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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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to defend Gray, throwing a fireball at Marcus. It did little more than annoy the target.

“Patience, Alexander. I shall deal with you next,” Marcus replied, lobbing a lightning bolt at him.

Alexander dodged it, diving to the ground. “Alexander!” Celeste whispered. “Throw me the book!”

Celine watched helplessly as Marcus and Gray battled, exchanging supernatural assaults of various kinds. Marcus held the upper hand in the fight and realized it. He toyed with Gray, enjoying the game before moving in for the kill.

Celine approached the cave’s entrance as Celeste paged through the book. “Hurry, Celeste. Gray can’t last much longer,” Celine urged.

“Yes, I’m trying. I don’t even know if this will work.” Celeste found the marked page, uttering the words on it.

“If this enchantment is broken,” Celine said to Damien, “run. Take Michael and go to Alexander’s as fast as you can. Stay there until we return.”

“But Celine…” Damien began.

“No! Damien, no. I will have my hands full. I cannot worry about you and Michael.”

“Okay,” Damien acquiesced.

“Try now,” Celeste said. Celine pushed her hand toward the cave’s entrance. A bolt of electricity shocked her back.


“Try the one in this book,” Alexander suggested, tossing another book over as he continued to attempt to help Gray.

“No, no, this one won’t work,” Celeste argued, shaking her head.

“Try anyway,” Celine pressed.

“No, it won’t work because…” Celeste began. She paused. “Wait. Perhaps if I…. Stand back,” she counseled.

Celine took several steps back, placing herself between the cave’s entrance and Damien. Celeste uttered a few words from both books in front of her. She waved her arms around the entrance, grasping at the invisible barrier then pulling backward.

“Try again,” she instructed.

Celine rushed forward, reaching out toward the entrance. This time no barrier struck her. She reached through the mouth of the cave, grasping Celeste’s hand.

“You’ve done it!” she exclaimed. She turned to Damien. “Run, Damien!”

She pushed Damien ahead of her, ensuring he ran toward Michael. Marcus had Gray pinned near the cliff’s edge. He moved in for the kill. Celine took two steps toward them, drawing all her power into her. She screamed, launching an attack at Marcus.

Startled by the strength of the attack, Marcus turned to discover the source. Celine flew through the air at him, knocking him down. They rolled, tangled together toward the woods. As they ground to a halt, Celine pressed Marcus’ arms to the ground, pinning him. “I shall show you the true meaning of betrayal, Marcus,” she seethed through clenched teeth.

With a growl, he shoved her sideways, knocking her to the ground next to him. They both leapt to their feet within seconds. Celine lunged toward him, her fingers crackling with electricity. Marcus dodged her. Alexander and Gray each shot fireballs at him. He blasted back with another circular blast, flattening them both.

He turned to face Celine. They circled each other like wolves fighting over food. “Retreat now, Marcus, and you may survive,” she warned.

“Retreat? Whatever for, Celine? I am just warming up!” he retorted. He shoved his hands toward her, and she responded in kind. The power of their mutual attack was explosive. The two assaults collided, setting off a reaction. An electrical shock wave burst from between them, paralyzing everyone within a mile radius of them. Gray, Alexander and Celeste were blown down, unable to move for a few moments. Damien and Michael, who were running through the woods, suffered a similar fate.

When the effect subsided, Gray sat up, glancing around. Alexander joined him along with Celeste. Gray stared at Alexander, aghast. “Where the hell is Celine?”

Chapter 12

Celine stood up, glancing around. Her attack on Marcus had created a strange effect, like nothing she had seen before. She didn’t see Gray or anyone else, only Marcus. He climbed to his feet, also glancing around.

Celine recognized her surroundings. Somehow their attack conjoined to create a shock wave, sending them to Shadow World. The colorless trees soared around them. Marcus assessed their location. “What have you done, Celine?” he questioned.

“I have done nothing! This is YOUR fault!” Celine bellowed, lobbing a fireball at him.

He dodged it. “My fault? I did nothing!” he responded, throwing a lightning bolt her way.

She leapt to the side, and it sailed past her charring a tree behind her. “Nothing? You tried to kill my family! You call that nothing?” she queried, hurling another fireball his way.

He sidestepped, allowing it to blast the tree behind him. “You’re so emotional, Celine. I simply attempted to remove the barriers that keep us apart.”

She screamed, lunging at him. He grasped her arms, restraining her. “Stop, Celine. We have more pressing matters at hand.”

“Such as what? What is more pressing than destroying you?” she shrieked, struggling against him.

Marcus nodded behind Celine. Celine ceased her struggle, gazing behind her. Her adjudicator stood a few feet away, its eyes blazing red, wings flapping in agitation. “What is the meaning of this, Celine Devereaux Buckley?” it bellowed at them.

Celine pulled her arms from Marcus’ grasp. She turned to face the adjudicator. “Apologies,” Celine remarked. “We do not know how we came to be here.”

“Impossible!” it screeched. “One does not slip into Shadow World, unbeknownst. What are the circumstances by which you came, Celine Devereaux Buckley?” it demanded.

“Ah, but Celine does… slip into Shadow World, that is. She’s been using it as a conduit to communicate with a human on multiple occasions,” Marcus chimed in.

“Explain yourself, Celine Devereaux Buckley!” the adjudicator demanded, its wings flapping furiously, eyes burning red with agitation.

“I… that is untrue. Marcus has left out several key facts, including that he imprisoned me, and I had no other choice! It was the only means by which I could communicate with my family to orchestrate a rescue.”

“Is this true, Marcus Northcott?”

“Yes, however, it is none of your concern,” he submitted.

“It is my concern when my peace is disturbed, Marcus Northcott!” the adjudicator shrieked, flying within inches of them.

“We apologize,” Celine stated, “we did not mean to disturb your peace. We came to be here this time by accident.”

“Explain, Celine Devereaux Buckley!” it

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