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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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further into the woods away from the others. This brought a booming laughter from the group of men – they knew they had no such intentions.

As soon as the words left his lips, the tip of an arrow exploded through his forehead, dropping him to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

The girl fell hard on the ground, shocked as the wind rushed from her chest.

What just happened? she wondered as she struggled to catch her breath, the feel of hot blood dripping down the side of her face where the man’s blood had suddenly splattered.

Immediately, a flurry of arrows shot through the air, each landing securely in the chest, back, head, arm, neck of each of his men, dropping them all instantly. Jakob looked around into the dark recesses of trees and suddenly remembered where he was – they were in the forbidden Forest of Immortals.

He suddenly dropped into a crouch and, dragging the boy behind him, started running towards the edge of the forest. It was only a few yards away. If he could just get to the edge, he would be free from the enchanted woods and could use his transport ball to get back to Brineport.

He could hear arrows whizzing past his head as he zig-zagged frantically from left to right to avoid being struck by the projectiles. He could hear the loud thud and crack as some of the arrows struck deep into the trunks of the trees all around him, cracking the wood and just barely missing their mark.

Finally, he reached the edge of the trees. Free from their magical enchantment, he threw down the small glass ball that Bloodvayne had given him for when he captured the boy, his heart racing wildly in his chest.

It shattered as it struck the ground and immediately a thick smoke erupted from the ball. The thick, swirling fog surrounded them and masked their forms from the archers in the woods. The arrows whizzed and whirred through the smoke, sending curling trails in their wake. Fortunately, they all missed their mark.

When the smoke cleared, both Jakob Zander and the boy were gone.

Chapter XIX

Erin watched helplessly as David was hauled away by Jakob Zander. The men around her were quickly dropping like flies as the mysterious attackers were rushing from tree to tree, firing projectiles faster than anything she had ever seen.

She could hear the arrows whiz past her head as they flew through the air and penetrated deeply into the flesh of the men of the Guild. She lay low and looked around to make sure Tyrius and the others were okay. They were each down on the ground, keeping their heads low to avoid being hit by the incoming projectiles. None of them appeared to be hurt. While the majority of the hidden attackers took care of the rest of the Guild, a few other shadowy figures flew through the moonlit forest after Jakob as he pulled David back towards the plains.

Suddenly, she could see Jakob pulling something from his pocket before throwing it to the ground. A great fog began to rise from the earth and obscure their forms from her view.

“David!” she screamed after him, “David!”

But no response came. She began to fear even more for her friend, wondering if he had been hit by one of the arrows.

As the smoke began to clear, she gasped in shock – Jakob and David were nowhere to be found. They had just vanished, as if they were never there!

Suddenly, Erin felt a strong grip on the ropes around her arms as she was lifted into the air and planted firmly on the ground. She turned around to see who had picked her up, and a wave of relief flooded through her.

It was the elves!

“Oh, thank the Creator!” she said to the Elf. “You’ve come just in time! Those men, they were about to kill us!” she said, panting. “Our friend, David. You have to go help him! He’s just been taken, that way!” she said, nodding her head over towards the edge of the forest where Jakob had taken David.

But the elf just looked at her silently and without expression before roughly shoving her towards the others. They were all still bound and being led single file by a few other elves. She didn’t recognize any of them, but knew they had to be of the Woodland Elves, and therefore, under the rule of Prince Gilric Ellisar

“Hey, what are you doing? Why aren’t you untying us?” asked Erin, outraged at the treatment they were getting and the fact that they weren’t going after David.

“You have to help our friend; he’s been taken away!” she shouted.

“Erin, they don’t care about David,” said Tyrius calmly, “They are taking us prisoner. We have violated their laws with our presence. These woods are the Forest of Immortals. It is forbidden for mortals to set foot on its sacred soil.” he said as the elf behind him shoved him and told him to keep moving and to be quiet.

But Erin couldn’t accept this, “Why are you doing this? We aren’t your enemy, we fought with you at the battle of Eldergate against the true enemy, General Krauss!” she cried, but the elf leading her wouldn’t hear any of it and had finally had enough. He turned around and quickly shoved a cloth in her mouth then grabbed her and forcefully slung her over his shoulder.

Erin kicked and screamed, but the cloth held fast and muffled the strength in her voice. Finally, seeing her resistance was futile and was getting her nowhere but even more exhausted, she gave up fighting and lay there motionless while the elf carried her deeper into the forest.


It was sometime early in the morning when they finally reached the outskirts of what she assumed was the White City.

Erin couldn’t see much from her perspective, still being carried over the shoulder of her captor, but she could tell from the way the ground had transitioned

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