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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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Then he spoke to me.


I thought it was in my head at first, but then I noticed the rest of the crew had fallen silent. Was that fucking real? What the fuck! We all listened carefully into the absolute silence.

The voice came again through the station speakers. “What do you mean they can hear me? I thought I was gonna get to speak to them.” Shaun’s voice without a doubt. It was followed by another voice.

“I’m afraid the station's systems are on full lockdown, so it is only possible for you to speak to them. Be mindful that the announcement is ship-wide, not just to Ember.”

“Oh fuck, right. Nothing too lovey-dovey then. That’d be embarrassing, right?” Shaun’s voice said, and I couldn’t help but laugh as tears spilled down my cheeks. “Okay then, everyone. My beautiful peeps of Uprising. These dodgy Apochros bastards wiped all my damn memories, so I didn’t even know I'd lost you all. They had me training all day, every day, like a machine. But I managed to break free. I did accidentally kill some of their council members as well, which I have to quickly sort out. But there is some good news; we do still have some allies among the Apochros, and they’re helping me out. So as soon as I’ve sorted some shit out, I’m coming to get you all, I guarantee it!”

The entire hall erupted into cheers, but everyone had the sense to stop dead when Shaun spoke again. “Things should start looking up from here, I promise. Although these fuckers will have to give us some more ships, they torched them all except the Uprising. I’ve found Havok too! So, uh, yeah, should be good. See you all soon, and eh... fuck it! Love you, Ember, and can’t wait until I’m with you, can’t wait to see you again… and everyone else of course. Hang tight, the sooner I go, the sooner I can come for you all, and it's a bit weird just talking to no one.” And just like that, the communication ended.

“I love you too, Shaun,” I muttered to myself. Then spent some time trying to compose myself with deep breaths before I could join the conversation with the others.

Calegg had a huge grin on his face and loomed in front of me. “It looks like Shaun is going to come through for us again!” Then, the big uncomfortable bastard hugged me. I hugged back, but it was mainly to hide the tears that had again started to flow. Stupid fucking eyes, doing their own thing. When we finally broke the hug, I smiled blearily. Luckily everyone was too busy to notice me; all cheering, hugging, and crying tears of their own in some cases.

I was soon swamped by those closest to me, all giving hugs and chatting excitedly.

“Remind me why we didn't do this a week ago if this is the tournament prize,” I said.

“I certainly think if we can, we should continue the tradition, even just in honor of this moment,” Acclo said. “If Shaun agrees, of course.”

“Shaun hasn’t got any choice, we’re doing it.” I looked down at William and Calparr. “Without a repeat of that, though,” I added, pointing to them.

We all moved into the canteen after that with a party atmosphere in full flow. Mick sat down by my side, looking bruised, beaten and extremely happy. “Hey Em, sorry to spoil the party mood, but we haven’t seen Astrid. Would you want me to go talk with her?”

“Thanks, Mick, way to spoil my mood.” I smiled to let him know it was in jest. “And nah, it’s my responsibility. I wonder what the hell Shaun’s gonna say when he finds out I killed Rufus and lost Astrid’s little gang.”

“Not a lot, I’d imagine. His loyalty is to you above all else. Everyone can see that.”

“I hope so, it’s kind of a big deal.”

He shrugged, unconcerned. “So what are you planning to say to her?”

“Dunno, but she’s not getting back in the Uprising. Not after this. I suppose just keep an eye on them till we can send them packing.”

“Fair. Well, when you go, I’ll come along with you. You shouldn’t go alone.”

“Why? You worried I might kill her?” I said seriously.

“Nah, more worried they’ll all try to kill you.”

“With Shaun coming? Are you serious, that’s the worst kind of suicide.”

“She seems to have lost the plot, Em. She probably thinks she could talk him around even as he splits her in half.”

“Maybe, come on then, you’ve already fucked my good mood up. Best get this out the way.”

Rallying a few people together, Calegg, Wulek, Ogun, me and Mick entered the area claimed by Astrid’s group. The other side of the door was barricaded, but it was easy enough to clear with a telekinetic blast.

There she was, sitting meditating with the others in the center of the canteen. At least they were until I’d blasted their barricade all over the place. Clearly training was high on the group’s agenda. I shouted over the room, “What are your plans if we’re to be rescued?”

She looked over at me, like you would a pile of shit you had just stood in. “Just leave a reasonable ship for us, and we can go our separate ways.”

“I don’t know what ships will be transporting us, Astrid. You can't seriously think I can just offer you a ship.”

Astrid looked outraged. “It’s the least you can do after you outcast us!”

Mick was about to reply, but I stopped him. “Don’t bother, Mick. You were right; she’s lost her fucking mind.”

I looked back to Astrid and continued, “We came here with peaceful intentions. You ask for a ship, but I don’t have any ships to give. It’s a ridiculous thing to ask.”

“I have said my piece. If you intend to leave us here to die, then so be it. That will be on your conscience,” she said, pointing at me.

“It really won't be, like at all. I can't even believe I

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