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the more his face distorted in disgust.

“What do ye have to say for yerselves?” asked the King, finally looking down at the banker.

“Your Majesty, I swear – I had no idea these two were conspiring behind your back!” pleaded Manny.

Both Glenn and Glynn quickly turned to their boss with glaring looks that could kill.

“They were acting on their own accord, I assure you!” said Manny.

“Is that so?” asked King Tybrin skeptically. “Then tell me, Manny, why me men found these in yer quarters?” he said, holding up the ledgers.

They were the bank ledgers, and it had meticulously documented years of corrupt bargains and bribes with some of the highest-ranking members of society. Each transaction had a note to the side, describing the blackmail Manny was holding against the members, and the payment that he had made for their services throughout the years.

Manny, seeing what was in the King’s hands, quickly turned pale. He knew he was caught and there was no amount of smooth talking that would get him out of this one.

“That’s what I thought,” said the King with a scowl, “Guards, take them away. And please, make sure that our friend Manny is placed in a cell along with his two conspirers. I’m sure they would love to reward him for his loyalty.”

Hearing this, both Glenn and Glynn smiled from ear to ear. They would have their revenge in the end.

“No! Your Majesty, please! You can’t do this!” begged Manny, knowing his punishment would be far worse at the hands of his two cronies than simply spending his sentence in isolation.

“Oh, but I can, and I have!” replied the King, signaling for his men to take them away.

The guards quickly began escorting the men out of the building. Manny was kicking and screaming the whole way to the carts. They heard his screams slowly fading, even as they disappeared into the tunnels towards the prison.

“Well, that was quite the spectacle!” said Tyrius, laughing.

“And to think, just the other day he seemed untouchable!” said Erin, smiling at the irony. “Serves him right!”

The King stepped down from his throne and around the council before standing humbly in front of David and the others.

“It would seem I owe ye an apology.” he said, holding his crown in his hand.

“I have dishonored me guests with me rash judgements, and therefore, have dishonored meself. How can I make it up to ye?” he asked eagerly.

“Great King Tybrin, you humble us with your apology, but it is neither warranted nor needed. You were doing what you felt was right for your kingdom and your people and were acting on the information you were provided. Please, do not fret. No harm has come from it, thanks to our dear friend Darryn.” said Tyrius, gesturing towards the Dwarf, who had finally caught his breath and was settled back down once again.

His cheeks blushed bright red.

“A debt I will pay him personally!” replied the King looking over at the plump Dwarf. “How would you like to take over the bank in Manny’s absence, Darryn?” he asked, to which Darryn nearly fell over in surprise.

The bank was one of the most profitable and highest esteemed organizations in the entire kingdom. To be the owner would be one of the greatest honors, and of course, he graciously accepted.

“Thank you, yer majesty. I am honored to serve yer people and will do so with honor and integrity.” replied Darryn, bowing so low his nose touched the floor.

“Indeed, ye will” replied the King, smiling.

Once Darryn graciously accepted the offer, bounding off to his cousins’ shop to tell him the good news, King Tybrin turned to the others.

He promised to give them whatever supplies they needed in order to continue their journey North to the Birthplace of the World. As a token of his appreciation and their newfound friendship, he gave them each a parting gift and promised that he would send his armies to the surface to help fight back the demon army and play their part in the coming battles.

They each received a custom-made set of chainmail – as light as a feather, but as strong as stone – that they could wear beneath their outer garments, along with new traveling clothes that were better equipped for the cold they would be enduring on their journey to the North.

They stayed for one last big feast that night, and the next morning said their goodbyes to King Tybrin Hammerclaw, their friend Darryn, and his cousin Gerryn, before taking in their last sights of Emerald Keep.

When they were packed and ready to go, they hopped in the cart and headed down the rails at breakneck speeds, out of the massive caverns and into the winding tunnels towards the upper passages leading to Draco’s Pass.

It wasn’t long before they reached the end of the track and exited the cart, each of them excited to see the light of day once again, but sad to say goodbye to Darryn and the beautiful city of Emerald Keep. They vowed that they would return once again to visit if they ever found a way to defeat the Defiant One and lived to tell the tale.

After walking a short way down the tunnel, the small opening at the end began to grow larger and larger while the light increased in intensity as they neared the exit. Finally, after roughly a week in the enclosed caverns of the inner mountain, the close quarters of the tunnel gave way to the wide-open air of the mountain pass as they returned to the surface world.

The cool breeze whipped through Erin’s hair as she took in her first deep breath of the fresh mountain air. The coolness burnt her lungs, but she savored it. She could feel the small little kisses of snowflakes as they landed on her face, sending bumps down her arms and legs, and racing down her back. They had finally made it to Draco’s Pass.

She looked and saw David and the others were standing near the edge

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