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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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demanded, its hot breath wafting across Celine’s face.

“We were engaged in a… spirited argument. I’m not sure what happened, but there was some sort of melding of our supernatural powers and we both ended up here. We will depart from this realm without further controversy.”

“Yet you choose to continue your battle after arriving here!” the adjudicator cried, pacing in front of them.

“Again, our apologies, if you would allow us to return…” Celine began.

“So that you might engage in another argument and return here to disturb my peace, Celine Devereaux Buckley?”

“We will not,” Celine promised.

The adjudicator ceased pacing, staring at Celine. “What understanding have you and Marcus Northcott arrived at to ensure this?”

Celine glanced to Marcus, raising an eyebrow. “Well…” she began.

“As I suspected!” the adjudicator hollered. “You have fought for centuries. No more! I shall ensure your fighting ceases for the term of my repose! I will not be disturbed!”

It stalked back and forth in front of them. They awaited its decision. “I have decided,” it stated after a moment. “Celine Devereaux Buckley, I shall return you to your realm. Since Marcus Northcott is the root cause of the issue, he shall remain in Shadow World for the duration of my repose.”

“Now, just a moment…” Marcus objected.

“SILENCE, MARCUS NORTHCOTT!” it bellowed, its eyes returning to a fiery red.

Marcus appeared unimpressed. “I demand to see Bazios.”

“I SAID SILENCE! Bazios cannot and will not help you! He is bound by my decision. Come, Celine Devereaux Buckley. I shall return you to the material realm.”

Marcus grimaced. “Well, it appears you have won again, dear Celine. For now.”

“Enjoy your stay, Marcus,” Celine replied. “I know I shall.” She stepped away, then turned back. “Oh, there is one more thing. You have something that belongs to me. I want it back.”

“Oh?” Marcus questioned, playing coy.

“My soul shard. I want it.”

“No. I believe I’ll hang on to it. A reminder of you during my stay in Shadow World.”

“I…” Celine began.

“Come, Celine Devereaux Buckley!” the adjudicator shouted at her.

“This isn’t finished,” Celine warned, before stalking away after the adjudicator.

It opened a portal in front of Celine. “Step through the portal. Goodbye, Celine Devereaux Buckley,” the adjudicator concluded.

“Goodbye,” Celine said. “And thank you.”

Celine stepped through the portal, leaving behind Shadow World with Marcus Northcott in it. She stepped into the sky above the clouds in her world. She plummeted toward the earth, landing on her feet in a crouched position with a loud clap.

“Celine!” Gray shouted, racing toward her.

“Gray!” she answered, standing.

He wrapped her in his arms, kissing the top of her head. “Thank God you’re all right.”

“I’m fine, Gray,” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Alexander and Celeste joined them. Celine reached out to grab both of their hands. “What happened?” Celeste asked. She glanced around. “Where is Marcus?”

“Gone,” Celine answered. “For the moment, anyway.”

“What happened? Where did you go?” Alexander asked.

“I’m not sure,” Celine replied. “We ended up in Shadow World. How, I still don’t understand.”

“Shadow World?” Celeste questioned.

“Yes,” Celine responded. “Our adjudicator was there. It was not pleased that we were disturbing its peace. In the end, it chose to keep Marcus there until it finished its repose. It returned me to earth and insisted Marcus stay.”

“I can’t imagine how that went over,” Alexander answered.

“Not well, the adjudicator didn’t give him much choice. Even Marcus wouldn’t dare flout an adjudicator. Still, we must prepare. When he returns, I’m sure he’ll want to pick up where we left off.”

“I agree, but I’d like a moment to enjoy having you back,” Gray answered, squeezing her in his arms again.

Celine returned his embrace. “And I owe you a hug as well,” Celine said, stepping away from Gray and pulling Celeste into an embrace.

“I am so pleased you are free, sister. I apologize for my part in this.”

“You had no part in this, Celeste. You had no choice due to your condition.”

“What part?” Gray asked.

“Nothing, it’s over,” Celine answered.

“No,” Celeste argued. “I was the one who lured her to the cell. When Marcus returned, he used my condition against me. I had no choice. If I wanted to survive, I had to do his bidding.”

Gray shook his head at her. “Stop, stop this. Celeste is no more responsible than I am. She had no choice. And it’s over now. Thanks to all of you.” Celine glanced among all of them. She reached out to embrace Alexander, thanking him for his help as well. “Now, I really need to find Damien. He deserves a hug, too.”

“He was exceptionally brave,” Alexander admitted.

“Yes, I agree,” Gray added. “He went through hell, but he was determined to keep the communication lines open with you.”

“He deserves a nice long rest,” Celine replied. “Maybe some ice cream.”

“Well, let’s get back to the house and get him that ice cream,” Gray answered, wrapping his arm around Celine’s shoulders.

Celine grasped his hand as they set off down the path toward Alexander’s home. They reached the edge of the woods, stepping under the canopy of white pines. Ahead, Celine spotted something laying on the ground. Within a moment, they were close enough to recognize Michael’s and Damien’s limp forms.

“Damien?!” Celine shouted, racing toward him. Both he and Michael laid face down on the ground. Celine rolled him over. “Damien?!” she cried again, shaking him.

Gray, Alexander and Celeste joined her. They rolled Michael over. “DAMIEN!” Celine shouted, feeling for his pulse.

“Is he breathing?” Gray asked.

“He has a pulse, he’s breathing. Why won’t he wake up?” Celine questioned, tears streaming down her face.

“Michael is the same. Perhaps the shock wave? We weren’t affected, it knocked us down, but there were no other effects,” Celeste answered.

“I’m not sure. We need to get them home, let Millie check them.”

“Yes,” Gray agreed. He lifted Damien.

“Careful,” Celine warned. “Careful, in case he’s hurt.”

“I’ve got Michael,” Alexander replied, lifting Michael.

They hurried back to Alexander’s home. Bursting through the door, Celine raced to the sitting room. “Millie!” she shouted. “Come quickly, it’s Michael and Damien. Something is wrong with them.”

Gray and Alexander carried them

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