka yelled tothe Fenians as she ran toward Erling and Jake. Smoke and dead bodieslay on the ground around them. Other prisoners poured out of the gateand scattered into the nearby woods.

“Hurry,” Erling said whenthey reached him. “We’ve got a truck waiting.”

Breezy threw herself into Jake’sarms. “I knew you’d come for us.”

“I wasn’t about to let youdie.” He grabbed her hand and they tore through the entrance.Everyone else followed. Jake led them to a truck with the motorrunning and Onolyn at the wheel. He climbed in front and Breezyscrambled up beside him. Zac opened the back of the truck and helpedNajetta, Sharma and Richwood inside.

Two men and a woman appeared andasked if there was room for them. Toemeka glanced at Erling and henodded. She helped the three strangers into the truck, then she andErling climbed in after them. Zac climbed in last and closed thelarge doors. The truck started moving as they all sat on the benchesthat lined the sides of the truck.

The truck bounced along the roughroad, speeding up as it went. They had only covered a short distancewhen a loud boom erupted and the truck lifted off the ground. Itslammed back down and tipped on its side. Toemeka was sitting on theside that landed up in the air. She lost her seat and tumbled to theother side, slamming her head into the side of the truck. Screams ofterror surrounded her.

“Are you all right?” Zacasked.

“What happened?” Toemeka’shead was spinning and her ears rang. Around her, people wereuntangling themselves and moving toward the open doorway of thetruck. The door had been blown off in the blast.

“We must’ve been hit by atorpedo.” Zac helped her out of the truck, then turned back to helpthe Fenian family.

One of the

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