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discussion about other spots to check. They appeared ready to depart. Celine held her breath. So far, no damage had been done. She could explain away their appearance here with a bit of work. It wouldn’t be easy, but she could do it.

Then Gray stopped, turning around in the room. He spoke directly to Celine. Celine’s heart dropped. He revealed that he realized she could hear him and referenced contacting Damien. Celine closed her eyes as Gray finished his speech. There would be no explaining this. None.

She glanced to Marcus, noting the perplexed expression on his face. It was fleeting. Marcus’ intelligence quickly pieced the puzzle together. Bewilderment turned to realization. He set his jaw; a gesture Celine recognized well. She prepared for the oncoming hurricane.

He turned to her, his posture stiff, his face set. He opened the cell door, joining Celine and Damien inside. Celine backed up a step, shoving Damien behind her. “You have betrayed me, Celine.”

Celine did not speak. “I…” she began after a moment.

“YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME!” he bellowed at her.

“You left me little choice!” she shouted back.

Marcus lunged toward her, seizing hold of her roughly. “Don’t touch her!” Damien hollered, pushing between them. Marcus growled, knocking Damien aside. He flew against the side wall like a rag doll, smacking into it and sliding to the floor.

“Damien!” Celine cried. She dived toward him, but Marcus pulled her back.

“No, Celine,” Marcus argued. “We have much to discuss. But first, we must find a new venue for our discourse, as this one has been compromised.”

“Wait! What about Damien?” Celine sobbed.

“Oh, do not worry, my dear, Damien will come with us. We wouldn’t want your special contact to inform your former family of what happened here.”

Marcus dragged her across the room toward Damien. He heaved Damien to standing, wrapping his arm around his limp body. Pulling Celine close to him, he uttered a few Latin words under his breath. The world around them faded to black.

They reappeared in a cave. “Welcome to your new home, Celine,” Marcus snarked. “You will stay here indefinitely.”

He released Damien, who collapsed to the ground, still unconscious. Celine knelt next to him, checking his pulse. It was weak, but there. “Damien,” she whimpered. “Wake up, please.” The injury he sustained could have killed him. Celine was thankful he was alive. She’d be more thankful when he awoke. She sniffled.

“Stop your sniveling, Celine,” Marcus barked, pulling her away from Damien.

“He needs help,” Celine pleaded.

“Later, perhaps. We have things to discuss,” Marcus dodged. “Such as your betrayal.”

“Marcus, please! He’s only human. He needs medical attention.”

“You lost your privilege to request anything of me when you betrayed me.”

Tears spilled onto Celine’s cheeks. “What would you have me do? I love my family. I love my husband. I refuse to betray him. I will never marry you! I have told you time and again! You refuse to listen.”

Marcus dropped her; she landed next to Damien. “We’ll see about that, Celine.” He strode to the mouth of the cave.

“Where are you going?”

“To do what I should have done centuries ago. To destroy your family!”

Celine’s eyes grew wide. “Marcus! Wait!”

“No, Celine, this time I will not wait! You have betrayed me for the last time. I have given you more than enough chances. This time you shall be forced to face the consequences. The distraction of Grayson Buckley shall be removed. Then, with nothing to divert your attention, you shall be more easily coerced into submission.”

Celine rose, rushing toward him. “Marcus, please.” She grabbed his arm, pleading with him. He slipped loose from her grasp, shaking her off like a bug.

“Do not deign to beg me for any favors, Celine. I have none left to give.” He stalked from the cave. Celine ran after him. She smacked into a force field at the mouth of the cave. She reached out, putting her hand toward the opening. An electric shock passed through her hand as she hit the invisible wall.

The enchantment that held her in her cell at the old mill surrounded her in this location, too. She was trapped, again. She turned back to the cave’s interior. She hurried toward Damien’s side. Still unconscious, she pulled him onto her lap, holding him in her arms. She willed him to awaken. He was all she would have left.

Marcus stormed toward the VanWoodsens’ home. Anger seethed through him. However, he was shrewd enough to recognize the value in not reacting from pure anger. It was sloppy and left room for errors. He contemplated his plan. Celine would regret her betrayal. Once he left her with nothing, she would realize she had no alternate choices. She would have no reason to continue her irresponsible behavior.

He strode up the steps, thundering through the front door. Marcus found Celeste and Teddy in the sitting room. “Marcus,” Teddy greeted him. “Is everything all right?”

Marcus stepped to the drink cart, pouring himself a brandy before speaking. He drank it, then hurled the glass across the room. It shattered into pieces against the wall.

“Marcus?” Celeste inquired. “Whatever is the matter?”

“Your sister has once again betrayed me, Celeste.”

Celeste glanced at Teddy, unsure of her answer. “Perhaps…” she began.

“No!” Marcus interrupted her, raising his voice. He tempered it before continuing. “No, no. I will entertain no excuses for Celine’s behavior.”

“Forgive me, Marcus,” Teddy interjected. “But I assume Celeste hoped to discover the source of this betrayal. The girl has no contact with anyone. How has she betrayed you?”

“Hasn’t she?” Marcus asked. “Think again, Theodore.”

“I don’t understand,” Celeste responded.

“Somehow the very clever Celine has managed to contact her precious Damien even while in her enchanted cell.”

“How is that possible?” Teddy asked.

“I do not know. I did not care to find out at the moment. But she has achieved it. She has been working against me even while she promised herself to me.”

“How did you come to this knowledge?” Celeste asked.

“Does it matter?” Marcus retorted.

“Yes. Perhaps there is some misunderstanding that I may clear up on my sister’s behalf.”

“There is

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