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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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hard to miss with an impressive stature, for the usually diminutive Veilitians. Easily matching Mick’s six-foot, with a lean corded body and broad shoulders. He had long, black-to-blue hair, and his skin was more grey than the purple of the others. All in all, he looked like a mean motherfucker, moving with a lithe grace that reminded me of the Parde. I was in awe.

I felt proud of Mick for reaching the finals and did my best not to think him beat before he was. I watched with anticipation as Harlek moved forward confidently, arms in an unusual style.

Mick fought in a classical boxer stance, bouncing lightly on his toes, guard up covering his face. He snapped out a left hand as Harlek came within range.

Harlek swayed, moving to Mick's side to deliver a sharp punch to Mick's ribs. Except Mick was no longer there. Harlek must have been as surprised as the rest of us, when Mick, having followed through on his original punch, had dropped seamlessly into a forward roll.

When he came to his feet, I could tell Mick was trying to keep the grin from his face at the move he just pulled.

Harlek nodded respectfully at him. They began again, Mick loosened up from his original stance, focusing more on movement and evasion. It was painfully obvious that he was on borrowed time as Harlek herded him around the ring.

After a brief flurry of punches and kicks, Harlek finally managed to slip past Mick's defense, snaking around to his back to take him in a chokehold. I cringed a little, as it was an almost identical move to the one I killed Rufus with. Yeah, it was necessary, but the scene still plagued my dreams.

Fortunately, Harlek didn’t snap Mick’s neck. He released him as soon as Mick tapped his arm. To everyone’s surprise, Mick began cheering like he’d won. Harlek stood back coolly, clapping and smiling at Mick’s performance as he shouted to the crowd, “I told myself, if I lasted more than a minute against Harlek, I’d count it as a win!” He laughed, and the audience cheered him. Harlek waited a few seconds, before finally raising his own arm in victory, causing the cheering to intensify.

Next up was the heavyweight final. This was going to be fun. I liked William, but I reckoned Calparr would kick his ass.

“Ye owe me a victory after tha’ race, ye big bastard,” William shouted for all to hear.

“Not today, wee man,” Calparr said with a wide grin, which brought a roar of laughter from the crowd at the huge Torax’s perfect reply. To his credit, even William smiled. Then the battle began in earnest. It started tentatively again, but both these guys were huge and immensely powerful. William must have only been a shade over six-foot, but he was built like a bull, and Calparr was close to Ogun’s height with a warrior’s physique. One blow from either could end it quickly.

My theory on why they were so cagey soon disappeared as it quickly became slug fest. Skill seemed to be abandoned in place of dealing as much damage as possible; kicks and punches flew, not just with power, but with surprising speed and agility from both men.

William’s face was opening up badly, blood flowing freely from multiple cuts. While Calparr’s skin didn’t seem to split quite so easily, his face was becoming very swollen. His left eye looked to have closed up entirely, but that didn’t stop him pulling out an amazing roundhouse kick to William’s head that knocked the big human to the floor. But without missing a beat, William kicked out as he fell to buckle Calparr’s knee, sending him partially to the floor. Calparr lunged forward as he fell to pin William, who was too quick, wriggling away and getting quickly back to his feet.

A second later they faced each other once more, panting heavily, but still game. The barrage started again, though they were both visibly tiring, and they brought their previously abandoned skills back into this epic brawl. Only the result was much the same. As far as I could see, this was a stalemate. I already had a high opinion of Calparr, who was skilled and brave. But I had to alter my opinion of William. He was currently laughing and beckoning the towering Calparr on, before moving in for another attack. He took two solid blows, but scored two of his own before the distance opened up once more. The bloke had the heart of a fucking lion, as did Calparr, and if someone didn’t stop this, we were going to have two heavily brain-damaged crewmates on our hands. Ogun was refereeing and had so far been taking a very relaxed approach, but I could see he was growing concerned too.

I spoke into his mind. “I think we need to stop this. They’re gonna beat each other into comas at this rate.”

“Yes, I agree. I didn’t want to stop it too early and cause upset, but I think the time has come to call a draw,” he replied, as he moved to the centre of the ring, separating the two men. “That is enough, gentlemen. I think we have our winners today.” The two opponents allowed Ogun to cease the fight without complaint. Clapping echoed around the hall, as clearly everyone had appreciated the action. These two warriors could not be separated, and they didn’t need to suffer anymore. Ogun raised both of their arms in victory.

I shook my head at the pair of them. They were a right mess and I wondered what Shaun would have done about their fight. I hoped he’d do the same, though I know if he was fighting, he would have stood and slugged it out like these two had. My thoughts of Shaun hit me like a sucker punch, knowing he would have loved all of this. He’d have been right in the thick of it. I desperately hoped the big daft bastard was alright.

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